Table of Contents

Disguise Kit

Masking your appearance, fooling the local authority and putting on a performance are all perfect uses for this kit. To become another person, by nonmagical means, is true talent, and anyone who uses magic to accomplish it is just cheating.

Disguise Kit

This pouch of cosmetics, hair dye, and small props lets you create disguises that change your physical appearance. The tools weigh 3 lbs and cost 25 gp.


When creating your disguises you must be realistic in your intentions, a medium bipedal creature is not going to be able to disguise themselves as a large Brown Bear or as a tiny Pixie. A medium creature can only try to disguise themselves as a medium creature with the same basic anatomy.

Crafting a Disguise

Some disguises are easy to create, while others are far more complex and elaborate. There are three complexities when it comes to creating your disguises, in ascending order of complexity they are: Plain, Middling and Elaborate. Each complexity requires a different amount of time to create, and each one represents a different amount of effects you can create in the time frame. No check is required to create a disguise.

Plain Disguises

Plain disguises are simple and minor cosmetic changes that constitute adding a small superficial scar, blackening teeth, small temporary tattoos, applying a wig, changing simple clothes or other small changes. Each disguise requires 10 minutes of work as you apply makeup, adjust clothes or practice your performance.

Middling Disguises

Middling disguises are more complex costume and cosmetic changes that constitute adding large scars, larger temporary tattoos, dying hair, cutting/styling hair, donning complex garments or other changes. Each disguise requires 1 hour of work, though you can still gain the benefits of a short rest so long as you aren't working on anything arduous.

Elaborate Disguises

Elaborate disguises are the most complex costume and cosmetic changes that can involve creating entire new clothes from bolts of cloth, full body temporary tattoos, applying heavy changes of makeup (like massive facial deformities or anatomical changes), or creating an entirely new persona for your performances. This type of work typically takes 8 hours of uninterrupted work and, per DM's discretion, require several days to complete.

Non-Basic Anatomy

If a creature you are attempting to disguise yourself as has a tail or some other extra appendage that you do not posses, you can make a non-functioning version of it. By spending an additional 8 hours working on the disguise, you can make a non-functioning appendage that appears to be realistic. Depending on how complex or intricate this extra appendage is, the DM might decide to give you disadvantage on your Disguise Kit checks.


Creating a disguise will put you in a variety of different situations where your true identity might be discovered. A suspicious creature can make a Wisdom (Insight) check contested against your Charisma (Disguise Kit) check. You have advantage on the check if you spend double the time working on your disguise. I.e. If you give yourself a small temporary tattoo, a Plain disguise which normally takes 10 minutes, and you spend 20 minutes working on it, you have advantage on the check. A Middling disguise would require an extra hour of work, and an Elaborate disguise would take twice as long to create.

Extra Materials

When creating your disguises, sometimes you will need components not available in your kit. Below are suggested prices for different parts of a costume, though you may be able to make your own or find your own without having to spend any coin.

Example Materials

Item Cost Weight
Bolt, Cotton (25 feet) 5 gp 10 lbs
Bolt, Silk (25 feet) 10 gp 5 lbs
Bolt, Wool (25 feet) 8 gp 12 lbs
Clothes, Common 5 sp 3 lb.
Clothes, Costume 5 gp 4 lb.
Clothes, Fine 15 gp 6 lb.
Clothes, Traveler’s 2 gp 4 lb
Eyepatch 2 cp -
Ink (1 Vial) 10 gp -
Makeup, Misc 20 gp 1 lb
Mirror, Steel 5 gp 1/2 lb
Robes 1 gp 4 lb
Sack 1 cp 1/2 lb
Soap 2 cp -
Wig, horse hair 10 gp -
Wig, human hair 20 gp -