Table of Contents


You start in Medbay. You mess with all sorts of chemicals. That's it. Some of the time you can do what ever you feel like for most of the round or make stuff to deal with the security officers or syndicate fucking with shit in your lab. Be sure to keep the scientists stocked with acid, and keep your nose out of those space drugs!

Bare minimum requirements: Stock the dispenser up with some beneficial medicine before you go off on your own chemical adventures. Give Science sulphuric acid and botanists unstable mutagen when they ask for it

The chemical research lab is located in Medbay. It provides enough work space for two people.

Getting Things Done

Chemists are naturally suspicious individuals. They've got all the tools in the world to break in wherever they desire and/or kill people in all sorts of horrifying and inhumane ways. An easy way to allay this suspicion - whether you plan on doing something suspicious or not - is to make yourself useful to the station at the game's beginning. Any accidents are likely to be blamed on your coworker, then, if you have one.

Tools of the trade

Being helpful


If someone comes and requests something from you, make sure you fulfill them first. No one likes a chemist doing his own thing as they have to stand there waiting. If you are in the middle of something, inform them that you will be right with them.

If You Want to be Especially Awesome

The Botanists will benefit from unstable mutagen to mutate plants. They can also use diethylamine as a fertilizer, fluorosulfuric acid to efficiently kill plants, a dropper for precise mutations and space cleaner to clean up dissolved plant goo.

The Virologist will want unstable mutagen and synaptizine to make new and exciting diseases.

Geneticists can benefit from a supply of potassium iodide or charcoal pills to treat high radiation levels in themselves and their subjects, plus extra anti-toxin to heal radiation damage.

The Janitor might want you to refill his space cleaner bottle, especially if the virologist has infected the entire station and there's vomit everywhere.

You can help the Chef as well: sulfuric acid is used to make soy sauce.

The Bartender might request various chemicals to make cocktails with, though bear in mind that a bartender who wants anything particularly toxic is probably up to no good.

The Warden might request various chemicals to use in implants for prisoners, to ensure they don't re-offend.

Grind up snacks to make nutriment pills and taunt the Chef about his inefficient creations.

In the event of a rogue Hulk from genetics rampaging about, a syringe gun loaded with a syringe containing 1 unit mutadone and 14 units chloral hydrate will make them very sad.

In the case of a rogue AI or an alien hive, various people will want thermite in order to break through reinforced or resin walls.

Enable the reagent scanner on your PDA and test the food and drinks at the bar and kitchen for tampering. This can also be used on people to find out what they've been poisoned with.

You aren't far from either the waiting room or the sleepers and cryogenics, so if there are no Medical Doctors around, feel free to grab a health analyzer and start treating patients.

If you have nothing else to do, whip up various medical pills and patches and leave them on the Medbay counter.

The Clown will often request space lube. Be helpful by laughing in his face. Itching powder can also be used as a prankworthy substitute without making a lynch mob savagely beat and space you.

Arming thyself

Grab the syringe gun on the table west of the Medbay doors before the Medical Doctors get it. They really can't do jack with it, while it's a valuable weapon in your hands when filled with chloral hydrate or worse. If you fail, you can try and hang out by Medical Storage to slip in and grab the second one.

Later in the round, if you've been nice to R&D, and R&D are competent, they might give you a rapid syringe gun which can hold six syringes if you ask them for it.

A space cleaner spray bottle can be used as a ghetto flamethrower with chlorine trifluoride. You have all the tools you need to make grenades. See below.

CHEM 101

See the Guide to chemistry for a list of some of the possible mixtures.


As a chemist, you are pretty much the only person with access to grenade materials. You can fit two beakers worth of ANY COMBINATION of lab-juice you have created, a staggering 100 units, into any one grenade assembly. You can take out the containers by clicking on the grenade in your hand, but the containers are expended (obviously) when the grenade is used. It is possible to use medicine, water, or more devious items into a grenade. The mix and matching of different chemical formulas may not always go as planned, but what's science without experimentation?

Keep in mind, making grenades that harm others will get you robusted in the least, and possibly jobbanned if you are not an antagonist.

Building Grenades 101

Grab a cable coil from the desk, or make an assembly from stock parts.

Wire the grenade casing by hitting it with the triggering mechanism

Stuff the unsecured grenade full of chemistry containers (bottles/beakers). It holds up to two of them.

Screwdriver shut, you can also use the screwdriver to tweak the timer.

Activate the grenade in your hand to prime it if wired, or use the other method.

For reactions that go off when mixed, you want them separated into two bottles. For more on chemical reactions, see the Guide to chemistry. See also grenades.

Pills and Patches

Pills are a great way to give large amount of medicine at once, if you are going to make medicine that will be single serve, make it pill form. Each pill can hold 50 units of material at one time, and up to seven can be stored in a pill bottle! They are even small enough to store in your pockets. Patches are similar to pills, but work in a touch-based way rather than ingestion. Things like synthflesh and styptic powder only work in patches and will only damage the user if put into pills.

Chemicals to put into pills

Don't only make synthflesh, or people will hate you. While it heals all damage types, itisn't very useful on its own. It can be helpful when mixed with other drugs, however.

1 unit pills of mutadone remove all genetic defects and superpowers like a clean SE injector, useful for the recently cloned, or if high levels of radiation occur near the station.

If the cure for a disease spreading around the station is something you can produce, then make pills of it! If the virologist comes through with vaccine, 0.4u pills of it are enough to cure and immunize people.


Bottles should contain material that is not medicine, such as acids, or medicines that should not be used all at once, like cryoxadone. Each bottle can hold only 30 units, and can be splashed onto things. They can be produced infinitely from your ChemMaster, so feel free to go nuts.


Tips for Antagonizing


Chemistry is one of the most dangerous jobs on the med-sci staff, and it's easy to be a good Traitor as such. A LOT of the chemicals you have access to will kill when injected. Access to grenades is a plus. If you can find a room with a light switch, you can inject the light bulbs with liquid plasma while they're off, then enjoy the show as someone flips the lights on.

If you're the paranoid type you could potentially acid your own face to screw up your identity, which now lists you as Unknown. The only problems are that Unknowns are naturally suspicious types and people are often quite suspicious of the chemist running around anywhere other than the chemlab. It will probably end up in an interrogation.