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The curator, in theory, spends most of their time in the library organizing, cataloguing, and researching the artifacts collected by the Xenoarchaeology team, including writing about discoveries found and what mysteries they might answer. In practice, the curator is more likely to actively want to chase down said artifacts, which often results in problems with the Xenoarchaeology team. Still, NovusCorp enjoys scientific curiosity, so they have yet to remove this role.

Day in The Life of The Curator

While the Librarian manages the collection of books in the library, your interest is in the physical artifacts discovered on foreign worlds. You are the keeper of the ship's museum, and want nothing more than to fill it with its discoveries. This often means that you're going to be running off and leaving your office empty because goodness knows nobody's going to find anything interesting without you being there.


You have a little study with a bookshelf waiting to be filled with your various works and discoveries, as well as a few private displays for things you are working on. There is also a computer terminal for writing said works and discoveries down on, and a newscaster for telling the rest of the crew about your fantastic findings. A camera and recorder in here allow you to gather information in the field, if you remember to bring them.

The Soapstone

You can use the soapstone that you start with in order to leave messages for others to read later. Your soapstone starts out with 3 charges that can be used to write on a floor or wall on the station. The messages will be saved and appear in future rounds until removed by a soapstone. No charges are required to erase messages, and erasing your own message will grant you an additional charge. The janitor starts out with an empty soapstone to erase your useful tips, if they're inclined.


As an academic, you studied even the most obscure languages known in the universe. You can innately understand secret cultspeak, robotic beeping, drone chatter, and can even interpret xenomorph hissing. What is seriously puzzling is that you can also speak those languages, which supports the theory that Curators are just failed wizards.



The Traitor Curator has some distinct advantages over his librarian counterpart, as he starts with robust armor and a unique weapon: THE WHIP. Security trying to taze you? Whip the gun out of their hands! Target is too loud? Whip them! You're too slow? Whip yourself! It's amazing.

However, don't downplay your weaknesses. You still have terrible access, and don't forget, you're about as suspicious as an assistant. make sure to get your stealing (or killing) done, then hole up in your private study until the heat dies down. However, unlike assistants, your outfit is quite special, so people will easily recognize you everywhere unless you ditch it. Going on field work with the archaeologists can be a useful way to get out of the ship and escape detection if the heat is getting too high, or it may leave you trapped on a hostile planet with your enemies able to blast you from orbit.

Although you can speak the languages of cults, you still need to be a cultist to read an arcane tome, for now.