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Advanced Holograms

Advanced Holograms are player controlled, sentient holograms, who can occasionally be found at the Holodeck.


Recently, Splitbit's most esteemed code monkeys released a horrible innovation into the corporeal world. After some tinkering, computer scientists managed to project digital minds into holographic bodies, who are then able to interact with their physical surroundings with a limited range. The technology used is similar to the positronic brains found in subservient AIs, Cyborgs, and MoMMIs. Unfortunately, when the new innovation was tested on unsuspecting vessels, the Holographic Entities ran wild and trashed several holodecks, sparking battles between NovusCorp staff and the endless respawning mobs of immortal deranged Holograms. In response, NovusCorp scrapped the project, and fired all the computer scientists responsible.

Unfortunately, due to a personnel mixup in NT Human Resources, the computer scientists responsible for Holopeople have been rehired, and have now reintroduced the technology to Holodecks on all NovusCorp installations, albeit now with stricter controls on the Hologram's behavior.

Becoming a Hologram

To become a hologram, click on the Holodeck Control Computer and select the option. As a hologram, you cannot leave the Holodeck and you are able to revert to your ghost form at any time, simply press the revert button to become a ghost again. A maximum of four advanced holograms can exist at any given time.

The Prime Directive

As a hologram you have few if any duties; you can interact with people who come to the holodeck as well as other holograms; you can wear some clothing and you can interact with items and objects as well. You do have some rules you must follow however, which you will be notified about when you become a hologram. These rules are:

You cannot reveal to players anything you have learnt as a ghost, and you can't harm anyone without their consent. Failing to follow these rules will upset the admins and lead to a quick banning. Also, try not to be a dick to other holograms. Whatever you end up doing, you will be doing it together, considering none of you can leave the holodeck.

Things to do as an Advanced Hologram: