===== Known Individuals ===== ==== Friends ==== * Ellie Lancaster: A gadgeteer specializing in vehicle modifications who works in Southside. Is good friends with the party and operates as the group mechanic, fixing and upgrading their vehicles at a more-than-fair price. * Bethany: * Dr. Marv Grayson: Formerly one of the leading theoretical physicists at Colorado Springs University until an experiment in FTL travel that caused him to develop dimensional warping powers that drove him temporarily less than sane (and forced him to turn to alcohol to control it.) Currently working on stabilizing himself and his abilities with the assistance of Marie. * Marie: An interdimensional 'warden' of sorts, responsible for finding Marv due to his accidental tumbling through dimensions causing a concern. Marv has mentioned having met her before as 'Elaine', and neither of them has elaborated on this. ==== Useful Contacts ==== * [[:tower:worlds:granitecity2155:npcs:edgar_mccormick|Edgar McCormick]]: EMC Venture Capital Financier, and party patron. Edgar has some extradimensional contacts, as evidenced by the fact that he was responsible for pointing Marie in the direction of the party. Occasionally sends urgent work their way. * Urban_Delverboi: An urban explorer girl who has offered to help explore the subway system. She managed to figure out the pattern of the ghost train, but was (perhaps understandably) more than a little disturbed by the resultant brush with the supernatural. She hasn't been heard of since. * Alice Grayson: A talented graduate from Colorado Springs University who has come to work for Novus Labs. She has brought one of her research projects with her that she refused to dispose of, a female bioroid with light purple skin by the name of Ganymede. * Ganymede: A bioroid created by Colorado Springs University, she is an electropath, capable of interfacing with electronic devices of all kinds simply by touching them, including reading the contents of data storage and neurally connecting with non-neural equipment. Unlike other methods, this is relatively 'safe' - as she isn't a digital mind she is immune to attacks that would affect them. * Eric "Geronimo" Flak: Formerly a hotshot white-hat compsec advisor who has worked for several major corporations including SkyTek. Retired to become a hacker full-time, but ran afoul of someone who slipped a neurotoxin in his neurosynapse enhancers. Was arrested for drug possession, later released by the party, and owes them big for getting him out and helping him fix up his brain. Intensely fascinated by Bethany and Ami, as they are the two most powerful and free-willed AIs he has ever encountered. * Charli Minelli: An international courier who had a bad run-in in Canada due to a Yakuza delivery run gone sour. Currently operating in the Granite City area as a private courier for Novus Labs and other entities. * Mycroft Soft: An international arms dealer whose hobby is acquiring and servicing slightly obsolete equipment. Has worked with a variety of legitimate and less-legitimate clientele. Is grateful to the PCs for saving his life; offers them a permanent discount on goods and services (discount varies depending on item, but generally at least 10%, usually 20% or more if he's still making a reasonable profit on matters.) ==== Enemies ==== * Catherine Grey: Formerly a member of the Novus board of directors, she left during the subsequent reorganization of the company immediately after the death of then-CEO Smedley Novus. She bought out Indiron Technical, formerly a pharmaceutical analysis firm), and has since been pushing her new company to buy up the Novus estate's patents on biomedical and genetic research. She is currently on good terms with the American Mafia, and has hired enforcers to protect their holdings in Granite City. * Conrad Lang: Former CEO of Ambrex, forced to retire in disgrace after the release of the Rapture Project, a comprehensive plan for Ambrex to survive (and eliminate competitors) in a post-apocalyptic world using bioroid, biological, chemical, and nuclear weaponry. His current location is unknown. * Ian McConnell: A total-cyborg security officer for Ambrex who was reassigned to Ambrex Nevada to oversee testing operations as part of the Rapture Project. Killed by the PCs and ALF during the liberation of Cherry, but has appeared in newscasts since... ==== Others ==== * Zhou Lang: A Triad 'messenger'; operates the Way of the Steel Road, which is known to conduct operations in Southside and on the seventh level of Samuel Luke Station. * Master Vassago: The leader of the coven known as the Serpent's Youth, who regularly holds 'meetings' in the subway tunnels. Said meetings, while vaguely orgiastic, do have the purpose of restoring the wards on the station that maintain the entrapment of the demons within, and Vassago and his brood do act against any threats to the station or its inhabitants. * Alice Regan: A reporter for CBN 12 (Colorado Broadcast Network), who has hired the party on occasion to investigate things too dangerous for reporters to look into personally. * "Splicehawk" : A friend of Eric's who introduced them to the party when they were attempting to figure out how to access SkyTek's files on the ALF. Lives in Sydney, Australia, and is presumed to be on good terms with Eric. ==== Graveyard ==== * Vincent March: A mid-level personnel manager for Novus Laboratories who was promoted to the position after the termination of his predecessor. (Apparently, some of the people he's hiring to replace had very strange habits, up to and including cult worship.) He hired the party to make sure that he avoids any similar embarrassments. Unfortunately, as they began looking into John Malcolm, Vincent turned up dead. * Samuel Luke: An architect acknowledged as the designer of at least 152 buildings between 2025 and 2042 in the Colorado, Nebraska, Kansas, and Missouri region, who utilized gothic architecture and elements of Jewish, Catholic, and Gnostic mythology and mysticism in his works. The majority of buildings acknowledged as influenced by Samuel Luke are government-owned, with only eight known residential structures and no known commercial structures. * Smedley Novus: The founder of Novus Laboratories whose personal space station was destroyed by an orbital strike missle while he was on vacation there. Presumed deceased as of 2153. * John Malcolm: Known to Jenny as the security director at the UAC Ameritrust, later one of the applicants for Novus Laboratories, eventually imprisoned for various computer crimes, Malcolm was an unpleasant, but very talented, computer hacker who programmed AMI and Bethany, and had Amy Malcolm built as his personal sex toy. Unfortunately for him, after a software upgrade by Gregory, Bethany managed to gain control of enough of the house to trap him in the basement and suffocate him to death.