Table of Contents

Diplomatic Advisor

As a Diplomat (regardless of title), your job is to make sure that the crew doesn't start a war with any culture or country. This is harder than it sounds. Unfortunately for you, you don't usually have an office despite your importance to the corporate structure, but the Corporate Enclave's machines are accessible by you to do whatever you need to do.

Bare minimum requirements: Don't start any wars, and don't let the crew start lynching anybody because of their race or species. The Clown is exempted.

Diplomatic Immunity

Diplomacy isn't always respected, but you do have one perk that nobody else does: diplomatic immunity. While you are operating under the banner of NovusCorp, you are exempt from searches, allowed to carry contraband, and have the right to insist on a trial should Security try to hassle you for anything. In practice, they usually won't unless you go axe-crazy, and Diplomats are not on the antagonist list, so you really have no excuse not to behave yourself. Diplomatic immunity is mostly so that potentially hostile nationals don't shoot you, as this is equivalent to an act of war against SolGov and NovusCorp, and can't just imprison you on trumped-up crimes.

Your Chain of Command

The Corporate Representative is your direct superior, and to a lesser extent the Head of Personnel has jurisdiction over your diplomatic meeting arrangements, though in point of fact, he's mostly just the person you ask to arrange meetings between you, the Heads of Staff or Command, and whatever entity of the week wants an audience.
