Table of Contents


Identifiable by their briefcase and ominous clipboard, the Inspector is a late-join gimmick role with far too much access. Their job is to watch, listen, and ask probing questions such as “Is this much blood normal?”, “What the hell is that?”, and “Are we about to die?”. Inspectors get a command headset with access to only general and command channels, so feel free to report all issues found while inspecting direct to heads of staff. They will completely ignore you, but you do then get to say “I told you so” later on.

The Report

The Inspector starts with a special fancy NovusCorp clipboard. Anything written on said clipboard will be displayed as a formatted report at the end of the round. Each sheet of paper makes a section, with the title of the paper at the top.

Note that anyone can write on this clipboard, and it will transmit its results regardless of where it is. So although the Inspector is armed with a single Flash and the almighty TicketWriter 2000, it is very possible for the clipboard to end up in the wrong hands and have anything written on it by the end of the shift.

Corporate Bloodsucker: Antagonist Inspector

As a late join only role, antag Inspectors are rare, but having access to both command and research, and a license to be pretty much anywhere without question can make for some easy theft or sabotage. Most crewmembers and importantly AIs won't bat an eyelid at you asking to be let into the few areas you don't already have access to. If you want to be really mean, go around ticketing people for the things you broke, all the while tutting at their incompetence and scribbling pro-Syndicate propaganda in your report.