Table of Contents

Forgery Kit

While most might use a forgery kit to duplicate documents for official purposes, many who use a forgery kit are part of gangs and other criminal organizations who ply their skills with faked signatures, official-looking seals and anything else to help their organization.

Forgery Kit

A forgery kit includes several different types of ink, a variety of parchments and papers, several quills, seals and sealing wax, gold and silver leaf, and small tools to sculpt melted wax to mimic a seal. The tools weigh 5 lbs and cost 15 gp.


When creating your forgeries, you need an example of what you are forging in front of you. Certain forgeries may not require an example or you can remember what it looked like and you do not need an example, per the DM's discretion.

Crafting a Forgery

Some forgeries are easy to produce, while others require a steady quill and a longer time to get all the details just right. There are three complexities when it comes to creating a forgery, in ascending order of complexity they are: Simple, Difficult and Complicated.

Each complexity requires a different amount of time to create, and each one represents a different amount of effects you can create in the time frame. No check is required to create a forgery.

Simple Forgeries

Simple forgeries are quick to produce and typically involve just forging a signature, creating a simple letterhead on a piece of parchment or anything else small and relatively plain in design. Each forgery requires 10 minutes of work as you must study your example and then recreate it.

Difficult Forgeries

Difficult forgeries involve more work and skill in the reproduction. Difficult forgeries involve rewriting a single page document, creating an elaborate letterhead with gold or silver foil, making a simple drawing or sketch, recreating a single wax seal, or anything else that fits on a single parchment or similar medium. Each forgery requires an hour of work as you study your example and then recreate it.

Complicated Forgeries

Complicated forgeries involve expert skills and vast amounts of time. When you wish to recreate a several page document, making a seal, recreating a portrait, or anything else that is large you must typically spend 8 hours of uninterrupted work and, per DM's discretion, require several days to complete.


A multi-page document may require an entire hour for a single page, unless it has a difficult letterhead to replicate, in which case it might take multiple hours to recreate a single page. A single wax seal might be easy to create in an hour, but if you wish to create an actual seal, it might take you an entire day to get it just right.

Extra Time

While you are skilled with your tools, you can always get it just a bit more perfect if you spent a bit more time on it. Whenever you create a forgery, you can decide to spend double the amount of time making sure every detail is just right. When you do so, any investigation attempts have disadvantage on spotting your forgery.


Creating a forgery will put the item in a variety of different situations where it might be discovered to be false. A suspicious creature can make an Intelligence (Investigation) check against your Disguise Kit DC. The DC is 8 plus your Dexterity modifier plus your Proficiency bonus.

Extra Materials

When creating your forgeries, you may need components not available in your kit or will need extra materials if it is a large job. Below are suggested prices for different components of a forgery, though you may be able to make your own or find your own without having to spend any coin.

Example Materials

Item Cost Weight
Book 25 gp 5 lbs
Candle 1 cp -
Chalk (1 piece) 1 cp -
Charcoal (1 piece) 1 cp -
Ink (1 Vial) 10 gp -
Ink Pen 2 cp -
Leaf, Gold (5 square inch) 1 gp -
Leaf, Silver (5 square inch) 8 sp -
Paint (1 vial) 2 gp -
Paper (1 sheet) 2 cp -
Paper, heavy-linen (1 sheet) 3 sp -
Parchment 1 cp -
Quill 2 cp -
Sealing Wax 5 sp -
Signet Ring 5 gp -