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Pilot Officer

You are a Pilot Officer. This means that your job is to fly a crew of Marines and Salvagers and whatever else the XO wants deployed into and out of combat zones, both in space and on the planet. Your domain is the Shuttles in the Shuttle Bay, and while piloting, you're in charge regardless of rank – just don't sass your Command Officers too much.

Bare minimum requirements: Fly the shuttle to do Marine, Salvage, and any other operations requested. Make sure the shuttle can fly back again. Try not to leave anyone behind.

Come Fly Away With Me

You're responsible for:

Your Chain of Command

As a Pilot Officer, your immediate superior is the Executive Officer; when he orders Marines into the field, you're the ones to get them there. You're also tasked with getting people to and from salvage sites, planetary excavations, and other odd places, as long as the XO signs off on it. Try not to just wander off into space at random as your shuttle is not meant for major interplanetary expeditions and its FTL tether system can take a long time to charge up.


Fly the Unfriendly Skies

“The name's McCleary. I've done three hundred and forty seven orbital drops. And whoever pays me the most determines what I bring back.”

You have the unfortunate task of working around a very obvious role, so ditch the pilot jacket and get into something more comfortable if you want to take care of your objectives. Or don't; some of the best traitor rounds are those where the traitors make their own fun. You'll only be needed when the crew needs a pilot for boarding, which can be frequently or infrequently depending on the ship's goals.