Table of Contents

Ultor Industrial

Makes a bit of everything. Has a Bounty division, for example.

Counteragency Department

Item Cost Description
Etheric Essence Disruptor An etheric essence disruptor emits bursts of discordant ethereal energy through a process based upon etheric-spirit singers. Etheric essence disruptors attempt to break down the workings of a spell that manipulates spiritual essence. Upon activation, attempt to counteract an active divine or occult spell within the listed range, with the listed DC modifier and effective spell level.
Lesser Etheric Essence Disruptor $120 The range is 30 feet, the DC modifier is +2, and the spell level is 2.
Moderate Etheric Essence Disruptor $720 The range is 40 feet, the DC modifier is +3, and the spell level is 4.
Greater Etheric Essence Disruptor $2800 The range is 60 feet, the DC modifier is +4, and the spell level is 6.
Major Etheric Essence Disruptor $13000 The range is 90 feet, the DC modifier is +5, and the spell level is 8.
Material Essence Disruptor A material essence disruptor emits bursts of disordered energy to break down the structure of a spell that manipulates material essence. Attempt to counteract an active arcane or primal spell within the listed range, with the listed counteract modifier and counteract level.
Lesser Material Essence Disruptor $120 The range is 30 feet, the DC modifier is +2, and the spell level is 2.
Moderate Material Essence Disruptor $720 The range is 40 feet, the DC modifier is +3, and the spell level is 4.
Greater Material Essence Disruptor $2800 The range is 60 feet, the DC modifier is +4, and the spell level is 6.
Major Material Essence Disruptor $13000 The range is 90 feet, the DC modifier is +5, and the spell level is 8.

Traps and Tricks

Acid Spitter Snare $30 This tin clockwork lizard is activated when a creature moves adjacent to it, at which point it spits out a glob of acid. The target must succeed at a DC 20 Reflex saving throw or take 3d6 acid damage.
Critical Success: The creature is unaffected.
Success: The creature takes full damage.
Failure: The creature takes full damage and 2d4 persistent acid damage per round until they spend one action cleaning it off.
Critical Failure: The creature takes double damage and 4d4 persistent acid damage per round until they spend one action cleaning it off.
Binding Snare $320 When a creature enters the snare’s square, several strands of strong wires ending in jagged hooks latch onto it before hauling it to the ground. The snare deals 2d6 piercing damage, and the targeted creature must attempt a DC 25 Reflex save.
Critical Success: The creature is unaffected.
Success: The creature takes half damage.
Failure: The creature takes full damage and is knocked prone and immobilized for 1 round (Escape DC 25).
Critical Failure: The creature takes double damage, is knocked prone, and is restrained for 1 round (Escape DC 25).
Clockwork Chirper $16 This simple clockwork bird is no larger than a sparrow, designed to be wound up and perched on a tree branch or ledge. The Tiny clockwork remains immobile and silent until a Small or larger creature enters the square beneath its perch, at which point it springs into action. Once activated, it flies around making a loud chirping sound that can be heard up to 500 feet away. The bird then follows the creature that activated it for up to one hour or until it is destroyed, doing its best to stay just above the creature and out of reach, and continuing its string of loud chirps. The bird is an object with a Speed 10 feet, and a fly Speed of 25 feet. It has AC 15, Hardness 5, HP 10 and object immunities. Once broken, it can no longer fly. It can’t attack or otherwise damage other creatures. After an hour has passed after its activation, the clockwork chirper falls into a pile of useless components.
Clockwork Monkey $10 These cute and unassuming toy monkeys are often dressed in loud clothing and carry a percussion instrument. It’s activated once a creature moves adjacent to the square it sits in, at which point it leaps on the creature, scurrying about on its agile hind legs while it pounds on its instrument, riding the creature and raising a racket. The creature being assaulted by the monkey must find a way to escape its agitator either via flinging the monkey off with the Escape action (DC 18) or by breaking the monkey. The monkey has AC 19, Hardness 2, HP 10 and object immunities.
Death Coil $18000 This modified coil of metal and glass stands about three feet tall. It activates when at least three creatures are within 20 feet of it, or if at least one creature stays within 20 feet of it for more than 1 round. It then lashes out with a torrent of electrical energy dealing 7d12 electricity damage to all creatures within 20 feet of it. Creatures within that area must attempt a DC 30 Fortitude saving throw.
Critical Success: The creature is unaffected.
Success: The creature takes half damage.
Failure: The creature takes full damage and is stunned for 1d4 rounds.
Critical Failure: The creature takes double damage and is stunned for 2d4 rounds.
Detonating Gears Snare $24 This snare uses clockwork stressed almost to the breaking point, which activates with a powerful explosion that deals 3d8 piercing damage to the first creature entering the snare’s square. The creature must attempt a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw.
Critical Success: The creature is unaffected.
Success: The creature takes half damage.
Failure: The creature takes full damage and 1d6 bleeding damage per round until treated.
Critical Failure: The creature takes double damage and 2d6 bleeding damage per round until treated.
Flame Drake Snare $50 The snare takes the form of a Tiny, drake-like clockwork toy. When a creature enters its square the snare activates, causing the drake to spit a gout of fire in a 15-foot cone in the direction from which the creature entered. For instance, if a creature entered the square coming from the east, the cone would point east, to hit any allies behind the triggering creature. Those within the cone must succeed a DC 15 Dexterity save or take 6d6 fire damage. After spitting its fire, the snare falls apart.
Fire Box $20 Anyone who opens the box triggers a clockwork mechanism that unleashes a 15-foot cone of fire. The cone issues forth in a random direction determined by the GM but always including the creature who opened the box. Those within the cone must succeed at a DC 13 Dexterity save or take 4d6 fire damage.
Frost Worm Snare $230 The snare takes the form of a Tiny frost worm clockwork toy. When a creature enters its square, the snare activates, causing the worm to let loose a 30-foot line of frost in the direction from which the creature entered the square. For instance, if a creature entered the square coming from the south, the worm would shoot the line south, to hit any allies of the triggering creature. Those within the line must succeed a DC 20 basic Reflex save or take 10d6 cold damage. After spitting its frost, the snare falls apart.
Noisemaker Snare $12 When a creature enters this snare’s square, it triggers an extremely loud clockwork device, which explodes with a bang that can be heard from 200 feet away and deals 1d8 thunder damage. The creature must attempt a DC 15 Dexterity save.
Critical Success: The creature is unaffected.
Success: The creature takes half damage.
Failure: The creature takes full damage and is deafened for 1 round.
Critical Failure: The creature takes double damage and is deafened for 1 minute.
Puff Dragon Snare $240 This cute and unassuming dragon toy activates once a creature moves into its square. It then unleashes a rapid burst of toxic gas in a 10-foot emanation. Those within the emanation when the snare is activated must attempt a DC 20 Constitution saving throw or take 3d6 poison damage.
Critical Success: The creature is unaffected.
Success: The creature takes half damage.
Failure: The creature takes full damage and is poisoned for one minute.
Critical Failure: The creature takes double damage and is poisoned for ten minutes.
Shrapnel Snare $1400 This snare uses tightly wound springs, clockwork, and shrapnel to cause devastating damage. When a creature enters the snare’s square, the trap releases, dealing 12d6 piercing damage in a deafening explosion. Everyone in a 10-foot radius of the snare’s square must attempt a DC 25 Dexterity save.
Critical Success: The creature is unaffected.
Success: The creature takes half damage and is deafened for 1 round.
Failure: The creature takes full damage, plus 2d6 piercing damage per round without medical attention, and is deafened for 1 minute.
Critical Failure: The creature takes double damage, 4d6 piercing damage per round without medical attention, and is deafened for 1 minute.
Spirit Snare $180 This complicated snare is affixed with various crystals attached to strange electrical relays, working on the same principles as etheric spirit singers. When an incorporeal creature enters its square, the device lets loose an ectoplasmic web that lashes around the creature’s spectral form. The creature must succeed a DC 21 Dexterity saving throw or become immobilized for 1 round. On a critical failure, the creature becomes immobilized for 1 minute. In either case, the incorporeal creature can attempt to Escape (DC 21).
Tin Cobra Snare $46 This clockwork cobra activates when a creature enters its square, at which point it lashes out and spits venom, dealing 3d6 poison damage. The target must attempt a DC 16 Fortitude save.
Critical Success: The creature is unaffected.
Success: The creature takes half damage.
Failure: The creature takes full damage and is poisoned for one minute.
Critical Failure The creature takes double damage and is poisoned for ten minutes.

Environmental Hazards

Steam Vent Stealth DC 17.
Description: Large pressurized pipes connected to a trip wire are rigged to release a blast of steam on trespassers.
Thieves Tools DC 17 to disconnect the trip wire or Mechanic Tools DC 19 to carefully reduce the pressure and prevent the blast.
Steam Blast: Trigger → The trip wire is pulled or severed, typically because a creature walked through the square with the trip wire; Effect: Steam erupts from the pipes, dealing 3d6 bludgeoning damage and 3d6 fire damage (DC 19 basic Reflex save) to all creatures within 15 feet. Creatures that critically fail their save are knocked prone.
Insistent Privacy Fence Stealth DC 25.
Description: A stretch of fence is electrified by a hidden power crystal.
Thieves Tools DC 23 to carefully disconnect the coil from the fence or Engineering Tools DC 25 to jury-rig a grounding device to nullify the shock.
Shock: Trigger → A creature touches the fence directly or with a tool or weapon; Effect: The fence deals 7d12 electricity damage to the triggering creature (DC 21 basic Reflex save). Reset: The trap deactivates and resets after 1 minute.
Malevolent Mannequins Stealth DC 22.
Description: A host of violent spirits possess three clockwork mannequins, and each lashes out at any creatures that dare walk near.
Thieves Tools DC 27 to jam a mannequin’s clockwork mechanisms or Religion DC 25 twice to exorcise a spirit from a mannequin.
Awaken: Trigger → A creature comes within 30 feet of a mannequin; Effect: The mannequins all lurch towards the triggering creature, moving up to 50 feet, then roll initiative.
Each of the mannequins uses Multiattack when in range; has a Move of 50 feet; has a +13 to hit, and 2d10+8 damage per attack (two attacks per round). Each mannequin has AC 25, HP 70, and hardness 10, and is immune to precision damage, critical hits, and standard object immunities. Reset: The haunt deactivates after it has no target creatures and resets, usually over the course of 1 round, as the mannequins move to their original positions. If a mannequin is more than 150 feet from its original position, the haunt takes longer to reset, as the mannequin moves back 150 feet each round.

Spirit Manipulation

Spirit-Singer $300 80 lb. Etheric spirit-singers create an eerie spectral sound based on the presence of spiritual essence and other ethereal energies. All spirit-singers can be used as musical instruments by manipulating the sensitivity to ethereal energies. However, they have an even greater benefit in areas heavy with spiritual essence. When played in the presence of a significant spiritual disturbance, such as a haunt or an incorporeal undead, a spirit-singer grants you a +1 item bonus to Performance checks. While playing a spirit-singer, you also gain a +1 item bonus to checks to detect a haunt or incorporeal undead, and you can roll a check to notice a haunt even if you aren’t actively searching for it, due to the distortions of the spirit-singer’s music. A haunt or incorporeal undead that is intelligent enough to notice the effects it is having on the spirit-singer’s music and that can’t otherwise communicate with the living might choose to use the spirit-singer to do so if it wishes. For instance, it could try to guide the spirit-singer player towards a location by creating distortions in that direction or, if it understands language, it could try to answer questions by creating one distortion for yes and two distortions for no. Unless stated otherwise in its usage entry, a spirit-singer functions like a heavy musical instrument; rather than carrying it, the musician places the spirit-singer in a particular position and uses both hands to play.
Handheld Spirit-Singer $400 5 lb., two-handed. This lightweight spirit-singer is more convenient to travel with and deploy in a spiritually active environment.
Incredible Spirit-Singer $2500 80 lb. This spirit-singer is fine-tuned to the point that you can analyze its song more intricately. Increase the item bonus to Performance checks near spiritual disturbances, and the item bonus to detecting haunts and incorporeal undead to +2. While playing the spirit-singer, you can notice haunts that normally require a Perception DC of 20 or more.
Incredible Handheld Spirit-Singer $3300 5 lb, two-handed. This spirit‑singer functions just like an incredible spirit-singer, except for being lighter and more convenient to carry.