Table of Contents

Wandmaker's Tools

A wizard's wand is as unique as the wizard who wields it; while many wizards are comfortable using wands built by others, those who are willing to gather rare and expensive ingredients can create something truly magnificent.

Wandmaker's Tools

Wandmaker's Tools include a carving knife, a gouge, a set of small chisels, and a rasp. Your tools weigh 5 lbs and costs 12 gp. Wands created are considered a spellcasting focus.

What are Spellcasting Foci

Certain spells require particular objects in order to cast them. Instead of using the specific object, you can use a spellcasting focus in place of the components for the spell, unless a cost is indicated.

To cast the spell, the spellcaster must have a hand free to hold the magical foci, though it can be the same hand that they used to perform any somatic components.

Crafting a Wand

To craft a wand, you must first have the necessary ingredients to begin. Each wand requires three ingredients: the shaft, the core of the wand, and the focusing crystal.

Each of these components provides a different ability for the wand and a wand must have every one of the components in order for it to function.

The Shaft

The shaft can be composed of metal, wood, stone, bone, or other materials. This provides the durability for the wand and helps define its characteristics. Depending on the material chosen, only wielders with the proper alignment can use the wand.

The Core

The core is made up of magical components, often found from magical creatures. The core provides empowering effects depending on the material used. These materials can not normally be found in market stalls, but must be taken from magical creatures, or they are given as gifts from those creatures.

Empowered Element

When you cast a spell that has the same damage type of the wand's element, you can reroll a number of the damage die equal to your proficiency bonus. You must use the second rolled result and you can only use this feature once per day. Ingredients from legendary creatures may allow you to use this feature more than once per day per the DM's discretion.

The Focusing Crystal

Focusing crystals are used to empower spells and pull forth greater power. Each gem has the ability to overchannel and focus the power of the wizard, but the gem must match the wielder's alignment in order to use the wand. Each gem has a number of uses it can be used per day for its empowered ability, it regains spent uses after a long rest.


As a bonus action, the wielder of the wand can expend a spell slot into their wand. For the next minute, they gain a bonus to their attack rolls equal to half the spell level expended (rounded down, minimum of 1). Once they use this a number of times equal to the gem's uses, they can not use this ability again until they take a long rest.

Combining the Materials

When the wielder has gathered the necessary ingredients, they must spend 8 hours working on their wand for each component, to a total of 24 hours. After each 8 hours, they can finish with a material and then move onto the next material. After each material is finished, the crafter must succeed on a check based off of the material being worked on. If the crafter is proficient in Wandmaker's Tools, they can add their proficiency bonus to the check.

Component DC

Component DC Ability
Shaft 15 Dexterity
Core 15 Intelligence
Crystal 15 Wisdom

On a failed check, the crafter must repeat the 8 hours and try the check again. If they fail the check by 5 or more, the material is partially broken and they must re-purchase up to half the cost of the material if there is a price. If there isn't a price for the component, they must have additional materials available to continue to make progress.

Shaft, Dexterity

This part of the process is about shaping the materials into the proper wand-shape for your use.

Core, Intelligence

Intelligence is required for adding the core to the wand, coating the inside of the wand and placing the components in the right place for the perfect flow of power.

Crystal, Wisdom

Listening to the crystals and feeling their waves of power, you must be able to listen to its call and properly align it to the power of the wand.

Requires Attunement

Once a wand is finished, it is ready to be used as a spellcasting focus. In order to use its additional properties from its core and its focusing crystal, you must attune to the wand.

Example Materials

Shaft Materials

Material Alignment Typical Cost AC HP
Wood Any 3 gp 10 5
Stone Any 10 gp 15 5
Platinum Good 350 gp 18 15
Gold Good 35 gp 10 10
Silver Good 5 gp 10 5
Adamantine Neutral 200 gp 20 10
Mithral Neutral 200 gp 15 15
Animal Bone Neutral 5 gp 10 5
Obsidian Evil 100 gp 15 10
Human Bone Evil 20 gp 10 5
Dragon Bone Dragon's Alignment 400 gp 20 15
Glass Any 5 gp 15 5

Core Materials

Material Creature Element
Heartstring Dragon Dragon's Type
Feather Phoenix Fire
Fur Yeti Cold
Goo Ooze Acid
Tail Cranium Rat Psychic
Hair Unicorn Radiant
Horn Basilisk Poison
Ectoplasm Ghost Force
Tongue Behir Lightning
Tendon Zombie Necrotic
Vocal Cords Hydra Thunder

Crystal Materials

Material Alignment Cost Uses
Diamond Lawful 500 gp 2
Quartz Lawful 200 gp 1
Opal Chaotic 500 gp 2
Ruby Chaotic 200 gp 1
Pearl Neutral 500 gp 2
Amber Neutral 200 gp 1