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Trilton Custom Arms

Ballistics and energy weapons for 'sport' usage.

Energy Weapons

Item Cost Description
Holdout Laser Pistol $300 2d6 radiant, 0.35 lb, Ammunition (range 100/300), reload (22 shots, energy cell), accurate, covert, burst fire, breach 2. A favorite of spies and assassins, this is a tiny weapon disguised as an innocuous object, such as a wrist communicator or pen. Its mechanism uses nonmetallic ceramics and exotic composites, so with the power cell removed, an ordinary scanner cannot distinguish it from a civilian electronic device.
Laser Pistol $1100 3d6 radiant, 2 lb, Ammunition (range 200/600), reload (66 shots, HE Cell), accurate, burst fire, breach 2. The basic laser sidearm. In some places, it may be as ubiquitous as six-guns in the Old West.
Heavy Laser Pistol $2400 4d6 radiant, 3.5 lb, Ammunition (range 300/900), reload (56 shots, HE cell), accurate, burst fire, breach 2. A bulky but rapid-firing military-style laser sidearm, often used as an alternative to a machine pistol.
Laser Carbine $4600 5d6 radiant, 5.5 lb, Ammunition (range 500/1500), reload (28 shots, HE cell), accurate, burst fire, breach 2. A compact “assault” version of the laser rifle, favored by vehicle crews and special ops teams. Its low bulk makes up for its lack of range.
Survival Laser $2400 4d6 radiant, 3.5 lb, Ammunition (range 300/900), reload (56 shots, HE cell), accurate, burst fire, breach 2. A carbine version of the heavy laser pistol. Survival lasers are designed to be broken down into four pocket-sized components, which take one minute to assemble or disassemble. Although the survival laser is not very powerful, it is a good choice as a survival weapon due to its excellent accuracy (useful when shooting small game) and the modest drain it imposes on power cells. It is also a favorite weapon of assassins.
Laser Rifle $8000 6d6 radiant, 8 lb, Ammunition (range 700/2100), reload (83 shots, MG cell), accurate, burst fire, breach 2. The standard infantry combat laser, capable of full automatic fire. In some settings, it may be as ubiquitous as the flintlock rifle was in its day.
Dinosaur Laser $19000 8d6 radiant, 19 lb, Ammunition (range 1300/3900), reload (35 shots, MG cell), accurate, burst fire, breach 2. A big laser sniper rifle, capable of stopping a battlesuit or a dinosaur (hence its nickname). Also called a “heavy laser.” These are mostly military weapons, but are sometimes used as an “elephant guns” for big game.
Plasma Pistol $2200 3d6 lightning, 2 lb. Ammunition (range 60/180), reload (33 shots, plasma cartridge), breach 5. A plasma pistol fires bolts of ionized energy which cause serious electrical burns on impact.
Plasma Rifle $18000 6d6 lightning, 7 lb. Ammunition (range 300/900), reload (10 shots, plasma cartridge), two-handed, breach 5. A plasma rifle is a high-powered rifle-type weapon which fires bolts of ionized energy which cause serious electrical burns on impact.

Energy Ammunition

Heavy Energy Cell $500 2 lb. This powerful energy cell stores a large amount of power in an energy-dense format, and is required for items listed as using a Heavy Energy (HE) Cell. HE Cells recharge in normal-mana environments at the rate of 1% per 5 minutes.
Military Grade Cell $5000 6 lb. This is a more powerful energy cell that trades recharge speed for raw power. MG Cells recharge in normal-mana environments at the rate of 1% per 30 minutes.
Plasma Cartridge $300 1 lb. Plasma cartridges are used to power weapons that fire superheated matter. As many weapons which use plasma cartridges fire vastly different attacks, they use differing amounts of “charge”, as listed on those weapons. Plasma cartridges do not recharge without special machinery, and must be replaced.

Ballistic Weapons

Item Cost Description
Slimline Pistol $320 2d4 piercing, 1 lb., Ammunition (range 20/60), covert, light, reload 5. This small-caliber pistol is often the second, or third, or fourth gun of people who are much more heavily armed; it is valued because it is so slim that it will not crease the pocket of a uniform. Based on the FN-Browning .25 ACP.
Special Agent Pistol $480 2d6 piercing, 2 lb., Ammunition (range 40/120), light, reload 7. This weapon is available with a 0.5 lb suppressor that masks the noise the firearm makes, and is a very light yet effective weapon for any special agent. Based on the Walther PPK.

Firearm Ammunition

Aromatic Ammunition $10 The components of this ammunition emit a strong smell when combined during its activation. A creature hit by an activated aromatic ammunition gains a distinct odor for up to 1 hour or until the scent is washed off (requiring at least a gallon of water and 10 minutes of scrubbing). Any creatures within 30 feet smell the target automatically, allowing even those with a weak sense of smell to detect its presence, and all creatures gain a +1 item bonus to track the affected creature for as long as it has the odor. Creatures that can detect odors at range detect this creature at double normal ranges.
Awakened Metal Shot $– These bullets are formed from a liquefied high-grade precious metal and enchanted to unlock that metal’s true potential. Each version has a different special effect.
Awakened Adamantine Shot $7000 The shot is a high-grade adamantine bullet. The awakened adamantine breaks through any resistance. The shot ignores the first 20 DR a creature has to physical damage, all damage, or piercing or bludgeoning damage. Against a golem or creature who already has a resistance bypassed by adamantine, or a weakness to adamantine, the shot shatters the target’s defenses, causing them to lose Dexterity bonuses to AC for 1 minute instead.
Awakened Cold Iron Shot $4600 The shot is a high-grade cold iron bullet. The awakened cold iron attempts to disrupt enchantments the target placed on others’ minds. You can name a creature you believe to be enchanted by your target or allow the shot to choose an enchanted creature randomly. On a hit, the shot attempts to counteract one enchantment the target is using to manipulate that creature’s mind, acting as a sixth-level Dispel Magic using +10 as the spell modifier. Against a demon or fey, dispel one enchantment automatically unless you roll a 1. If you hit a demon or fey with no active enchantment effects on other creatures, the target is poisoned (Intelligence) for 1 minute instead.
Awakened Silver Shot $4600 The shot is a high-grade silver bullet. The awakened silver gleams with altered celestial moonlight designed to weaken and expose devils and werecreatures. On a hit, it attempts to counteract any polymorph effect on the target, acting as a sixth-level Dispel Magic using +10 as the spell modifier. Against a devil or werecreature, dispel one polymorph effect automatically. If you counteracted the Change Shape ability, the creature can’t use that ability again for 1 round, or 1 minute on a critical success. If you hit a devil or werecreature not under a polymorph effect, the target is poisoned (Strength) for 1 minute instead.
Black Powder Black powder is a volatile and explosive alchemical substance commonly used in the production of firearm munitions. Black powder becomes inert and useless when wet and must be kept in a sealed, water-tight container.
Black Powder Dose/Round $0.02 The smallest unit of black powder that still has a simple use, a dose can be a simple packaged paper parcel around black powder or it can be packaged with a metal bullet or pellet to be used as ammunition. When ignited with a fuse or exposed to direct flame, a dose of black powder explodes. This isn’t powerful enough to deal damage but makes a loud sound and could trigger further explosions. A fuse for a dose can be created with a few twists of paper and causes the dose to explode the round after it’s lit.
Black Powder Horn $10 A horn contains 500 doses worth of black powder. A horn can be detonated by leaving a small trail of black powder and then lighting it. Each 5-foot square requires one dose of black powder to create a trail through. As long as the horn is mostly full (at least 400 doses remaining) it can be detonated to deal 1d6 fire damage in a 5-foot burst (DC 16 basic Reflex save). It takes 1 round per 15 feet of powder trail laid down for a horn to detonate after the trail is lit. If multiple horns detonate simultaneously, it can increase the area of the explosion, but the damage in overlapping areas doesn’t increase.
Black Powder Keg $100 A keg contains 5,000 doses of black powder and can be detonated in the same way as a horn. As long as the keg is mostly full (at least 4,000 doses remaining) this deals 3d6 fire damage in a 20-foot burst (DC 15 Dexterity save). Detonating multiple kegs can increase the area, but not the damage, of this effect; detonating a keg and any horns at the same time in an overlapping area also doesn’t increase the damage.
Dreaming Round $1800 The night sky seems contained in this glass projectile. When an activated dreaming round damages a creature, it induces drowsiness. The creature must attempt a DC 25 Constitution save.
Critical Success: The creature is unaffected and becomes temporarily immune for 1 minute.
Success: The creature becomes slowed (as per the spell) for 1 round.
Failure: The creature becomes slowed (as per the spell), and must attempt another Constitution save at the end of each of its turns. If it fails three times, it immediately falls into a deep sleep and is unconscious, during which it no longer attempts a save at the end of its turn. It wakes up automatically after 1 hour or if it takes damage, but not due to non-painful stimuli (such as noise or being nudged).
Critical Failure: The creature immediately falls into a deep sleep and is unconscious as above for 1 hour or if it takes damage.
Eroding Bullet $44 Eroding bullets cast a faint green glow, and smell like the sickly-sweet organic gases that rise from corpses. Handling an eroding bullet without gloves deals 1 point of acid damage and leaves the putrid scent coated on your fingers. Upon hitting an enemy, the glass casing inside the bullet bursts, releasing a splattering of bubbling green acid that coats the target. The target takes 2d6 acid damage every round until they clean off the acid, in addition to the damage normally dealt by the attack.
Exsanguinating Ammunition $30 This ammunition includes a small reservoir of a tacky red substance that coats the ammunition when you activate it. The substance makes a creature bleed more freely. For 1 minute after you deal damage to a creature with an activated exsanguinating ammunition that creature bleeds freely, taking 1 point of bonus necrotic damage every round. In addition, the DC of any checks to end bleeding damage increases by 3.
Fairy Bullet $130 These bullets are seaweed-green, refract light like an emerald, and are covered in a thin film of gray-green powder. When fired, a fairy bullet creates an effect that functions as the Faerie Fire spell when it strikes the target. Since the fairy bullet is fired before the faerie fire can reveal the target, the effects don’t affect the attack roll with the fairy bullet.
Glue Bullet $32 These cartridges are filled with sticky clear glue. When a glue bullet hits, a syrupy webbing coats the target and sticks to the ground or a nearby surface, hindering their movement. The target takes a –10-foot circumstance penalty to its Speeds for 2d4 rounds, or until it Escapes against a DC of 14. On a critical hit, the target is also immobilized until it Escapes.
Meteor Shot $140 This craggy stone ammunition is warm to the touch. When you fire an activated meteor shot, it explodes into a small swarm of meteors as it reaches its target, scorching nearby creatures and littering the ground with rubble. In addition to the weapon’s normal damage, the meteor shot deals fire damage and the ground in the area becomes difficult terrain. In addition, the attack misfires on a critical failure, rendering the weapon nonfunctional until it can be serviced. The ammunition deals 3d6 fire damage in a 5-foot radius around the target (DC 18 Dexterity save).
Greater Meteor Shot $800 The ammunition deals 6d6 fire damage in a 10-foot radius around the target (DC 21 Dexterity save).
Major Meteor Shot $6000 The ammunition deals 9d6 fire damage in a 20-foot radius around the target (DC 24 Dexterity save).
Silencing Shot $600 This shimmering, golden-hued ammunition never makes any sound. A creature hit by a silencing shot is subject to the effects of a silence spell.
Stepping Stone Shot $130 A series of small stone discs pressed into a single round make up this ammunition. When you fire an activated stepping stone shot, whether you hit or miss your target, the shot creates a series of supports in a line that creatures can walk on as if solid ground. The line can ascend or descend at a 45-degree angle. The discs support any amount of weight, but don’t otherwise pose any sort of obstacle; creatures and attacks can move through them if they wish. They crumble to dust if anything attempts to move or otherwise manipulate them. A creature can use a Move action to move up to its speed on the stones while causing them to crumble behind it. This ammunition does not work in firearms with the scatter trait. The maximum length of the line depends on the type of ammunition. However, the line also can’t extend beyond the maximum distance for an attack from your firearm (usually six times the firearm’s range increment). The stones reach up to 100 feet, and they last up to the end of your next turn if no one collapses them.
Greater Stepping Stone Shot $370 As above, but the stones reach up to 250 feet, and they last up to 1 minute if no one collapses them.
Trustworthy Round $18 This ammunition was developed to minimize casualties to friendly fire, and is always marked by a burnished copper head or tip so it can be easily identified. Before you can fire a trustworthy round, you must call out a target. You don’t need to specify a name; the target could be “The angry tiger attacking our group on the left.” The round will only hit the specified target and will turn to gossamer dust midair if it misses the intended target or comes into contact with anything else; this also prevents abilities that redirect attacks. The round doesn’t have any capabilities beyond your own to determine whether someone is who you think they are, so you can’t use it to determine a disguised creature’s identity. If you specify a target of “Seltyiel” and shoot someone disguised as Seltyiel who you thought was Seltyiel, the attack will still hit, whereas if you were about to hit a disguised Seltyiel who you didn’t recognize to be Seltyiel, the round would dissolve.