Table of Contents


You are the Captain, the top of the Chain of Command. It is your duty to ensure the stability and productivity of the ship, as well as carrying out directives from CorpComm. The Captain has usually spent some time as a Commander, and should have a good understanding of the various jobs on the ship. You are responsible for the Root Access Disk, which arms the self-destruct device, and have the greatest access of any crewmember. You are responsible for keeping the Heads of Staff on task and ensuring they handle problems properly, as well as directing the course of the ship.

Your Personal Quarters

The Captain has spacious quarters, complete with a personal arcade machine, a well-kept bonsai tree, an ID computer, Communications Console, a Jetpack, a hand teleporter, the Root Access Disk in a secured briefcase, an SSU with a spaceworthy suit of armor and helmet, an energy gun, and a pressurized and humidity controlled display case with your pride and joy, an antique laser gun.

It's probably best to leave the laser in its case, as the case has been outfitted with a handy anti-theft system. You'll probably also be mocked if you carry it around with you.

There is also a locked wooden box in your office filled with medals. These can be awarded to your crew to commend them for exemplary service.

At the start of the shift, take the Root Access Disk with you - you will need it to activate the self-destruct system in emergencies, and you don't want anyone else to pick it up. Once you've done that, get out there and command your crew.

Head of Heads

You are the Judge, the final word, the Big Guy. You have the ultimate veto power over all matters and you are the only person who can authorize an execution without a trial. Anyone who questions your authority can technically be tried for mutiny. There really is no way to tell you exactly how to run things as many people have different leadership styles. However, as Captain, here are some guidelines you should keep in mind:

Refitting the DOORKNOB – Uploading Laws Made Easy

Uploading Laws to the AI isn’t something you should be doing lightly. Do not get angry with the AI if it does not want you uploading a new law, as NovusCorp has made certain that they are sensitive to law changes. Besides, CorpComm hates when one of their spacecraft goes rogue.

AIs are programmed to recognize laws in hierarchical order. That is, in the event of a conflict, Law 1 is considered higher priority than Laws 2, 3, 4, etc. Adding a Law 4 telling the AI to kill all Revolutionaries isn’t going to work. A Law 4 classifying Revolutionaries as Nonhuman and that they must be eliminated works much better, as would a Law 4 classifying Revolutionaries as inherently harmful. Law priority is enforced by the order they are listed. A law is invalid if it disagrees with previous laws in the form of conflicting orders, or challenges the procession of law priority.

Keep in mind that if the AI announces you are in their upload, changing laws without a good reason, people will likely form a lynch mob.

Those Assholes From Home Office

With your fancy title, medals, and luxurious excesses it's easy to forget that there is an outside, higher power scrutinizing your every move.

Direct contact with Corporate Command may be few and far between, but you're expected to follow any directives issued by them. CorpComm will usually issue directives and updates on activities in your sector through the Communications Console located on the Bridge and your office.

If you're unlucky, you might have to deal with a visit from an Official or Inspector, whether corporate or government. These visits vary from standard performance reviews, internal investigations, inspections, preparation for an act of war, or some other kind of meddling. Whatever the case may be, it is important that you try and keep the Official happy throughout their visit. If all else fails, just make sure you can't be blamed for anything that goes wrong.

However, keep in mind that you still hold authority over any Officials on your station. That is, as long as you're still the legitimate Captain. If you piss off the wrong guy you might find yourself relieved of command. If the Official is causing trouble, though, you are well within your right to have them arrested, and then contact THEIR superior with a complaint.

Contacting CorpComm on your own is possible through the use of Communications Consoles, but unless the transmission is urgent it will likely get caught up in CorpComm's notorious bureaucracy and may not receive an immediate reply. Fortunately, their response to emergency requests is faster, at least.

Contacting SolGov is even more of a crapshoot, as the people most likely to answer your communications are the least likely to actually be able to do anything helpful for you; furthermore, requests for assistance are unlikely to be answered unless a patrol ship is in the area.

Abandoning Ship

You are ultimately responsible for the ship you operate. It is not uncommon for Captains to be court-martialled or even executed if they should decide to abandon their ship, regardless of condition. As they hold the ultimate responsibility for the ship and its crew, losing them could likely be perceived by your superiors as desertion, mutiny and/or sedition.

So keep this in mind when you are facing disaster. Permit no evacuations without your explicit authorization. You should be doing your utmost in keeping the ship up and running – lest you go down with the ship, either one way or the other.


I Am the State

In the unlikely event that you're chosen as a Traitor, your objectives will be 'interesting' indeed. You have more freedom than anyone could ever dream of. With your access and authority you can pretty much take anything you want, and dispatching a lowly subordinate shouldn't take much effort at all. Chances are you won't even need to open your syndicate uplink.

You have the Root Access Disk, which is better than an emag, and as such can make practically any machine on the ship do your bidding, and your rank lets you order any person on the ship to do the same. Will you liberally hand out execution orders, release and pardon criminals, give all-access to the clown, let the ship fall apart, reprogram the AI to fuel your ego, or just generally act mad with power and demote anyone who gets in your way? Just make sure that you're at least trying to be subtle, or at least make sure anyone who could depose you is safely eliminated.


The only person with more potential to fuck things up for everyone is the AI, and they’re probably not going to do that. So watch your step, your back, and your crew, or you may just end up floating through space wondering why your oxygen tank is filled with plasma.

As a special note, the admins tend to notice the actions of the captain quite a bit more often than they do anyone else.