Table of Contents

Government Representative

You are a Government Representative of some sort. This means that you wield great political power depending on your title, and are important enough to demand and expect respect. Your job is to inspect the ship/station for egregious violations of SolGov law, or perhaps Health and Safety, and either report them or arbitrate alternative settlement methods (either fixing the problem or paying you generously enough to forget the problem, depending on your style.)

Bare minimum requirements: Make sure the ship is obeying SolGov laws, report to your superiors, order your inferiors around, wonder why you're still using fax machines to file reports.


Technically, whatever your title, you're usually here to inspect the ship/station and make sure everything's going smoothly. However, if you happened to luck into a high-ranking title, you might just use your visit to bask in the adulation of your lessers. Either way, all access isn't guaranteed but you should be able to get it just by suggesting you're interested in having a look around. Or you could just hang out at the Showroom and drink the champagne and smoke the cigars with the Command staff. Your call, really.

You're responsible for:

Your Chain of Command

As a Government Representative, your only superior is SolGov, which you can reach via fax machine should it become necessary or should you decide it's time you moved on.
