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School of Technomancy

A new world brings new opportunities as the magical and the mundane fuse into novel patterns. The technomage combines the rising power of magic with a deep understanding of technology. The technomage has a roster of spells that she may cast, and in addition gains new powers that meld magic and machinery.

Technomancy Savant

Beginning when you select this school at 2nd level, you change your spellbook into a E-book device infused with magic, allowing you to save spells on it in a special format called “spellfiles”. The gold or the time you must spend to copy a spell in your E-book device is halved (your choice).

Machine Empathy

Also at 2nd level, you gain proficiency with one of the following tools: engineering kit, hacking tools or mechanic tools. In addition, whenever you make an ability check using the chosen tool, you can twice your proficiency bonus to that roll.

Program Spell

At 6th level, you can cast a 5th-level spell or lower while touching an electronic device. When you do so, you expend the spell slot, but none of the spell's effects occur. Instead, the spell is programed into the device for later use if the item doesn't already contain a spell from this feature. When you program it, you determine the method of activating the spell, such as typing a specific word, flicking a switch or similar. After that, a creature that has an Intelligence score of at least 6 can use an action to activate the spell and cast the programmed spell in the device. The creature must know the method of activation to cast the spell (for example, you can program the haste spell to be casted in a creature when it hits Control-Alt-H in the keyboard). A concentration spell placed in a device cannot be activated while you are concentrating on another spell.

When you program a spell in this way, it must be used within 8 hours. After that time, the magic fades and is wasted. The programmed spell is also lost if the device is destroyed or after you finish a long rest.

Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Online Casting

At 10th level, you can cast spells through electronic devices, including cameras, smartphones, tablets and computers. If a spell requires the caster to be seen, the target must see you, and if it requires the caster to be heard, then the target must be able to hear you.

The range is determined from the caster to the device and then from the device to its target. You must be able to see or otherwise be able to determine the location of your target. You can only use this feature to cast spells that target a specific creature.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of once). You regain expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Download Spell

At 14th level, you can download temporary spellfiles into your E-book device to cast them once.

When you prepare your spells, you can choose four spells of 4th level or lower you know. These spells don't count against the total number of spells you can prepare and you can cast each of them once without expending a spell slot until you finish a long rest.