====== Michael Malone ====== {{:worlds:granitecity2155:michael.jpg|}} CP: 749/750 ===== Attributes ===== ST 10 [0] DX 10 [0] IQ 14 [80] HT 10 [0] Dmg 1d-2 thr/1d sw BL 20 lb HP 10 Will 14 [0] Per 14 [0] FP 10 [0] Basic Speed 5 [0] Basic Move 5 [0] Average build [0] Average wealth ($50,000) [0] ===== Advantages ===== Attractive [4] (+1 to reactions from most people) Charisma 2 [10] (+2 to reactions when you interact with others, +2 to Influence rolls, +2 to specific skills) Luck [10] (can opt to reroll once per hour) Musical Talent 2 [10] (+2 to specific musical skills) Serendipity 1 [15] (one fortuitous but plausible coincidence per game session - the details are up to the GM) ===== Psi Powers ===== Wild Talent 1 (With Retention, +25%) [25] Ergokinetics Talent 2 [10] Dampen 1 [12] (You can stop the flow of electricity within a one-yard radius, requiring a skill roll. This does not drain batteries, but does shut down electrical machinery.) //Control Electricity (Ergokinesis, -10%; Only to insulate, -30%)// Electric Vision 2 [12] (You can see electrical currents as glowing outlines as a passive sense; the GM will make skill rolls for you to notice unusual or out-of-place electrical fields. Electrical fields are usually visible through a few inches of cover. Skill rolls suffer penalties for range and vision modifiers (such as darkness.) //Detect (Electric Fields; Ergokinesis, -10%; Vision-Based, Weaker Variant, -10%; Reflexive, +40%)// Radar Sense 1 [12] (You emit and analyze a radar signal that can substitute for sight, covering a 120-degree arc in front of you, letting you see through light clothing and brush, and giving +3 to skill to see concealed object. You need to roll skill to use this, and can see out to ten yards using this ability; darkness does not affect this ability.) //Imaging Radar (Cannot switch off LPI, -5%; Ergokinesis, -10%; LPI, +10%; Reduced Range 1/10, -30%; Requires Per Roll, -5%)// Surge 1 [11] (You can subtly short out any electrical system you can see - on a critical success of a skill roll, the device shorts out automatically, otherwise, roll 1d damage; if this exceeds 1/3 of the target's HP, it must make an HT roll to avoid shorting out for seconds equal to the margin of failure (or until repaired, on a critical failure). DR is completely ignored!) //Burning Attack 1d (Accessibility, Only on Electrical, -20%; Based on HT, +20%; Ergokinesis, -10%; Malediction 2, +150%; No Signature, +20%; No Incendiary, -10%; No Wounding, -50%; Surge, +20%)// Static Control [1] (You can control static fields within 14 feet; this lets you get someone's attention with a shock, move extremely light objects with static forces, or damage computer memory or other extremely sensitive objects if you can see the inside of the case. Roll vs IQ + Talent to use this ability.) Universal Remote [1] (You can control any device as if you had its remote control in your hand. This has no effect on devices that do not have a remote.) ESP Talent 2 [10] Prognostication 1 [18] (You can read a person’s future (including your own). This requires concentration, during which you must be able to touch the subject. On a success, you get a vision – usually about the most important thing involving the subject in the next week. Unless using the Directed psi technique, you have no control over the vision; you may be worried about the upcoming election, yet instead receive a warning that an important stock will be falling. Repeated attempts in a short time will usually just show the same vision. Requires ten minutes of concentration and costs 2 FP.) //Precognition (Active Only, -60%; ESP, -10%; Reliable 8, +40%)// Retrocognition 1 [14] and Retrocognitive Flashbacks [6] (You can touch an object or enter an area and read its past. Make a skill roll. Your margin of success determines how far back you can read. Success by 1 gives you a time frame of the past 10 days, by 2 gives 100 days, by 3 gives three years, by 4 gives 30 years, by 5 gives 300 years, and so on. Failure means you must wait 24 hours before trying to read it again. You will experience sensations related to the most emotionally charged event to happen to it (or within it) in the given time frame, if such an event exists. At level 1, you receive very vague information: a rough sense of the events that happened, the emotions involved, and an idea of when it occurred. On a critical success, you receive actual visions – random, blurry flashes of the event. In addition, you sometimes receive flashes of things that happened in the past automatically! When you are in an area or touching an object with very strong emotional "vibes," the GM will make a skill roll for you. If successful, you receive a flood of sensations tied to the most emotionally charged event in the given time frame. On a failure, you will not receive any information and the GM will not roll again (for this object or place) for 24 hours. This is a passive ability. The time frame you can read and the type of information gained is as for Retrocognition (above. If you have both abilities, use your Retrocognition level for all purposes.) //Psychometry (Reliable 4, Limited with Passive Only (+8%); ESP, -10%)// Visions (Second Sight) [5] (You sometimes receive flashes of visions when you encounter a person or situation. These never include any attacks on you or your friends, though violent images are not precluded.) //Precognition (Can’t See Own Death, -60%; ESP, -10%; Passive Only, -20%)// Clairvoyance 1 [13] and Clairaudience [5] (By concentrating for one minute and making a skill roll, you can displace your sense of sight to a distance from your body. At level 1, this only lets you see one yard away, such as through a wall into the next room. If you cannot see where your new viewpoint will be, your skill roll is at -5. Once successful, it is as if your head was fixed in place at the new viewpoint: You can observe the scene as though you were really there. If the viewpoint is in a vehicle, it moves with the vehicle normally. Otherwise, you may concentrate for one second and make a skill roll to move the viewpoint (with a Move up to your range in yards per second) and/or change facing. While your sight is displaced, you can see nothing (and hear nothing, if using the Audio technique) at your existing location, making you very vulnerable! Returning your senses requires a skill roll (one try per second) – it is not automatic.) //Clairsentience (ESP, -10%; Fixed Range, -5%; Normal Sight, -20%; Reduced Range 1/10, -30%)// Psi Sense 2 [13] + Signature Sniffer [5] (You can sense nearby psionic activity. This is a passive sense, though it can also be used actively, if you suspect you may have missed something. The GM rolls against your skill (minus range penalties,) whenever anyone near you uses or is the target of psi. On a success, you are aware of it. Note that Psi Sense does not allow you to follow up with a psionic ability of your own; it is not a "targeting sense." You can also detect psychic residue – the energy left by past psi use - if you put effort into detecting it. This takes a second of concentration, after which the GM will roll against your skill, applying penalties for range and time (use long-distance modifiers, substituting “days” for “miles”) to the nearest use of psi. On a success, you gain the same information as above, as well as a general estimate of when it was used; the GM will tell you which line of the Long- Distance Modifiers chart applies. You only know that something psionic is going on nearby if successful and in what direction, and can follow up with a second skill roll to determine which ability is in use.) //Detect (Psionic Activity; ESP, -10%; Time-Spanning, Past, +50%; Reflexive, +40%)// Psidar 2 [14] (You can tell when psis are nearby, even when they’re not using their powers. This ability is distinct from (and complements) Psi Sense, as Psidar cannot detect the use of psi abilities and cannot be relied on passively. When you use it, the GM rolls against your skill, minus range penalties to the nearest psi, in secret. If the psi has a Mind Shield, its level is applied as a penalty and he resists with his Mind Shield skill. On a success, you learn the information below and can use any ranged abilities against him even if you cannot see him. Successful use of Psidar at your level reveals that there is a psi nearby, and their direction; you may also follow up with a second skill roll (with no range penalties) to determine what powers the psi knows. //Detect (Psis; ESP, -10%; Lock-On, +50%)// Psychic Hunches 3 [36] (You have a knack for guessing correctly. You can roll against IQ when confronted with multiple choices, at a penalty equal to the number of bad choices. If you succeed, the GM will tell you the best choice, as well as the safest way to handle it. Critical failures will temporarily disable your power but will never feed you misinformation. //Intuition (ESP, -10%; Inspired, +100%; Link, +10%) [30] + Common Sense (Active, -40%; ESP, -10%; Link, +10%) [6]// Seekersense 1 [7] (You can “home in” on anyone or anything, provided you have a piece of it (or something deeply connected to it) to attune to. Attuning requires a successful skill roll, modified by what you’re synchronizing yourself with. A piece of the subject (e.g., a man’s hair or blood, a car’s muffler) provides +2; something deeply personal (e.g., a toddler’s security blanket) or a photograph provides +0; anything created or used by the subject (e.g., a writer’s book, a person’s clothing) provides -2; and a fresh trail (e.g., footprints, an oil leak) provides -4. It takes (4d minus the margin of success) seconds to focus yourself. Once attuned, you can make a skill roll to track down the subject. This takes normal range penalties. On a success, you know the direction, though not the distance, to your attuned subject. If you have freedom of movement, you can attempt to triangulate its position. As a rule of thumb, once you’ve moved more than half the distance to the target, and made 1d successful rolls, the GM should give you the approximate distance.) //Super-Memorization 1 (5) (ESP, -10%; Limited, Trait, Detect, -50%; Requires Per Roll, -5%)// Exposition Sense [1] (When you sit down with the newspaper, radio, or TV to try to find news relevant to your current situation, you will always discover it on the first try – if it exists. Additionally, when receiving communications (memos, voice mail, email, etc.), you can quickly pick the important one(s) out of the junk mail, spam, etc. This useful ability is a mere perk because it is as much a convenience for the GM as it is for the player.) Know-It-All [1] (You can predict things, but only a fraction of a second before they happen (e.g., you could call out the lotto numbers without looking as they’re being drawn on TV). This is mainly useful for impressing people who don’t notice that you’re always a little late with your predictions, but it gives +1 to Driving or Running in a cold-start race (you know when the gun’s about to go off) or to Fast-Draw for classic “high noon” duels.) Psychic Healing Talent 2 [10] Aura Reading 3 [13] (You can perceive the basic life force that permeates all human beings. At your level, it requires only 10 minutes. After concentrating, make a skill roll, at -1 for every yard of distance to the subject. (Willing subjects will usually allow the full +3 for additional contact.) Success reveals the aura. This counts as a successful Diagnosis roll. It also tells you how many HP and FP your patient has remaining, if he has any diseases or infections, and vague information about his emotional state (e.g., “happy,” “angry”)). A second, follow-up skill roll (taking one second, regardless of power level) reveals more details. This includes specific disease names (or details on what it does, for new or unnatural illnesses); subtle, long-term problems; and as much detail as Emotion Sense would reveal. This second roll counts as a battery of lab tests, including medical imaging, for all purposes. You can continue to monitor the subject’s aura without any additional concentration required, until you have to concentrate on something else or are distracted (e.g., injured or attacked) and fail a Will-3 roll. //Detect (Humans; Analysis Only, -50%; Analyzing, +100%; Immediate Preparation Required, 10 minutes, -40%; Psychic Healing, -10%; Short-Range 1, -10%; Vision-Based, Reversed, -20%)// Cure 1 [18] (You can restore the health of others (but not yourself). This takes a second of concentration, direct skin-to-skin contact with the subject, and a skill roll. Your skill is at a cumulative -3 penalty for every successful use on the same subject within 24 hours, at a flat -2 penalty if the patient is unconscious, and at an additional modifier to cure disease (see below). Failure costs you 1d FP, while critical failure also does 1 point of injury to the patient, in addition to any other effects. Curing injuries cost 1 FP for every 2 HP (or fraction thereof) healed. Any successful healing will stop bleeding. Diseases are usually harder: Your skill roll is at a modifier set by the GM, from +1 for a common cold to -15 for bone marrow cancer. If successful, the FP cost is equal to twice the absolute value of the penalty, minimum 1. For example, if a kidney infection causes a -3 penalty to skill, the cost to cure it would be 6 FP.) //Healing (Contact Agent, -30%; Psychic Healing, -10%)// Sleep 1 [25] (You can put someone to sleep, in a safe and effective manner. This is usually used to help an injured person get rest, though it can be used offensively. Roll a Quick Contest of skill vs. the subject’s Will; Mind Shield protects normally. If he loses, he is dazed for minutes equal to his margin of failure. If he loses by 5 or more, or critically fails, he immediately falls asleep for the same duration. After this, he can be woken normally, but he will not necessarily wake up right away, especially if already tired.) //Affliction 1 (Will; Based on Will, +20%; Contact Agent, -30%; Daze, +50%; Malediction 1, +100%; Melee Attack, C, No Parry, -35%; No Signature, +20%; Psychic Healing, -10%; Secondary Sleep, +30%)// Psychokinesis Talent 2 [10] TK Grab 4 [28] (You can pick up objects and move them from a distance. This requires constant concentration. You can manipulate anything you can see as if you had a distant pair of hands with ST 4. You cannot grab yourself; use Levitation for that. Once you’ve grabbed something, you can pick it up. Your Basic Lift via TK is 3.2 lbs, and you can move it at Move 4, modified by encumbrance. You can also use the object – weapons can be wielded, rocks can be thrown, etc. You cannot hit someone with TK Grab directly, but you can hold onto any light object (between BL/10 and BL lbs.) and use it to "punch" for 1d-5 crushing damage. Roll against skill to use TK Grab, whenever picking something up, moving it, using it, etc. If you know an appropriate skill (e.g., Judo for grabbing someone, Brawling for "punching" someone, Flail for wielding a chain), you may substitute an IQ-based roll for that skill, if better. When you TK Grab a foe, he defends as if against an invisible opponent. Foes attacked with a TK-wielded weapon may defend normally.) //Telekinesis (Based on IQ, +20%; Cannot Affect Self, -20%; Cannot Punch, -10%; Increased Range, LOS, +70%; Psychokinesis, -10%; Requires IQ Roll, -10%)// Levitation 1 [14] (You can pick yourself up and fly at Air Move 1. Levitation requires a second of concentration and a skill roll to take off, and another every minute to maintain flight. If you fail a maintenance roll by 5 or more, you drop like a rock. Lesser failures give you 2d seconds to find a safe place to land. When swimming, you may “fly” instead, at half Move.) //Flight (Psychokinesis, -10%; Requires IQ Roll, -10%; Slow, -45%) [14]. Further levels add Air Move +1 (Psychokinesis, -10%; Stability Rating 4, +10%)// Pyrokinesis 3 [42] (You can raise temperatures, either in an area or within a subject. Each use requires a skill roll, and you can affect anything you can see. Apply long-range modifiers for distant targets. When affecting an area (which takes two seconds of concentration), you can raise the temperature by 20° per level, in an area with up to an eight-yard radius. The change takes place at (2 x level)° per second, over the course of 10 seconds. Those in the area do not take damage directly, but they have to deal with the effects of heat. If affecting a single subject, he resists with Will (inanimate objects resist with HT). Failure means that the subject takes one of two types of damage (your choice): Heatstroke does 1 point of FP damage per level; the FP lost cannot be regained without a cool environment and liquid to drink. Spontaneous Combustion does two points of burning (HP) damage per level; also, treat the flammability class (Making Things Burn) of the subject as one step higher than it actually is! DR does not protect against either type of harm.) //Temperature Control 1 (Area Effect, 8 yards, +100%; Heat, -50%; Increased Range, LOS, +70%; Psychokinesis, -10%; Requires Will Roll, -5%; Takes Long-Distance Modifiers, -5%) [10/level] + Burning Attack 2 points (Incendiary, +10%; Malediction 3, +200%; No Signature, +20%; Psychokinesis, -10%; Variable, +5%) [2/level]* + Fatigue Attack 1 point (Hazard, Heat, +20%; Malediction 3, +200%; No Signature, +20%; Psychokinesis, -10%; Variable, +5%)// Ignition [1] (You can heat your finger up enough to light a cigarette – this does 1 point of burning damage to any object, once per object only.) Umbrella [1] (You can protect yourself from rain, snow, etc., as if you were carrying an umbrella.) Telepathy Talent 2 [10] Mindlink: Wolf [5] (You have a permanent telepathic rapport with Wolf, and automatically succeed at all attempts to contact him with Telesend and Mind Reading, providing he chooses not to resist.) Emotion Sense 2 [9] (You can get a brief flash of the emotions a subject is experiencing. This only works on living, sapient (IQ 6+) beings. Roll a Quick Contest of your skill vs. the subject’s Will to do so. If successful, this gives you +3 on any roll to detect an impostor, or to use Detect Lies, Fortune-Telling, and Psychology against the subject. Emotion Sense cannot be maintained, but as long as you are successful, you can use it repeatedly with no penalties. You can use this power at normal range penalties.) //Empathy (Short Range 2; Requires IQ vs. Will Roll, -10%; Telepathy, -10%)// Telereceive 4 [45] (You can read another person’s thoughts – and probe further, into his memories and subconscious. To use this ability, you must win a Quick Contest of skill vs. the subject’s Will. He does not have to resist if he is aware of your presence and wants to communicate with you. He also has the option of allowing you to hear just the thoughts he “projects” at you, while still retaining the right to resist you reading his surface thoughts or memories. Likewise, he can choose to let you read his surface thoughts while resisting attempts to read his memories. If the subject does resist, your repeated attempt penalties – but not the FP cost – are tripled if you try again within five minutes, and doubled if you try again within the hour. Critical failure means you cannot get inside this subject’s head for 24 hours, unless you use the New Approach psi technique. If you win, you are inside his head and can overhear his surface thoughts, including any telepathic conversations he’s involved in. This is not very useful if you can’t understand his native language! If you can, this gives you +4 Detect Lies, Fortune-Telling, and Psychology against the subject. (This bonus is not cumulative with the Emotion Sense ability.) You also receive +4 to detect an imposter and +2 to other rolls where knowing what the subject is thinking would be useful (e.g., Tactics, Influence Rolls). This also reduces your defense penalties from his feints and Deceptive Attacks by -1. You may stay in his mind for as long as you’d like. You only need to roll again if the range penalty worsens. Once in, you can probe further. This takes a second and requires another Quick Contest. If you win, you can get an honest answer to any question from the subject’s mind (though this won’t help if he does not know the information that you seek). If he resists, see above. You only suffer repeated attempt penalties if you ask the same (or a very similar) question. You receive normal range penalties at your level. //Statistics: Mind Reading (Telepathy, -10%) + Mind Probe (Telepathy, -10%) [12]// Telesend 4 [24] You can project your thoughts into another person’s mind. Make a skill roll, minus any range penalty to the subject, to do so. This is one of the few Telepathy abilities you can use "blind"; if you cannot see the subject, your skill roll is at -1 for family, lovers, or close friends; -3 for casual friends and acquaintances; and -5 for someone you met only briefly. If successful, the subject hears your voice in his head. If the subject does not want to hear you, he can mute your voice down to a whisper; this does not require a roll and is a free action. If he does not, you can use further Telepathy abilities on him; the most common is to employ Telereceive so you can have a two-way conversation. You do not need to roll again to maintain the connection to this subject unless the range penalty worsens. You can send mental images, at about the same speed and accuracy as if you were drawing it yourself; use the Send Senses psi technique for better pictures. When using Multiplicity (Telereceive) to stay in touch with several people at once, you can send the same thought to multiple contacts simultaneously, at a -1 penalty per contact. Range is as for Telereceive. //Telesend (Short Range 1 -10%, Telepathy, -10%)// Suggestion 2 [20] (With the slightest touch, you can send silent telepathic commands to a subject. Roll a Quick Contest of your skill vs. his Will. If you win, you can give him orders for as long as you concentrate, and then for minutes equal to your margin of victory afterward. These must be simple commands; see the Suggest skill for guidelines. Any order that goes against the subject’s values or sense of self-preservation triggers another resistance roll, possibly at a bonus. You may release control at any time. When you do, the subject will think that the actions he took were his idea.) //Mind Control (Melee Attack, C, -30%; Rationalization, +20%; Suggestion, -40%; Telepathy, -10%)// Mind Clouding 2 [12] (You can send out a sensory block that convinces others that you aren’t there. This requires constant concentration; you can do nothing else. Roll a Quick Contest of skill vs. the Will of anyone within hearing distance or line of sight. If you win, his ability to see and hear you is impaired; add twice your Mind Clouding level to your Stealth skill against that person. If you are standing perfectly still, double this bonus! Should the subject fail to resist, yet he manages to sense you despite the Stealth bonus, the Mind Clouding effect is not broken for good. If you are seen, you must leave the subject’s line of sight to you (e.g., hiding behind something or turning a corner) to reestablish the Stealth bonus. If you are heard, you need only remain silent for a second to do the same. This means that you can speak to someone, unseen, without a situational penalty to your Mind Clouding or Stealth skills. This ability is difficult to use with a lot of bulky equipment. Halve the bonus if you are at Light Encumbrance or higher.) //Chameleon (Can Carry Objects, No Encumbrance, +10%; Must break line of sight if spotted, -5%; Requires Concentrate, -15%; Requires IQ vs. Will Roll, -20%; Telepathy, -10%) + Silence (Can speak freely without jeopardizing bonus, +5%; Nuisance Effect, Requires Concentrate, -15%; Requires IQ vs. Will Roll, -20%; Telepathy, -10%)// Mind Shield 4 [16] (You have a mental shield that protects you from mental attacks and attempts to locate you. Add your Mind Shield level to your Will (or appropriate other attribute) when resisting any form of mental attack or intrusion. In addition, you may resist any attempts to locate your mind by using Mind Shield skill plus your Mind Shield level. Unlike the average person, if you successfully resist intrusion, you are aware of it and you know specifically which ability you were just attacked with. This gives you a +2 bonus on an immediate Psi Sense roll to locate the source. //Mind Shield (Profiling, +10%; Telepathy, -10%)// Telescan 3 [20] (You can search for the mind of anyone you know. In addition to range penalties (see below), your skill is at +2 for a lifelong friend or relative; at no penalty for a normal, close friend; at -2 for an acquaintance or hated enemy; and at -5 for someone you just met. If the subject does not want to be found and has a Mind Shield, he resists with its skill plus power level. You use long-distance penalties and gain the direction to the subject, as well as a 'lock' on the subject, allowing you to use further telepathic disciplines on them at no penalty.) //Detect (Known Minds; Lock-On, +50%; Selective Effect, +20%; Telepathy, -10%; Long Range 1, +50%, Cannot Analyze, -10%)// Synchronize [1] (You may “sync up” with anyone you are in telepathic contact with. This lets you finish each other’s sentences and perform actions in perfect timing, which is useful when you each must do something at precisely the same time. You and he can “form up” for things like coordinated attacks and the Teamwork perk instantly, without taking a Ready or Wait maneuver.) Ping [1] (You can send a short telepathic message to another person with no information other than who you are and that you’re trying to contact him. Treat your Telesend level as one higher for this specific use.) Avatar [1] (You can project a mental image to accompany your telepathic abilities. For example, when you Telesend to someone, in addition to your voice, he may get a flash of a koi pond with eight fish swimming in a circle. An avatar allows you to be easily and quickly recognized if there is any doubt to your identity, and determines the impression left with the people who don’t know you. You can hide your avatar, and you can change aspects of it, but the fundamental concept remains the same.) Animal Empathy [5] (You are unusually talented at reading the motivations of animals. When you meet an animal, the GM rolls against your IQ and tells you what you 'feel'. This reveals the beast's emotional state - friendly, frightened, hostile, hungry, etc. - and whether it is under supernatural control. You may also use your Influence skills on animals just as you would on sapient beings, which usually ensures a positive reaction.) Special Rapport: Wolf [5] (You have a unique bond with another person. This acts as a potent version of Empathy that works only with one person, without regard to distance. You always know when your partner is in trouble, in pain, lying, or in need of help, no matter where he is. This requires no IQ roll. Your partner receives the same benefits with respect to you.) Regeneration (Regular) [25] (You regain 1 HP per hour.) ===== Disadvantages ===== Compulsive Generosity (12 or less to resist) [-5] Curious (12 or less to resist) [-5] Guilt Complex [-5] Phobia: Implants (12 or less; -2 to rolls while freaked) [-5] Sense of Duty: Close Friends [-5] Shyness (Mild) (-1 to skills that require interaction) [-5] Weirdness Magnet [-15] ===== Skills ===== Animal Handling - IQ/A - [1]: 13 Bicycling - DX/E - [2]: 11 Brawling - DX/E - [1]: 10 - Parry 8 Body Language - Per/A - [2]: 14 Computer Operation - IQ/E - [1]: 14 Cooking - IQ/A - [1]: 13 Current Affairs/Headline News - IQ/E - [2]: 15 Current Affairs/Culture - IQ/E - [2]: 15 Detect Lies - Per/H - [4]: 14 Diagnosis - IQ/H - [1]: 12 Diplomacy - IQ/H - [1]: 12 Driving/Auto - DX/A - [1]: 9 First Aid - IQ/E - [1]: 14 Gardening - IQ/E - [1]: 14 Musical Instrument/Guitar - IQ/H - [2]: 13 +2 Musical Ability Musical Composition - IQ/H - [2]: 13 +2 Musical Ability Musical Influence - IQ/VH - [4]: 13 +2 Musical Ability Observation - Per/A - [2]: 14 Singing - HT/E - [2]: 11 +2 (Voice) +2 Musical Ability Swimming - HT/E - [1]: 10 ===== Psi Skills ===== Dampen - IQ/H - [1]: 12 + 2 Talent Electric Vision - Per/H - [1]: 12 + 2 Talent Radar Sense - Per/H - [1]: 12 + 2 Talent Surge - Will/H - [1]: 12 + 2 Talent Prognostication - IQ/H - [1]: 12 + 2 Talent Retrocognition - IQ/H - [1]: 12 + 2 Talent Psi Sense - Per/H - [1]: 12 + 2 Talent Visions - IQ/H - [1]: 12 + 2 Talent Clairvoyance - IQ/H - [1]: 12 + 2 Talent Psidar - Per/H - [1]: 12 + 2 Talent Psychic Hunches - IQ/H - [1]: 12 + 2 Talent Seekersense - Per/H - [1]: 12 + 2 Talent Aura Reading - IQ/H - [4]: 14 + 2 Talent Cure - IQ/H - [1]: 12 + 2 Talent Sleep - Will/H - [1]: 12 + 2 Talent TK Grab - IQ/H - [1]: 12 + 2 Talent Levitation - IQ/H - [1]: 12 + 2 Talent Pyrokinesis - Will/H - [4]: 14 + 2 Talent Telereceive - IQ/H - [4]: 14 + 2 Talent Telesend - IQ/H - [4]: 14 + 2 Talent Suggestion - IQ/H - [1]: 12 + 2 Talent Mind Clouding - IQ/H - [1]: 12 + 2 Talent Mind Shield - Will/H - [4]: 14 + 2 Talent ===== Background ===== An only child raised in Hoboken NJ, Michael's parents and his maternal grandmother doted on him when he was small. It became clear that he wasn't an ordinary child though. He didn't speak when most children start to speak, and when he needed something- sometimes it just mysteriously found its way to the young boy's side. When he did start to speak, it was in fully formed sentences not typical child-talk. Schools placed him in advanced programs, and identified his psi-talents. Worried that someone would try to abduct the shy, unassuming boy with the big brain, his parents wanted to implant a child tracker into him. But many epic tantrums involving flying objects and burning things made it clear that Michael wasn't really into having upgrades. They settled for a wearable chip instead. The government tried to recruit him at high school age, as did several less overt agencies. Somehow Michael just seemed to have a knack for avoiding winding up in anyone's employ. He would just tell his concerned family "It's not time yet." He attended college briefly, taking some courses that were of interest to him. Michael had some casual contact with other college students - more friendly than he had been as a boy, but never developed any close friendships or a relationship.His family pretty much had decided he was asexual and uninterested, until one day in his early twenties he announced that it was "time." When pressed, Michael told them he had to travel to meet his soulmate and begin the work they were destined for. Naturally a bit concerned, his family kept tabs on him as he traveled to Granite City. He wasn't there more than a day before a man came up to him and introduced himself as Alexander Wolf. The two have been together since, and Michael's now working with Wolf's employer. He lives with Wolf and Jenny in a small quiet home, where he enjoys gardening and reading when he's not busy with work things. Michael's family wants to come and see him, and meet this Wolf (and Jenny-- who is she anyhow?) and make sure that Michael is OK. He tells them "When the time is right, we'll see each other again."