Table of Contents

Gemologist's Supplies

While largely used for decoration and design, gems are precious or semiprecious minerals that are cut and polished. They are often valued for the beauty and wonder they invoke, but some have found ways of unlocking the primal magic of nature within their facets.

Gemologist's Supplies

Gemologist's supplies include a hammer, set of chisels, a small magnifying glass, and a variety of coarse minerals for polishing. Gemologist's tools weigh 10 lbs and cost 100 gp.


Most gems found in treasure hoards and in chests throughout the world are already polished and cut to have a specific shape and feel. There are still raw and uncut gems that can be polished and worked to enhance their beauty, increasing how much you can sell them for. When you find uncut or unpolished gems, you can spend 8 hours per gem working and polishing the gem, increasing how much you can sell it for by 5% times your Proficiency Bonus. Once you work and polish a gem, you can no longer work on it again as it has taken its final shape.

This means that if a gem was worth 100 gp when you found it, and it is unrefined, you can spend 8 hours on it and increase its value to 110 gp if you have a +2 Proficiency Bonus (10%) or increase the value to 130 gp if you have a +6 Proficiency Bonus (30%).

This type of activity requires no check.


Every gem has a special quality within its facets that can be charged and used as protection, divination, healing, and more. Gems found in the world are typically inert, their magic drained out of them, and need to be recharged. Once a gem is recharged, it can be used for only a few hours until it must be recharged again for the next day. The power of a gem's magic is based on the size of the gem, as larger stones have more magic than smaller gems. This is typically based on the price of a gem as larger gems are more expensive. There are certain, rare cases where a small gem could be more valuable than a larger version of it, per the GM's discretion.


Before a gem can be used, it must first be recharged. This can happen only once per day and requires the gem to gain power. A gem can gain power through a huge variety of ways; a few options include being placed near a fire, on a sleeping cat, under the moonlight, or anything else that produces energy that can be transformed into magic. It must remain in this state for 8 hours while it slowly recharges, changing the energy into magic. A gem can only recharge once per day and so most practitioners sleep during this time.

To properly set up gems, a creature must be proficient in Gemologist's Supplies.


Once a gem has been recharged, they hold this charge until the gemologist activates the gem by using an action. A gem's power is then under effect and any creature carrying the gem on their person gains the gem's benefits. Once a gem is activated, it can not be deactivated until its power is drained and must then be recharged.

A gemologist can only activate a number of charged gems equal to their Wisdom modifier per day, regaining all spent uses upon finishing a long rest. A gem only holds its power for a number of hours equal to the gemologist's Proficiency Bonus. Anyone who is carrying the gem can gain the benefits of a gem, but only someone proficient in Gemologist's Supplies can activate a gem's power.


A gem has three main sizes based on their price of 100 gp, 250 gp, and 500 gp. There are more expensive gems out there, like those worth 1,000 gp and 5,000 gp, but little is known of their power due to their rarity and difficulty of carrying. A larger, and thus more expensive gem, holds more magic within its facets and provides a stronger effect - increasing the potency of the gem. A gemstone's size has no effect as to how long a gem's power is active but does affect the potency of the gemstone's power. Gems that are 10 gp and 50 gp still hold power in them, though that power is very minute and thus doesn't hold enough magic to adequately provide noticeable benefits.

Types of Gemstones

Each gemstone exists within a family of focus, these families include Dreams, Thoughts, Protection, Transformation, Physical, and many other families. Within these families are different gems that provide different effects, a gemologist might choose to specialize in a specific family in the hopes of unlocking greater secrets, though many will have at least one from each family to act as a safeguard.

A gemstone's family has no effect outside of what powers they might have.

Understanding a Gemstone

The following information is to help you understand the statistics of a gemstone.

The Gemstone

A description of the gemstone.


This quartz mineral has a smoky color of pale yellow to brown within it. It is highly valued by merchants as it is thought to bring prosperity.


Appearing with a metallic luster, its coloring ranges from black to silver. It is known for its ability to protect its wearer from the ravages of decay and entropy.


Appearing from clear to gray with blocky textures, this remarkable gemstone can display a highly colorful surface that dazzles and delights when exposed to light. While holding this stone, your thoughts become clear, allowing you to better understand your opponent's next moves.


This gem is often transparent and colorless, though may have a white hue streaking through it. It is regarded for its healing properties, providing small reliefs throughout the day.


This green mineral is highly sought out by many for its silky luster. Several queens and powerful women have ground up this stone to be used in their make up and is valued for its ability to transform negative outcomes into positives.

Tiger's Eye

This gem features shades of brown, black, and yellow in layers. It is known for providing calm and courage to those facing difficult situations.

Variant Rules

Ioun Stones

Ioun stones are created by gemologists who have found 1,000 or 5,000 gp gems and have worked with the gems, teaching the gemstone to gain energy from its wielder by having the gemstone require attunement. This task requires powerful magic, based on the ioun stone, and takes several weeks to accomplish.