Table of Contents

Resource Manager

You are a Resource Manager. In a practical sense, your job is to make a department head's job easier by handling boring bureaucratic minutia, placing orders for necessary supplies using the department budget, handling quota requests from Internal Affairs, and generally acting as the middle manager for the department. You are technically above the workers of the department but are not required to understand how they work, just as in real life.

Bare minimum requirements: Don't micromanage the workers too much, do support the department head and act as a go-between so that said head can focus on actual work.

Middle Management

You're responsible for:

Specific quotas or overall goals are documented in the department's Standard Operating Procedures, but don't be afraid of setting your own standards, within reason, and don't be afraid to motivate your staff with nonmonetary rewards like pizza delivery for good work performed.

Your Chain of Command

As a Resource Manager, your immediate superior is the Head of Staff for the department you are working for, with the Corporate Representative and the Head of Personnel as additional members in the chain of command. In particular, the Head of Personnel will assign you to a department unless all departments are filled, in which case they may choose to reassign you or put you in Internal Affairs.


Pointy-Haired Boss

“What if we used bluespace shifts to stir our coffee? Scientists, get to work!”

So you've rolled Resource Manager and antagonist. Hopefully you enjoy playing the pointy-haired boss role, because that is often the best way to succeed. Need an objective item? Demand that your employees get it for you! Need someone neutralized? Declare them a redundant asset, make up some charges, and dismiss him while calling Security. Need someone not in your department killed? Make up a reason for your departments to work together, then arrange a little accident once you've gotten access to the department of the target. Need to target someone on the Bridge? Ask them to come down for a review. Be creative, cunning, and just a bit obstructionist, and live out your inner middle management fantasies. Just be careful not to break the law or Security will be all over you… if anyone lives to report it.