======Combat Robots====== Combat robots may not be as flexible or versatile as human soldiers, and sophisticated machines may be individually more expensive. But they obey orders, they can survive where people can’t, and they have no mothers to weep for them. =====WARBOTS AND COMBAT ANDROIDS ===== A warbot is a fighting machine designed to replace soldiers and supplement combat vehicles. A combat android is a humanoid machine that can use the same equipment and facilities as ordinary soldiers. Some are also disguised as living beings. ====Combat Android: 371 points==== This is a humanoid combat machine, strong and heavily armored. Depending on the choice of traits, it could be designed as an assassin, bodyguard, police officer, or soldier. Attributes: ST+10 [100]; DX+3 [60]; HT+2 [20]. Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: None. Advantages: Absolute Direction [5]; Detect (Radio, Lasers, and Radar; Signal Detection, +0%) [20]; Discriminatory Hearing [15]; Doesn’t Breathe [20]; Hyperspectral Vision [25]; Machine [25]; Sealed [15]; Silence 1 [5]; Temperature Tolerance 20 (-85° to 210°) [20]; Ultrahearing [5]; Vacuum Support [5]. 60 points chosen from among Ambidexterity [5], Appearance [var.], Combat Reflexes [15], Enhanced Time Sense [45], High Pain Threshold [10]. Perk: Accessory (Microframe computer) [1]. Disadvantages: Electrical [-20]; Restricted Diet (Very Common, power cells) [-10]. ===Lenses=== Select one of these TL lenses. Then choose a machine intelligence lens (p. 27) and biomorphic lens (p. 28), and consider the optional lenses detailed below. TL9 Model (+145 points): Add DR 30 [150]; Maintenance (one person, weekly) [-5]. $300,000, 150-300 lbs., 2D/8 hr. LC2. TL10 Model (+231 points): Add DR 45 [225], Maintenance (one person, bi-weekly) [-3], Reduced Consumption 2 [4], and Telescopic Vision 1 [5]. $200,000, 100-300 lbs., 2D/24 hr. LC2. ===Optional Lenses=== Combat Exoskeleton (-20 points): The robot resembles a metallic skeleton. Add Numb [-20]. Infiltrator (+40 points): The robot is covered with living flesh and appears human. It is optimized for black ops, undercover, or bodyguard missions. Add DR 30 (outer layer) (Ablative, -80%) [30] and Mimicry [10]. Add +20% to model price. Chameleon (+21 points): Add Chameleon 3 (Extended, Infravision, and Ultravision, +40%) [21]. Nuclear-Powered (+20 points): Add Doesn’t Eat or Drink [10]; remove Restricted Diet (Very common, power cells) [-10]. Weapon Mount (+2 points): Add Extra Arm 1 (Weapon Mount, -80%) [2]. ====Warbot: 289 points==== The warbot is a nonhumanoid fighting machine the size of a subcompact car. It weighs half a ton (without weapons) and is available in submarine, walking tank, and aircraft versions. All models have a pair of manipulator arms. Attribute Modifiers: ST+15 (Size, -30%) [105]; DX+2 [40]. Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: SM+3; HP+15 (Size, -30%) [21]; Per+5 [25]. Advantages: Extra Arms 3 (Weapon Mount, -80%) [6]; Hyperspectral Vision [25]; Lifting ST +15 (Size, -30%) [32] Machine [25]; Payload 5 [5]; Protected Senses (Hearing, Vision) [10]; Radiation Tolerance 5 [10]; Sealed [15]. Disadvantages: Electrical [-20]; Restricted Diet (Very Common, E cell) [-10]. Availability: $200,000, 1,000 lbs. plus the cost of its brain. LC2. ===Lenses=== Select one of these TL lenses, plus a configuration lens. Then choose a machine intelligence lens (pp. 27-28) and consider the optional lenses detailed below. TL9 Model (+115 points): Add DR 50 (Cannot wear armor, -40%) [150], Maintenance (3 persons, weekly) [-15], and Numb [-20]. TL10 Model (+229 points): Add DR 75 (Cannot wear armor, -40%) [225], Maintenance (one person, weekly) [-5], Reduced Consumption 2 [4], and Telescopic Vision 1 [5]. ===Configuration Lenses=== Select one of these lenses. Submarine (+62 points): Basic Move becomes Water Move; ground Move is 0. Add Absolute Direction [5], Aquatic [0], Enhanced Move (Water) 1 [20], Pressure Support 1 [5], and Sonar (Increased Range 10¥, +30%; LPI, +10%; Targeting, +20%) [32]. Walking Tank (+87 points): An insectoid ground combat machine. Add Absolute Direction [5], Enhanced Move 1 (Ground) [20], Extra Legs (4 legs) [5], Radar (Increased Range 10¥, +30%; LPI, +10%; Multi-Mode, +50%; Targeting, +20%) [42], Super Jump 1 [10], and Vacuum Support [5]. Vertol (+142 points): This robot can fly and hover using ducted fans. Basic Move becomes Air Move; ground Move is 0. Add 3D Spatial Sense [10], Aerial [0], Enhanced Move (Air) 3 [60], Flight (Small wings, -10%) [36], Noisy 3 [-6], and Radar (Increased Range 10¥, +30%; LPI, +10%; Multi-Mode, +50%; Targeting, +20%) [42]. Vertol (Contragrav) (+140 points): The machine uses contragravity generators for lift and thrust; this is TL10^. Its Basic Move becomes Air Move; ground Move is 0. Add Aerial 0], [Enhanced Move (Air) 3 [60], Flight (Planetary, -5%) [38], and Radar (Increased Range 10¥, +30%; LPI, +10%; Multi-Mode, +50%; Targeting, +20%) [42]. ====Inquisitor Robot: 188 points==== This is a sinister machine equipped with three flexible weapon mounts and three manipulator arms. The basic model is a cylindrical machine that moves on a cushion of air. Its strength belies its size. It is also called a "torture robot," although its large brain (for its mass) and array of sensors let it analyze behavior and make it very good at psychological manipulation. A typical mix for its weapon mounts might be a pneumohypo, a holdout electrolaser, and a neural lash. Its second mouth is mounted on an arm, and can be used to take samples for its taste sensor. $20,000, 64 lbs. LC2. Attribute Modifiers: ST+1 [10]; HT+2 [20]. Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: HP+4 [8]. Advantages: Doesn't Breathe [20]; Discriminatory Smell (Emotion Sense, +50%) [23]; Discriminatory Taste [10]; DR 10 (Can't Wear Armor, -40%) [6]; Extra Arm 3 (Extra Flexible, +50%; Weapon Mount, -80%) [9]; Extra Mouth 1 [5]; Flight (Low Ceiling, -25%) [30]; Infravision [15]; Machine [25]; Protected Hearing [5]; Protected Vision [5]; Radio (Burst, +30%; Reduced Range 1/10, -30%; Secure, +20%; Video, +40%) [16]; Sealed [15]; Sharp Teeth [2]. Disadvantages: Aerial [0]; Cannot Float [-1]; Electrical [-20]; Maintenance (one person, weekly) [-5]; Restricted Diet (Very Common, Power Cells) [-10]. Features: Compact microframe computer brain. Availability: $60,000 (TL10). LC2. =====ROBOT WEAPONS===== Robotic missiles are designed to destroy the target in a suicidal attacks. Robot mines are simple automated weapons that wait for targets to appear – sometimes for years or millennia – before making their attack. ====Genius Missiles (TL9-11)==== The most advanced ultra-tech homing missiles are small, autonomous combat robots. They seek out and destroy their targets using programmed tactics such as loitering and stealthy low-altitude approaches. As far as the game rules are concerned, they’re trained animals. Although not very bright by AI standards, they’re sometimes classed as “genius missiles” (to distinguish them from TL8 smart and brilliant missiles). Another, more accurate term is “sentient missiles.” Instructing a genius missile requires an Artillery (Guided Missile) skill roll. Use the guidelines on p. B458 for what the missile can do. Missiles are very good at recognizing sensory profiles of particular targets, and can receive new target information and other updates through their communications links. Genius missiles are also useful as reconnaissance machines – firing one over a hill and seeing what it sees! If the user is worried about hacking, they can be told to “go dark” and receive no other commands. ====Hunter Missile (TL9)==== An arm-sized missile powered by a turbojet engine. It can fly at up to 1,000 mph, but can’t slow down below 1/4 its speed. A hunter missile’s Payload may be any 64mm warhead. It can be fired from a 64mm missile launcher, such as the IML or MLAWS (p. 145). It flies for one minute and then will crash and self-destruct. A hunter missile uses a low-probability intercept multimode radar (2,000-yard range) as its main sense. It can also detect laser, radar and radio emissions and use that to find targets. It can receive command updates via radio, and use inertial guidance to fly to map coordinates. The hunter missile’s maximum straight-line range is 16 miles. ST 3; DX 14; IQ 5; HT 12. HP 6; Will 5; Per 12; Speed 6; Dodge 9; Move 0 (Ground). SM -4; 5 lbs. Traits: Absolute Direction; Aerial; AI; Automaton; Blindness; Deafness; Detect (Lasers, Radio, and Radar, Signal Detection); Electrical; Enhanced Move 2 (Air speed 480); Flight (Cannot Hover; Limited Use, Fast Reload, 1 minute; Air Move 120); Injury Tolerance (No Head, No Neck); Mute; No Manipulators; No Sense of Taste/Smell; Noisy 4; Numb; Payload 3; Radar (LPI, Multi-Mode); Radio (Burst, Secure). Cost: $2,500 ($500 at TL10). LC2. ====Striker Missile (TL9-10)==== A larger, smarter, and faster version of the hunter missile. It has a maximum speed of 2,000 mph and a maximum range of 32 miles. Its radar has a 4,000-yard range, but it can turn that off and use Hyperspectral Vision instead. A striker missile’s Payload may be any 100mm warhead. It can be fired from any 100mm missile launcher such as the Tactical Missile Launcher (p. 145). The TL10 version uses much cheaper nanoelectronics, but is otherwise similar. ST 6; DX 14; IQ 6; HT 12. HP 12; Will 5; Per 12; Speed 6; Dodge 9; Move 0 (Ground). SM -2; 17 lbs. Traits: Same as Hunter Missile except delete Blindness, add Hyperspectral Vision, upgrade to Enhanced Move 3 (Air speed 480), and give Radar (Increased Range ¥2). Skills: Aerobatics-10, Observation-11. Cost: $17,000 ($3,400 at TL10). LC1. ====Nuclear Striker Missile (TL9)==== This is a striker missile (Ultra-Tech, p. 168) with a mininuke warhead and defenses to reduce the chances of being shot down – built with DR 15 laminate armor, a thermo-optic chameleon surface, and radar stealth. It is sealed with scent masking to hide the volatile fuels from chemsniffers before launch. Adds $42,390 and 6.6 lbs. ====Nuclear Hunter Missile (TL10)==== At TL10, a mininuke (Ultra-Tech, p. 156) can be mounted into a hunter missile (Ultra-Tech, p. 168). It has the same enhancements as the nuclear striker missile, but with a multispectral chameleon surface instead of thermo-optic. The TL10 armor is DR 22. Adds $10,700 and 1.65 lbs. ====Decoy Hunter Missile (TL10)==== Usually found accompanying nuclear hunter missile salvos. This missile has the same enhancements as the nuclear hunter missile (p. 10), but it replaces the warhead with a jam-only deceptive radar jammer (Ultra-Tech, p. 99) with a one-minute duration. Adds $1,700 and 1.65 lbs. ====Laser Hunter Missile (TL10)==== Occasionally found accompanying nuclear hunter missile salvos. It has the same enhancements as the nuclear hunter missile (p. 10), but it replaces the warhead with a gyrostabilized blue-green pulse holdout laser to attack counter-battery missiles, drones, or ground targets. The rest of the space is filled with non-rechargeable power cells, giving 8¥ the usual number of shots. Adds $1,800 and 1.65 lbs. ====Nuclear Floater Missile (TL10^)==== TL10^ adds more useful defenses to standard floater missile (Ultra-Tech, pp. 168-169). This weapon is built with a mininuke warhead, an invisibility surface, radar stealth, DR 22 laminate armor, and two distortion chips (to cover the whole length). Adds $12,400 and 1.66 lbs. ====Devourer Swarm (TL10)==== These swarmbots have small diamond jaws; a swarm can chew through almost any barrier or armor, given time. They inflict 1d(2) corrosion damage per second to anyone caught within the swarm. This is considered an area-effect attack, and only sealed DR will protect against it. High-density swarms are most effective! $8,000 per square yard. LC1. ====Gremlin Swarm (TL10)==== The swarm is equipped with tiny drills and cutters. It is programmed to crawl inside electronic or mechanical devices , then jam up the works by slicing through wires, eating circuits, and so on. Only sealed machinery or electronics, or devices lacking small moving parts, will be safe. The sabotage is not immediately obvious. Each square yard of swarm does one point of damage per turn to unsealed machinery, ignoring armor DR. The machinery acquires a malfunction number (p. B407) of 17, with an extra -1 each time it loses 10% of its HP. Check nonweapon devices for malfunction when they are turned on and each minute they are in use Damage caused by gremlins doesn’t physically destroy an object, but is treated like other damage for repair purposes. $2,000 per square yard. LC2. ====Sentry (TL10)==== These microbots are equipped with weapons optimized for combating other microbots. Each hex inflicts 2d damage per turn on other microbot swarms. $5,000 per square yard. LC3. ====Stinger Swarm (TL10)==== These tiny robots have stinging needles with soporific venom. The swarm does one point of Fatigue damage per turn to living beings (only) in contact with it unless they have Sealed protection. $1,500 per square yard. LC2. ====Terminator Swarm (TL10)==== These microbots have tiny jaws or poison needles. The swarm does one point of toxic damage per turn to living beings (only) in contact with it, unless they have Sealed protection. $1,500/square yard. LC1.