====== Jennifer Lee, Rigger ====== ===== Attributes ===== ST: 12 [20] DX: 15 [100] IQ: 15 [100] HT: 12 [40] Dmg 1d-1 thr, 1d+1 sw HP: 12 Will: 15 Per: 15 FP 12 Base Spd: 6.25 Base Move: 6 Beautiful (+4 from those attracted to women, +2 from others) [12] Languages: English Native, Japanese Accented [4] Average wealth ($50,000) [0] ===== Cybernetic Modifications ===== Neural Jack: Can directly connect to machines via a cable jack, allowing direct neural interfacing. (Cable Jack [5] with Sensie option +80% = [8]). Wireless Neural Interface: Can connect to wireless machines, video comm systems, and radio comm systems. (Radio 10 mile range [10] with Sensie option +80% and Secure +20% = [20]) Computer Implant [15] (Accessory - Tiny High-Capacity Quantum Genius Computer - Complexity 7, 3 programs of Complexity 7, 1000 TB) [1], Photographic Memory [10] (Recorded Data Only: -20%), Absolute Timing [2], Lightning Calculator [2]) (Temporary Disadvantage: Electrical -20%), Accessory (GPS Receiver) [1], Accessory (HUD Link) [1] Biomonitor Accessory [1] (+2 to First Aid, Diagnosis, or Physician rolls on Jenny; +1 if she has to describe the biomonitor status readings/they can't see the monitor status) Cognitive Enhancement: Enhanced Time Sense (Temporary Disadvantage: Electrical -20%) [36] Intestinal Recycler (Reduced Consumption 2) [4] Nanoweave Subdermal Armor (DR 12 vs Piercing and Cutting -20% Tough Skin -40% [24]; DR 6 (Tough Skin, -40%) [18]) [42] Filter Implant (Filter Lungs [5]) Hive Implant (Accessory - Swarmbot Hive [1], Payload 1 [1]) Chip Slots 1 (8) (5 pt + 24 pt - Temporary Disadvantage: Electrical -20% = 24) [24] ===== Advantages ===== Acute Vision 4 [8] (+4 on Perception rolls using vision) Danger Sense [15] (Perception roll to sense danger) Charisma 2 [10] (+2 to most reaction and Influence rolls) Empathy [15] (Roll vs IQ to get a feeling for people, +3 to Detect Lies, Fortune-Telling, and Psychology) Talent: Rigger (Boating, Driving, Navigation, Piloting, Shiphandling, Submarine) level 4 [20] 3D Spatial Sense [10] (+3 to Body Sense and Navigation (Air, Land, Sea), +1 to Piloting, +2 to Navigation (Space)) Flexibility [5] (+3 on Climbing, Escape, Erotic Art, ignore -3 in close-quarters penalties) Perfect Balance [15] (Can keep your feet in most circumstances; +6 to keep balance in slippery situations, +4 to DX to avoid being knocked down in combat, +1 to Acrobatics, Climbing, Piloting) High Heeled Hurt [1] (You can kick with high heeled footwear, dealing thrust-1 large piercing damage, plus unarmed skill bonuses.) High Heeled Heroine [1] (You can run, climb, fight, and so on while wearing high heels without suffering any special penalty for bad footing.) No Nuisance Rolls: Transporter [1] (You can get your vehicle and all passengers and cargo safely through known, friendly or neutral territory without skill rolls. You must have Navigation, vehicle operation, and Area Knowledge for your area at 16+.) Sexy Pose [1] (You can use Sex Appeal without conversation, contact, or appreciable time simply by posing suggestively. This can be useful when you can see but not safely approach a target; success can convince them to approach you.) Standard Operating Procedure (Full Tank) [1] (Your vehicles are always fully fueled when you arrive at an action scene. If you operate an armed vehicle, it's also reloaded.) ===== Disadvantages ===== Addiction to Websurfing [-1] Impulsive (12 or less) [-10] Nightmares (12 or less) [-5] Phantom Voices (Annoying) [-5] ===== Skills ===== Accounting - IQ/H - [2]: 14 Acrobatics - DX/H - [4]: 15 +1 Perfect Balance Acting - IQ/A - [2]: 15 Administration - IQ/A - [2]: 15 Area Knowledge/Granite City - IQ/E - [4]: 17 Area Knowledge/Colorado - IQ/E - [2]: 16 Area Knowledge/Sacramento - IQ/E - [2]: 16 Area Knowledge/California - IQ/E - [2]: 16 Area Knowledge/United States - IQ/E - [2]: 16 Beam Weapons/Pistol - DX/E - [2]: 16 Beam Weapons/Rifle - DX/E - [2]: 16 Boating/Large Powerboat - DX/A - [4]: 16 +4 Talent Boating/Motorboat - DX/A - [4]: 16 +4 Talent Brawling - DX/E - [4]: 16 / Parry 10 Carousing - HT/E - [2]: 13 Computer Operation - IQ/E - [4]: 17 Computer Programming - IQ/H - [4]: 15 Cooking - IQ/A - [2]: 15 Spacer - IQ/E - [1]: 15 Current Events/Science and Tech - IQ/E - [4]: 17 Driving/Automobile - DX/A - [8]: 17 +4 Talent Driving/Hovercraft - DX/A - [2]: 15 +4 Talent Driving/Mecha - DX/A - [4]: 16 +4 Talent Driving/Motorcycle - DX/A - [2]: 15 +4 Talent Electrician - IQ/A - [1]: 14 Electronics Operation/Comm - IQ/A - [2]: 15 Electronics Operation/EW - IQ/A - [2]: 15 Electronics Operation/Media - IQ/A - [1]: 14 Electronics Operation/Robots - IQ/A - [2]: 15 Electronics Operation/Sensors - IQ/A - [4]: 16 Erotic Art - Dx/A - [2]: 15 +3 Flexibility Escape - DX/H - [1]: 13 +3 flex Vacc Suit - DX/A - [2]: 15 Fast-Talk - IQ/A - [2]: 15 First Aid - IQ/E - [1]: 15 Fortune-Telling/Tarot - IQ/A - [2]: 15 +3 Empathy +2 Charisma Forward Observer - IQ/A - [2]: 15 Free Fall - DX/A - [2]: 15 Freight Handling - IQ/A - [2]: 15 Gunner/Beams - DX/E - [4]: 17 Gunner/Machine Gun - DX/E - [1]: 15 Gunner/Cannon - DX/E - [1]: 15 Guns/Pistol - DX/E - [1]: 15 Guns/SMG - DX/E - [1]: 15 Guns/Rifle - DX/E - [1]: 15 Housekeeping - IQ/E - [1]: 15 Hobby Skill/Surfing - DX/E - [1]: 15 Mechanic/Automobile - IQ/A - [1]: 14 Mechanic/Fuel Cell - IQ/A - [1]: 14 Merchant - IQ/A - [2]: 15 Shortsword - DX/A - [1]: 14 Knife - DX/E - [1]: 15 Navigation/Land - IQ/A - [2]: 15 +4 Talent +3 3D Space Sense Navigation/Sea - IQ/A - [2]: 15 +4 Talent +3 3D Space Sense Navigation/Air - IQ/A - [2]: 14 +4 Talent +3 3D Space Sense Navigation/Space - IQ/A - [1]: 14 +4 Talent +2 3D Space Sense Piloting/Aerospace - DX/A - [2]: 15 +4 Talent +1 3D Space Sense +1 Balance Piloting/Heavy Airplane - DX/A - [2]: 15 +4 Talent +1 3D Space Sense +1 Balance Piloting/Helicopter - DX/A - [2]: 15 +4 Talent +1 3D Space Sense +1 Balance Piloting/High-Performance Airplane - DX/A - [2]: 15 +4 Talent +1 3D Space Sense +1 Balance Piloting/High-Performance Spacecraft - DX/A - [2]: 15 +4 Talent +1 3D Space Sense +1 Balance Piloting/Light Airplane - DX/A - [2]: 15 +4 Talent +1 3D Space Sense +1 Balance Piloting/Low-Performance Spacecraft - DX/A - [2]: 15 +4 Talent +1 3D Space Sense +1 Balance Piloting/Vertol - DX/A - [2]: 15 +4 Talent +1 3D Space Sense +1 Balance Research - IQ/A - [2]: 15 Search - Per/A - [2]: 15 Sex Appeal - HT/A - [2]: 12 +4 for those attracted to women, +2 otherwise (from Beautiful) Streetwise - IQ/A - [2]: 15 Swimming - HT/E - [1]: 12 Teaching - IQ/A - [1]: 14 Throwing - DX/A - [2]: 15 Urban Survival - Per/A - [2]: 15 ==== Headcomp Programs ==== (Complexity 7, High Capacity Quantum) Swarm Controller Software [Cleaning Swarm]: Complexity 4 Swarm Controller Software [Firefly Swarm]: Complexity 4 Swarm Controller Software [Repair Swarm]: Complexity 4 Holotech Editing Program - Software for creating or editing holotech and 3D camera images. It can be used to produce computerized holographic animation, special effects, etc. Use Electronics Operation/Media skill. Complexity 6, normal cost. Total VR Interface - Complexity 6, standard cost. Virtual Avatar ("Jupiter Jenny") - 0.001 TB Virtual Room ("Bunkhead A102") - 0.001 TB Memory Augmentation AR (Complexity 4) (Processes recognized individuals against an internal database, passes unknown individuals to a Snooper program or to Amy to research on the 'Net) Virtual Companion ("Amy" - Non-Volitional AI - Complexity 7, IQ 10, Visible via AR) Sensie Uplink (Complexity 7, standard cost) (Allows recording experiences as sensie media) Sensie Editor (Complexity 6, $5,000) (Allows editing sensie experiences with Electronics Operation/Media) Translator Program (English to Japanese - Native level) - 100GB database - Complexity 5 Voice Processor - A smart interactive word processing suite with dedicated AI editing capabilities. Converts ordinary speech to text, giving +1 (quality) to Writing skill for composition, and +2 for editing. Complexity 5, 10% cost. ==== Equipment ==== Firefly Swarm (1 sq yd) ($100) (Bright enough to read by, can change colors or glow in infrared, ultraviolet, or visible spectrums) Repair Swarm (1 sq yd) ($500) (Repair a specific model of equipment at Armoury/Electronics/Mechanics skills at 12, at 1/10th human speed - currently programmed to repair automobiles) Cleaning Swarm (1 sq yd) ($1,000) (Gives +2 quality bonus to Housekeeping) Swiss Army Knife ($10, 1/8 lb, includes screwdriver, scissors, small knife, file, tweezers, bottle opener, and toothpick) Marking pen ($4, 1/16 lb, writes on any surface in atmosphere or vacuum, in -150 to 400 degrees) Memswear Buzzfabric Varicloth outfits, 5 Can of suitspray ($4, 0.25 lb) Data Bank - $100, 1 lb, 100,000 TB storage. Data Chips, 4 - $4, 0.04 lb total, 1,000 TB each Portacam ($2,000, 4 lb, C/40 hr) +2 bonus to Photography, 32x parabolic audio magnification, 128x optical magnification, Night Vision 9. 1 terabyte stores 12 hours of uncompressed studio-quality video or two weeks of compressed imagery. Medium Sonic Projector - 150 yard range, $200, 0.5 lb, 2B/10 hr. Mini Holoprojector ($2,000, 1 lb, B/1 day) Mini Flashlight ($10, 0.25 lb, 30 yard beam) Vapor Canteen ($450, 2 lbs empty or 4 lbs full, takes 3 hrs to fill with a quart of water, +2 to survival skill when living off the land) Survival Watch (heavy duty wristwatch, $300 and 0.5 lb, w/biomonitor, chronometer, GPS, inertial compass, magnetic compass, homing beacon, and tiny computer) Mini Plasma Torch ($100, 1 lb, runs for 3 minutes on a B cell, 1d+2(5) burn damage) Small Fire Extinguisher ($50, 3 lbs, 15 second discharge) [stowed in trunk of car] Sonic Stun Pistol ($650, 1.8 lb, 66 shots, uses a C cell, range 30/100, Acc 3, HT-3(5) aff; knocks people unconscious for minutes equal to failed roll) 10mm Machine Pistol ($375, 30+1 shots, RoF 3, 3d pi+, Acc 2, 3 lbs+1lb magazine, ST 10, Bulk -2, Rcl 3) Partisan Needler 3mmN - ($1,500, can recharge in ten hours of sunlight, can make its own needles with a 2x3x1" steel block in one hour, weighs 12 lb + 1 lb for ammo, range 75/300 lb, 2d pi- dmg) Space Biosuit ($10,000 - DR 15 against most, DR 3 vs crushing, corrosion, and toxic damage; sealed when hood worn; powered by 2C cells for 6 weeks; weighs 5 lb; belt pack maintains air supply and power pack to supplement solar power system; suit is a standard printed computer; includes gloves and helmet) Pack of ten emergency suit patches ($10, 0.1 lb) Bandage Spray Can ($15, 0.5 lb, six applications, 5 seconds to use, restores 1 HP and adds +2 to first aid skill) Basic first aid kit ($50, 2 lb, +1 quality bonus to first aid skill) Dynamic Car (ST 40, HP 40, DR 10, Handling +2/SR 5, HT 12, Move 6/75, LWt 1.1, Load 0.6, SM +3, Occ 1+4, $30,000) ==== Jennifer Lee - Backstory ==== Jennifer Lee grew up in Sacramento, California, and is an incredibly gifted pilot - her ability to handle vehicles of ground, sea, and especially air is beyond compare. She tested highly for balance and coordination, dexterity, and sense of location, and proved capable of interfacing with machinery with an adroitness few others could match. It seemed clear that her destiny was in the stars. As such, she eventually found herself working for United Aerospace Corporation as a pilot working the lunar route, regularly ferrying passengers between Earth and Luna using one of the fastest shuttles available at the time. It was extremely dangerous work, but she thrived on the challenge, and on the knowledge that lives depended on her expert skill. She became familiar with life in space, and her high-paying job gave her many opportunities to improve herself to further her career. She was hoping to eventually get an assignment to run the Mars or asteroid circuit, supporting colonists out in deep space. Then things went sour. The space station she regularly made stops at between Earth and Luna, UAC Ameritrust, became the target of a major attack. She isn't too clear on the circumstances of who was responsible for the attack, but the explosions and sudden loss of air pressure as sections of the hull buckled were enough to convince her it was time to make an emergency exit. Fortunately, she was able to find her way to the shuttle she was responsible for piloting, and managed to launch it and fly it towards Earth. Less fortunately, the shuttle sustained heavy damage from attacks made on it during her descent, and UAC not only assessed her with damage to company property for the damage to the craft, but also fired her from her job. Saddled with a debt in the hundreds of thousands of dollars and almost no way of paying it off legitimately, Jenny ended up doing unpleasant and unsavory work for all types of clients to try to pay it down and make ends meet. On the plus side, she's learned a broad range of skills as a result of her experiences, but her work on the streets has also been very hard on her. Even though she's managed to pay off the debt, she still has nightmares about the things she's seen while working for less savory types, and she is deeply troubled, although she absolutely refuses to admit it. While Wolf focuses on jobs that don't hurt innocent people, she can't honestly admit that she's never taken a job where someone innocent has gotten hurt... Her closest thing to a big break has been the job for Mr. McCormick that resulted in her meeting up with Alexander Wolf, who turned out to not only be a tough co-worker but a comforting lover. Unfortunately, he then turned out to have a psiker soulmate named Michael... but hey, you can't have everything?