Table of Contents

Maintenance Drone

IMPORTANT: As a Drone, you are bound to three simple laws. Understand what they mean and obey them to the letter.

Drones are non-human, insect-like creatures tasked with maintaining the integrity of NovusCorp space platforms. They are unable to communicate with the crew and in fact have no interest in doing so, preferring instead to repair damage or work on upgrading the ship. Most Maintenance Drones are spawned from the Maintenance Drone Bay, located in the Robotics Department. Maintenance Drones receive firmware updates when RnD research improves, expanding their range of activities. Drones hold no loyalty to anyone but themselves; however their entire purpose is to maintain the integrity of their assigned spaceship. They are given as much attention as a robotic vacuum.

Drones are played by players who are currently ghosted. In order to take control of a Drone, find a empty drone shell (usually these will be in Robotics) and then left click it. See also building a drone.

Drone Laws

What This Means

Laws 1 and 2 prohibit you from interacting with living beings. This includes humans, lizardpeople, silicons, pets, animals, creatures, xenos, and basically anything living. You cannot help them, you cannot hurt them, and you cannot interact with them at all, ever. This does not mean you have to go out of your way to avoid living beings; they simply do not exist to you. Person in crit? Walk on by. Traitor murdering someone in maint? Not your problem. Xeno infestation? Just fix the holes they leave in the station.

Law 3 gives you your mandate: ship upkeep. This is not the same as prevention! Upkeep can include repairing hull breaches, cleaning bloodstains or vandalism, repairing power issues, and generally what a Station Engineer or Janitor should be doing. This is intentionally somewhat broad. For example, setting up the solars is definitely okay. Building a fort in maintenance is probably okay. Dragging around the Root Access Disk like a party train is not okay. And interacting with living beings in the process is never okay. If you see an active bomb, you leave it alone. There is no damage yet after all. Once it goes off, the station is damaged and only then does your third law come into play. Use common sense or get banned.

NovusCorp vessels being what they are, gray areas might sometimes arise, particularly if your laws get somehow corrupted or your firmware updates to the point where you can interact more.


Drones have two hands and can pick up and interact with most objects around the station just like humans. They also have an internal storage chamber that can hold anything they can pick up, such as a toolbox or sheet of metal. Drones also have built-in light sources, as bright as flashlights, for when they are working in dark areas.

Drones can climb through connected vents to quickly move around the station. To do that hold down the Alt key while left-clicking on a vent. Use this to access areas without opening doors and to gather tools or materials for repairs faster than any regular crew member could. Think about cleaning up your mess after a task is complete to minimize your possible interaction with the crew (law 1).

Drones can talk to and understand other drones, and can partially understand human speech like xenomorphs can, but humans will hear their speech only as “Drone (524) chitters.” As a drone you can also understand binary. That means you can listen in on the silicon radio channel. This allows you to find out about hull breaches and other events that might require your attention – provided the silicons are actually making use of their channel. However, you are not able to communicate on this channel yourself barring a firmware update.

Some humans will want to pick you up and wear you as a hat. This is of course of no concern to you.

Drones may obtain additional abilities through firmware upgrades.

Drones and You

Drones are here to repair damage to the spacecraft. They are able to procure these resources on their own and may attempt to take them from your workplace. Most of the time this should not be a problem for you, but if it is, pick up the metal or glass and the drone will leave it (and you) alone.

Remember, drones are very single-minded in their focus on their task and thus are likely to acquire supplies you need for yourself. System updates may give them the ability to comprehend human speech, identity, and orders, but by default, they cannot respond and may consider listening to you saying to go away to be 'interacting' – percussive maintenance may be required to correct the configuration.

Drones have a peculiar behavioral bug in that they are particularly fond of hats, and consider the acquiring of hats to be a form of self-improvement. Some models of drone even have an inbuilt holoprojector for headgear. While this can prove useful if the drone happens to have chosen a helmetcam, it is usually just mildly inconvenient.

The Device Has Been Modified

A very brief list of potential firmware updates:

Intelligence Upgrades

Access Modification

Storage Upgrades

Law Modification