Air Traffic Controller

“All fighters RTB, sector is clear… NOT CLEAR, NOT CLEAR!” Information Access Hangar Bay, Flight Deck Additional Access Maintenance Difficulty Low Supervisors Flight Leader, Master At Arms Rank Sub-Lieutenant (SLT) Duties Launch the Fighters and coordinate them, also check the radar in case one of the Fighters forgets how to start the APU. Guides Guide to Fighters

You are an Air Traffic Controller, you coordinate the fighters all the way from launch to the return to base, make sure none get left behind and update both them and the rest of the ship of the status of the Area of Operations.

Bare minimum requirements: Find the ATC Control room and launch the fighters, launch a empty fighter and then get ridiculed. Basic Skills: Communicate with Command on when to launch the fighters Advanced Skills: Repair and rearm docked fighters, coordinate between Command and the Pilots on which enemy ships to target

Is that All? Air Traffic Controller can be as useful as the player wants it to, you really are the only guy on the ship whose job is to check the DRADIS and isn't busy with something else, the pilots are trying not to get blown up and command staff is probably chasing after that RD that added a catgirl law to the AI.

MagCats and You MagCats or Magnetic Catapults are the totally safe 90% of the time preferred way to deploy your expendable fighters to the AO, double check with the pilot the ship on that catapult is in fact occupied (yes, it happens more than you think) and that they are ready for launch, if all is green, open the launch tube and launch them from the console next to the DRADIS. The same console can be used to directly message the fighter pilot, which is useful for pre-flight checks.

How to report information Unless someone asks via common, you should only update via Air Control Channel, report how many contacts are there when you arrive to the AO as your DRADIS is the only one in ACC that is immediately scanning the AO Z level. Stay vigilant on contacts and inform if neccesary to the pilots of important targets such as carriers or cruisers.

You also have access to the Command comms, with :c. On this channel, you can talk with the Bridge Staff, and coordinate during combat. You can ask them when to launch the fighters, what should they target, and when should they pull back. But you can also relay information from the pilots to the bridge, telling them how many fighters are in air, how many enemy ships got shot down, etc.

Do your best to keep the pilots out of trouble. If a pilot has burst their canopy, tell them to RTB immediately and try to inform the helms officer that they should slow down so that the pilot can dock safely. If a new group of enemies just jumped in, tell the pilots their numbers, shiptypes, if they shouldretreat. At the very least, try and prevent them being left behind when the ship FTLs.

“IM COMING IN HOT!!” So, an unlucky pilot just came back, his fighter is a burning wreck, and he is too lazy hurt to repair it. This is where you come in. With your access, you can easily and quickly repair a damaged fighter. This process is further detailed here, but let's go over it now as well.

You can check on the armour and hull damage of a fighter by hopping in the canopy, and looking through the UI that pops up. Hull damage can be repaired by simply welding the fighter. Armour damage is a bit more tricky. You need to put on a new set of plating. Where you get this plating? Well, there should be a few around the hangar bay. If you find none, go to cargo and beg them to print a new one in their lathe. That is, if RnD has researched it.

You can also help in other matters. Refuel the fighters by dragging fuel tanks next to them, and plopping the nozzle in. Supply the fighters by stealing asking for torpedos from the Weapons Bay. Give in to the BRRRT Gods by buying more ammo at Cargo.

Or you could just ask a Munitions Technician to help, but don't expect much.

The Raptor The big, bulky Utility fighters - commonly known as Raptors - in the hangar allow you to take a more proactive approach to fighter support. These Raptors can be equipped with utility modules, such as Air-to-Air repair kits, or Air-to-Air resupply kits. With these all you need to do is liftoff, go near another fighter and listen to the pilot's amazement as he suddenly has ammo and health.

More details about the Utility craft can be found here.