Table of Contents


Do you hate Christmas? Do you enjoy dying within five minutes of becoming antagonist? Then this is the job for you!

The Basics

The Grinch is a special kind of gremlin. You spawn with a bag of holding; and your aim is to fill it with as much crap as possible in order to ruin Christmas. Like other gremlins, you can fiddle with electronics such as doors; and this can be used to enter areas. You are also immune to electric shocks, so don't worry about killing yourself as you try and escape maintenance. You also have the ability to ventcrawl, so use that to your advantage.

Ruining Christmas Cheer

Your primary objective will most likely be to keep Christmas cheer below a certain threshold, usually 20%. Most of your powers below lower cheer directly or indirectly, and there are other factors that can impact cheer negatively. See Holiday Spirit specifically for more ways on bringing Cheer down.

None of these abilities can be used while stunned or unconscious.

Name Cooldown (default) While stunned? Description Activate cloak 6 min Yes Grants the chameleon cloak mutation for the next 2 min. Stand still to become invisible.

Vandalize 3 min No Reduces Spacemas/Christmas Cheer in some way. What this ability specifically does depends on what you use it on. Garland: Destroys it, slightly reducing Cheer by -1. Wall: Makes rude graffiti, slightly reducing Cheer by -1. Spacemas tree: Burns it down, resulting in a hefty -33 hit to Cheer. Stocking: Booby traps it with a “snake” (you can't remove it from the stocking or kill it or anything), poisoning anyone who tries to take a gift out of it with a few units of venom. Each use the stocking now directly lowers Christmas Cheer by -4.

Poison food 3 min No Spike foods or drinks with a deadly cocktail of coniine, cyanide and curare. Foods that have been poisoned with this ability now reduce Cheer rather than raising it (cookies, candy canes, etc.) or having no effect (burgers, hotdogs, etc.).

Murder 8 min No Induces cardiac arrest instantly, killing the victim in short order.



All of this sound a little lackluster and underwhelming to you? Indeed, the abilities pale in comparison to pretty much every other enemy of the station. Think of the grinch as a gimmicky troublemaker rather than a fully-fledged and -developed role. There's enough potential to inflict a considerable amount of damage and grief, sure, but grinches will typical find themselves having to rely on other antagonists to create the chaos they thrive on, much like wraiths.