Charla's House of Healing

Alchemy, particularly healing alchemy and herbal brews.

Item Cost Description
Potion of Healing $100 You regain 2d4+2 hit points when you drink this potion.
Potion of Greater Healing $300 You regain 4d4+4 hit points when you drink this potion.
Potion of Superior Healing $900 You regain 8d4+8 hit points when you drink this potion.
Potion of Supreme Healing $2700 You regain 10d4+20 hit points when you drink this potion.
Alertness Draught $4 This viscous, sweet drink is often consumed before standing watch to promote wakefulness and vigilance. For the next 2 hours, the drinker has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks and on any saving throws to resist falling asleep, even against magically-induced sleep.
Antidote Kit $300 3 lb. This satchel holds dozens of bottles containing antidotes and curatives for poison. These are meant to be used individually or mixed in combinations. This kit has ten uses. As an action, you can spend one use of the kit to treat one poison affecting a subject. If more than one poison affects the target, and you have not identified or differentiated the poisons, one poison is treated at random. Roll a Wisdom (Medicine) check against the saving throw DC of the poison. Success neutralizes that poison. Failure indicates that you cannot affect that poison with this poison kit.
Antiparalytic $80 A clear liquid that smells of mint. A creature that drinks this vial gains advantage on saving throws against paralysis effects (including poisons that confer paralysis) for 1 hour. It confers no benefits to undead or constructs.
Antipathogen $60 A chalky, foul-tasting tablet or dust that can be swallowed or can be mixed with food or drink. A creature that consumes this gains advantage on saving throws against diseases for 8 hours. It confers no benefits to undead or constructs.
Antitoxin $100 A mixture of common antidotes and treated charcoal designed to counteract a wide variety of toxins. A creature that drinks this vial of liquid gains advantage on saving throws against poisons for 1 hour. It confers no benefits to undead or constructs.
Burn Balm $20 This potion’s blue liquid glimmers when agitated. By drinking this potion or applying it directly to a burn, you regain up to 10 hit points, but only hit points lost to fire damage.
Candle, Focusing $20 A small, green candle, entirely mundane in appearance. A creature that meditates in the presence of this candle for no less than 5 minutes gains a +1 bonus to Intelligence checks so long as she remains in the presence of the burning candle. A candle burns for 1 hour.
Candle, Restful $4 A small, gray candle, entirely mundane in appearance. This candle aids healing during a short rest. Everyone resting within 20 feet of the candle who rolls Hit Dice for healing can treat any rolled 1s as 2s instead, so long as the rolls occur soon after the candle is lit, and the candle is not extinguished prematurely. A candle burns for 1 hour, the entire length of the short rest.
Healer’s Kit $10 This kit is a leather pouch containing bandages, salves, and splints. The kit has ten uses. As an action, you can expend one use of the kit to stabilize a creature that has 0 hit points, without needing to make a Wisdom (Medicine) check.
Herbal Poultice $1.20 This packet of medicinal herbs is applied directly to a wound. An herbal poultice can be used as if it was a single charge of a healer’s kit. Alternately, it can be applied to assist longer recover; during a short rest, an affected character heals 1 extra hit point per Hit Die when spending Hit Dice for healing. A poultice works for one application and cannot be reused.
Insect Repellent (Gourd) $2 1 lb. This herbal concoction comes in two forms, an odorless salve applied to the skin or a block of incense burned as a fumigant. Either type repels normal insects for its stated duration but has no effect on giant insects or swarms of insects. The salve comes with 20 applications and protects a single Medium or Small size creature for 24 hours. It is waterproof and will not wash off short of thorough scrubbing.
Insect Repellent (Incense) $0.20 This herbal concoction comes in two forms, an odorless salve applied to the skin or a block of incense burned as a fumigant. Either type repels normal insects for its stated duration but has no effect on giant insects or swarms of insects. The block of incense burns for 8 hours when lit and affects a 20-foot radius for the duration.
Meditative Draught $30 This oily liquid is consumed to aid with meditations. The imbiber has advantage on concentration checks for 1 hour following the consumption of this liquid.
Menga Leaves $4 The dried leaves of this bush can be ground, dissolved in liquid, heated, and ingested. A creature that ingests a dose of menga leaves in this fashion regains 1 hit point. A creature that ingests more than 5 doses in a 24-hour period gains no additional benefit and must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or fall unconscious for 1 hour. The unconscious creature awakens if it takes at least 5 points of damage on one turn. Natural, unrefined menga leaves have the same effect if consumed within 24 hours of being plucked from the bush.
Plague Mask $10 This mask covers the nose and mouth with a filtering layer of medicinal herbs. These provide a pleasant aroma to mask the miasmic stench of plague. A plague mask also covers the eyes with a set of clear glass lenses. A plague mask gives advantage to all saving throws to resist diseases that are airborne or that enter the body through the mouth, nose, or eyes. It has no effect on diseases contracted through injuries or by contact with the skin.
Rations, Journeybread $10 1/8 lb. These rations rely on the nutritional value of rare herbs to provide exceptional levels of sustenance relative to their weight. Despite their weight, each of these rations is the equivalent of 1 pound of food. Journeybread is suitable to the digestive needs of all creatures, carnivores and herbivores alike; it can also be used as an expensive form of animal feed.
Regenerative Elixir $30 This red liquid glimmers when agitated. It is often confused for a potion of healing. The elixir gives the drinker 1 temporary hit point, which lasts up to 24 hours. Any time the drinker rolls a death save within the coming 24 hours, the save is made with advantage.
Ryath Root $100 This chalky orange root has fortifying powers when consumed fresh or in properly preserved form. Ingesting a ryath root provides a creature with 2d4 temporary hit points. A creature that consumes more than one ryath root in a 24-hour period must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or suffer the poisoned condition for 1 hour. Unprocessed ryath root retains its potency for 10 days after being harvested.
Sinda Berries $10 Liquid concoctions of these dark brown berries have a bitter aftertaste. Consuming one dose gives the creature advantage on saving throws against poison and disease for the next 24 hours. Fresh sinda berries, plucked from the bush less than 24 hours prior, have the same effect without any preparation or treatment if at least 10 of the berries are consumed.
Torchstalk $24 A torchstalk is a mass of thin fungal fronds about the size a torch bound together around a flint striker. The device can be thrown as an improvised missile weapon, targeting a foe up to 20 feet away as an action. On impact, or if lit, the torchstalk bursts in a cloud of fiery spores. Creatures within 10 feet of the target (or the square where it lands in the case of a miss) take 1d6 fire damage. Unprocessed torch stalks have a 1-in-6 chance to explode when lit. The head of an unexploding frond otherwise burns like a torch, lasting up to 24 hours.
Wildroot $50 This pungent, curative liquid is made from the juices of a rare root. The liquid must be introduced to the subject’s bloodstream, poured on an open wound or injected with a sharp device or weapon of some sort. Once administered, the creature is alleviated of the poisoned condition.