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Often called “greyshirts” for their iconic grey jumpsuit, Staff Assistants are low-ranking crew members who start with a decent amount of access. While assistants are ostensibly supposed to help anybody on the station who wants an extra pair of hands, they are allowed to sit back and slack off and are often ignored. With its low responsibilities and even lower expectations, Staff Assistant is often used by newer players who are trying the game for the very first time and older players who just want to goof around.

Assistants begin their shifts around the station but usually congregate in Primary Tool Storage, where they can acquire some basic tools such as screwdrivers and wrenches. If you are charismatic or lucky, the Head of Personnel can add more access to your Identification Card. With more access and perhaps a custom job title, perhaps you can find a purpose on the station at last.

Sometimes you are a God among men and sometimes you are dead within twelve seconds of round start. It all depends on how you set up and the luck of the station.

Bare minimum requirements: Don't actively try to ruin shit, break into places, steal shit, and destroy stuff. This is generally known as “greytiding”, and it's considered a form of Grief. Griefing is against the Rules if you're not an Antagonist; you'll usually know if you're an antag because there will be a big popup and chat message explaining the whole antag business. Think of this way: would you want people to do this stuff to you?

So what do I do?

Officially, your responsibility includes asking people if they need help. This never, ever happens. Unofficially, you are the red-shirt of Space Station 13. Your life is meaningless and you are expected to litter a hallway with your corpse should hostile entities make it to Space Station 13.

The upshot of being so low on the food chain is that people don't expect much from you. Mind you, most people have low expectations towards almost every job besides Security, AI, and sometimes Medical, but the bar's even lower for Staff Assistants. No one really minds if a Staff Assistant spends a solid five minutes trying to figure out how to drink from a glass or spouting weird stuff into the chat trying to talk over radio. In the best case scenario, they might even actually help you!

That said, Staff Assistant is a very “create your own fun” job. You don't perform any real responsibilities or duties, and you don't have many game mechanics related to your job, so you have to find some way to entertain yourself on your own. This is fine if you're a veteran player and already know some ways to have fun, but if you're a new player starting out, you might be pretty bored once you've gotten the hang of the controls and interface. You do, however, have access to the civilian channel, allowing you to coordinate with other Staff Assistants or other civillians.


Here are some things you can do to pass the time and goof off if you're stuck as an assistant.


Pretty much no one but jerkasses will give you hell for not assisting people, but if you're looking to make yourself useful, there's a lot of ways you can lend a hand. Since you start with limited access, you'll probably have to ask the AI or someone of the relevant job to let you into places or request some access upgrades from the Head of Personnel, Captain, or Head of Security so you can help people.


If you become particularly fond of a role, try being a specialized Assistant (Technical Assistant, Security Assistant, etc) to get more practice.


You can choose between either inventing a custom job title and having the HoP give you the title and appropriate access, and asking people over the radio if they need assistance. If you take the first option, consider the jobs on the following list. An assistant is a good job for playing a single-round gimmick.

Shades of Grey

Don't fret when you get assigned an antagonist role as an assistant. Assistants are often ignored and widely considered only to be an annoying nuisance, so use that to your advantage! While other antags have to keep up the pretense of doing their real job, you don't have a real job, and the upshot of not having actual job mechanics is that you don't need much prepwork to reach your full potential.

Use what little access you do have to your advantage. You have access to a few pod bays and other storage areas where you can find all the tools you'll need for breaking and entering, making traps and acquiring weapons. If your current amount of access is inadequate, you could go to the HoP and request a promotion that will further your evil schemes.

A Traitorous Assistant: The Underdog Insurgent

Getting Traitor as Staff Assistant can be a lot of fun. Since you aren't bogged down by any actual job duties, you can devote yourself entirely to whatever Traitor gimmick idea tickles your fancy. You could, for example, buy a katana and pretend you're not some random greyshirt, but a ronin, enforcing your twisted code of justice. Or you could dress up like a wild west gambler, buy nothing but derringers, and challenge people to absurdly high-stakes card games where you shoot your opponent if they lose (and possibly shoot them when they win too because you're just that sore of a loser.) Alternatively, you might just feel like buying an emag and emagging all the things.

In addition to the standard set of gear, you can order quite a few job-specific items too. Most job-specific Syndicate items are designed to twist a role's mechanics towards more dastardly deeds, but since you don't actually have a real job, the ones you can order are built for gimmicks and messing with people in weird and often wacky ways (and a lot of them are shared by other jobs too).

The pickpocket gun is a handy tool for pranks and theft. You aim it at someone, and it does something different depending on the mode and the limb you're targeting. The “steal” mode lets you take certain items off people, as you'd expect, while “plant” lets you put items on people, so you can, say, reverse-pickpocket explosives onto them. “Harass” performs various antics. For example, it can give them wedgies if you aim at their chest or make them hit themselves if you target the arms!

The amplified vuvuzela is a stun gun disguised as a musical horror. In addition to giving people significant ear damage and being an audio menace, both in-game and in real life, it is surprisingly good at stunning people, beating out a taser in some respects. The perfect gun for both downing people for murder and annoying the crap of people.

Moustache grenades give people mustaches they can't remove. A truly dastardly prank. In addition to being a significant blow to their fashion sense, it also makes them unable to put on a mask for internals. They can still get oxygen from various chemicals and such, but you'll still make handling hull breaches and gas leaks much harder. For extra fun, steal a riot launcher from Sec to make them easier to deploy, and detonate them at Miners, Engineers, and other people who depend a lot on internals.

Do you enjoy tricking people into farting on a bible and making them accidentally gib themselves? The mini-Bible is for you. Its sprite is very small and thus very easy to hide, making it great for both lying on the ground over a bible and letting people fart on your face and more complicated setups that use chemicals to force people into farting.

Planting a kudzu seed is a little bit like a less deadly version of a Blob round. It's not going to kill a lot of people, but it is going to be very disruptive. If the crew tries to fight it, they're going to tie up a lot of manpower and waste a lot of time. If most of the crew ignores it, it'll grow out of control and significantly impede traveling between areas. In either case, it makes a great distraction for your other nefarious deeds and is almost untraceable. It also has a unique effect of reviving bodies into kudzupeople that spread the kudzu further, so you can potentially use this to give your murder victims a second lease on life while also letting them serve your needs.

The barrel of monkeys is a barrel of monkeys, both literally and figuratively. When activated, the barrel releases murderous monkeys with weapons and extra aggressive AI. They attack everyone, including you, though, so keep your distance. Try convincing the Head of Personnel or Captain to give you access to Telescience or the Teleporter Room for remote evil monkey delivery or Mechanic's Workshop access for building death traps with them. For extra style, try killing the Geneticists or Scientists with these.