====== Samuel Luke Station ====== A maglev station in the Southside district of Granite City, Colorado, that was originally designed by Samuel Luke, a brilliant artist and architect. It has since fallen into serious disrepair, and seems to contain far more than its share of secrets. It is nine levels deep, with the ninth being a maintenance level that is inaccessible to the public, and has many side doors, corridors, and passages. It is notable for having a broad variety of angelic architecture and artwork, most of which has become defaced over the years since its original installation. === Common Knowledge === Per their Wikipedia page, Samuel Luke Station was built as part of a contract with Granite City by famous architect Samuel Luke. Samuel Luke was responsible for construction of the maglev stations of Granite City between 2036 and 2042. These stations were retrofits of original subway stations - Samuel Luke Station was originally Southside 3rd Street Station - converted to the new maglev system. While most of the stations follow traditional values decided upon by the Granite City Civic Aesthetics Commission, the station named after Samuel Luke was designed entirely by the architect, and he was given free reign over the structure and decor. As such, in addition to being a major reconstruction and remodeling project, it was also a major artistic project. The aesthetics of Samuel Luke Station seem centered around Christian mythology, although it is noted for having a variety of other influences, including Gnostic tradition and Jewish mysticism. The station is a nesting ground of the criminal and seedy element, with two primary street gangs taking up residence in its tunnels and passageways - the Serpent's Youth and the SLS (Samuel Luke Streeters). The Serpent's Youth, while creepy, have yet to be considered a significant criminal threat, but the SLS has caused enough damage to the neighborhood that local activists are pressing the mayor to clean up the station. The station has never been updated to deal with modern technology; its original network grid was set up decades ago, and is as decayed and defaced as the rest of the place. Trying to access the Net from within SLS is a bad idea, as the connection path is virus-laced and probably highly unsafe, if it even remains functional for long. Cell uplinks and similar devices tend to fail or malfunction starting at the third level, which is one of several reasons most 'business' tends to be conducted at the food court. The restrooms are almost never 'in order', and it's a bad idea to travel through the station after dark... === Research Data Uncovered === Six dead bodies have been discovered within Samuel Luke Station in the past 18 months, most of them prostitutes or street people. Community watchpeople are outraged and demand stronger police and security presence in the Station; although publicly the city has insisted that it can't afford major improvements, it has made a token effort by adding a police presence and additional security cameras. === Unearthed Arcana and Secrets === The Lilith statue on the second level, in the shabby park, is the only untouched statue. Touching it, Michael can clearly hear a voice trapped inside... that of an ancient guardian, who is responsible for keeping the demons from escaping. The Triads definitely have a presence on the seventh floor; a Triad individual can often be found loitering around the seventh level landings, and occasionally Zhou Lang himself can be found there. The Serpent's Youth meet on the seventh floor, and one can often be found there even outside of normal meeting hours. In addition to their 'ceremonies', they also are performing maintenance on the building's structural and decorative elements. The eighth floor is also peculiar; there is a hidden cafeteria, meeting room, and who knows what else? Exploration was curtailed by the accidental tripping of an alarm, however... An entity known as a Cleaner was encountered chasing down Rose in the tunnels. Is he responsible for the murders? Is he connected to the station, or to something else? Why do searches on his face crash computers? There's definitely more to this mystery... Unfortunately, these mysteries don't pay the bills. The ninth floor is where the generators and control systems for the station are located. Apparently they run on Windows X and are from the early 21st century (roughly 2040s). The administrative account uses a blank password. A review of the station map notes that there seems to be a bunker on the eighth floor, although it doesn't explain what it's there for.