====== Computers in the 22nd Century ====== Computer interfacing in the 22nd century has improved significantly, with voice recognition, keyboards, mice, touch-sensitive screens, gestures, holographic detection, and direct neural control all acting as legitimate methods of controlling and operating any system that can be computerized, from your toasty-warm electric blanket to your media player to your home security system. ===== The Uplink ===== An evolution of pocket computing and communications technology, the Uplink is a device roughly the size of a cellphone (occasionally called a communicator or commlink or pocket router by the less socially inclined) that operates to form a wireless network supporting all of your personal equipment and allowing it to contact other public or private wireless networks. While many pieces of tech have built-in wireless capability, the Uplink allows you to synch them together to serve your needs and operate under the same control hierarchy. It is usually mounted in a headset (earpiece and glasses) to allow the user to experience AR as they travel, and can be set to operate in active (maintains connections and accepts new inbound or outbound connections), passive (maintains connections and allows inbound connections after verification), hidden (allows inbound or outbound connections to known entities only and denies unknown entities), or silent (disabled entirely) modes. Because these broadcasts contain identifiable information about the user, people who wish to remain undisturbed usually operate in hidden or silent mode. However, many secure places such as corporate enclaves and military or government sites require passive or active broadcasting enabled as a requirement (and, of course, use this as part of their method of determining whether or not you belong.) Likewise, store transactions can be as simple as scanning the RFID tags of merchandise as well as the purchasing data for your Uplink, requesting you accept charges, and letting you walk out the door without having to bother with a pesty checkout experience, as long as you have active mode enabled, of course. ===== The Chip ===== Computer processing power has advanced to the point where chips can be microscopic in nature, allowing for the tiniest of machines to exist and ensuring that any device from your toaster to your thermostat to your bullets can be completely augmented with computerization technology. A single chip the size of an SD card (or quarter) can operate as any one of the following: * Datachip: A mass-produced datachip this size can hold approximately 4 petabytes of information; the largest chips hold 128 terabytes (and are prohibitively expensive, in most cases.) * Transceiver: Any device can have the ability to serve as an Uplink and have basic processing capabilities while still being able to store 1 petabyte of information on a mass-produced slottable chip. * Processor: A processor chip this size would operate as its own node within a larger machine, allowing it to handle moderate processing tasks as a Tiny computer with its own programs and configuration. ===== The Stick (or Datatab) ===== In an era where everything is computerized, any otherwise innocuous device might be concealing data, and there are industries expressly devoted to finding new ways to conceal data storage. A mass-produced object the size of a modern USB 'thumb drive' without any camoflauging can hold 8 to 64 petabytes and still be fairly inexpensive; cheaper models that hold downwards to 128 terabytes are common 'giveaway' items. A device made to accept an unorthodox data storage system will usually hold less data for higher prices. One item making its rounds on the market is the 'E-Star' data concealment system; it uses what appears to be an ordinary B-sized rechargeable energy cell (roughly the shape of a modern AA) that in all ways operates as a standard battery. However, when hooked to an E-Star recharger that is then networked to a computer through its charge cable, it can access a concealed datachip within the battery that stores 1 petabyte of encrypted data. ===== The Tablet ===== Modern tablets are capable of handling amazing depth in touch sensitivity even without AR mode enabled, and can serve as an entire self-contained computer system with AR active. Aside from supporting touchscreen capabilities, a tablet has processing power sufficient to handle a wide variety of tasks easily, display trivid broadcasts without buffering (most of the time), and conduct most business with the aplomb currently assigned to heavy-duty gaming PCs of today. It can also accept a UDT connection to recharge or receive wired data directly. Most tablets have a small camera that can be used for basic photography and filming, although many use the ones mounted on their Uplink for spontaneous photography and journalism. ===== The Cyberdeck ===== An optimized, personalized system used by specialists to manipulate the electronic world to do their bidding, the Cyberdeck is of a similar size to a tablet, but usually strips out unnecessary features such as the touchscreen; it is the smallest device that supports simsense access to systems, and people with cyberdecks and simsense helmets or direct cranial implants can be seen working at the speed of thought in many high-class development firms. ===== The Personal Computer ===== Compared to the tablet, the personal computer of the era is usually a more powerful system that is connected to a hardwired network for even greater speed - the local area network of the office or home, as well as the wide area network of whatever service provider gives them access to the global area network that is the modern equivalent of the Internet. As with all computers, the options available to a personal computer are often limited only by budget and desire for customization; many purists prefer the old-fashioned keyboard-and-mouse, but AR is a standard feature, so a simple AR-rigged headset and gloves can give the same tactile experience without worry that the keys might become stuck. ===== The Server ===== These are the primary target of most hackers of the day, as interesting data can be worth a pretty penny to the right customer. On the other hand, servers are larger computers that can (if the target company chooses) be built to withstand the most powerful attacks, and even counter with their own deadly opposition. Most companies operate at least a small server to handle simple things like office mail and uplink comm rebroadcasting, and as such there is usually at least one reachable access point to make entry through. ===== The Rack ===== When a single server isn't enough, the powerhouses of computing are called into play - racks of servers, usually used for massive data storage, but also useful for massive computations that one single computer might flounder under the weight of. Server racks host many a data haven or corporate headquarters platform, as well as the cloud computing headquarters of comm service providers who license space for data hosting to their customers who want to put up a page about how corgis are better than chihuahuas. ===== Mainframes and Macroframes ===== These are larger classifications of computer that take up more space than the average webserver, or even a rack of them. An average mainframe takes up an entire closet and is difficult to move without tools, while a macroframe weighs as much as a heavy car and is often used to administer to a city, major government agency, or major corporation. ===== The Supercomputer ===== Monolithic computing structures that take up entire buildings do still exist, and supposedly these lie at the heart of advanced government and corporate infrastructure systems to keep them running safely. Usually stored in very well-secured locations with extremely limited access, even directly connecting to a supercomputer is a rare thing for most normal users, and defeating one is the jewel on the crown of most 'elite' hacker types. ===== Computer Technology ===== ==== Operating Systems ==== Each operating system has a 'Base Complexity Level' - which determines what sort of machines it can run on, and to an extent what software is considered 'included' (as noted below, programs of Complexity equal to one lower than the OS can be included at the OS designer's option; they do not take up additional processing power, but they run as part of the OS process instead of independently.) iOS: An amalgam of Windows and Macintosh that has full V-processor and neuroprocessor support, but is vulnerable to security probes and has a number of well-established backdoor protocols designed for remote service. Android: Popular lightweight operating system used by many small computers, tablets, and personal devices, including basic neuroprocessor/V-processor support. VirtuxOS: An evolution of Linux and similar open source operating systems with full V-processor and neuroprocessor support. Winix: An amalgam of Linux and Windows that copies many of the features of iOS with open source licensing, including full V-processor and neuroprocessor support. DistrOS: A distributed-computing network operating system meant for use in large offices with many smaller systems, often used for cloud computing and storage systems. Can run V-processor/neuroprocessor systems but not interact with them without external peripherals. Neuronix: A software-based neural-net simulation protocol designed to make AI pathing usable on hardware not normally capable of handling it. AIs using Neuronix OSes can operate on any computer hardware, although functional intelligence is still limited by the maximum complexity of the hardware. GeniOS: An OS designed specifically for braincomps that are intended for implantation in bioroids, providing a convenient interface for managing them at a distance. Includes advanced V-processor handling for sensie rigs and other recording equipment. Splitbit: An OS with a focus on quantum computing management, allowing for amazingly rapid calculations, decryption, etc. High complexity and does not function on machines without quantum processing capability. WOTANS: Acronym for Web of Things Area Network System, a lightweight OS that connects localized items together and allows them to share in processing tasks. Designed specifically to be capable of interfacing with the tiniest computer components while maintaining support for V-processor/neuroprocessor/3DT processing and other useful product features. Typically, one hub appliance serves as the controller for the ANS, communicating with all items set up to work with the network, coordinating between each other, and connecting them to a more prosaic computer network without requiring interfaces be designed specifically for them; devices can also communicate ad hoc with each other if they are designed to have WOTANS compatibility. Device-specific: Various manufacturers create hardware-specific 'operating systems' designed to optimize their code and make it so that Complex programs run without as much memory overhead involved. Typically, they have internal 'hooks' or 'libraries' to allow them to communicate with more mainstream OSes (for example, you may not be able to reprogram your printer, but you can still send files to it to be printed.) === Artificial Intelligence === Artificial intelligences can technically operate on any system of sufficient Complexity. Most corporate AIs are coded under DistrOS, Splitbit, or GeniOS, depending on their intended purpose. Homebrewed AIs, as well as some black ops AIs, often run under Neuronix, giving them the capability to run under any hardware they manage to install to. === Operating System Kernel === The OS Kernel uses some processor time; most OSes built to work on a particular system have a Complexity equal to (X-2), where X is the target system Complexity. This means that a program meant to run on Complexity 6 hardware should have at least Complexity 4 software backing it up. Mind, many people use Complexity 4 software on systems that only have a Complexity of 5 or 4; this means a more significant portion of the machine's processing assets will go towards the OS instead of other functions. The OS Kernel handles most standard procedures and protocols, including any program that would be Complexity (OS-1) or lower, as part of its standard function set. This means that if a Datalink is Complexity 1 and the OS is Complexity 3 on a Complexity 5 system, the Datalink can be listed as part of the OS Kernel and not tracked separately, unless there is a specific reason otherwise (a Datalink for a nonstandard protocol, for example). The OS Kernel process cannot be given a boosted Complexity to make it run faster; if given a lower Complexity out of necessity, it and the entire system (and thus any function 'built into' it) will run slower! === OS Emulation === So what happens when you want to emulate hardware that isn't currently being used (typically because you don't have it - or have a more evolved version of it and need to backport for compatibility? You need to use Complexity (X+1) software to emulate Complexity (X) hardware with some concessions made, or (X+2) if you want to emulate it perfectly, or (X+3) if you want to emulate it within a Virtual environment. Put another way, a Complexity 6 Virtual entity could simulate the behavior of any gadget of up to Complexity 3 with perfect accuracy; a Complexity 5 emulation program could emulate the output of a Complexity 3 gadget perfectly; and a Complexity 4 emulation program could emulate the output of a Complexity 3 gadget but would obviously be emulated and have some minor flaws. Devices with hardware-based optimization add 1/2 of the effective Complexity modifier, rounded up. ==== Computer Sizes and Upgrades ==== Every computer has a “Complexity” rating. This is an abstract measure of processing power. Each Complexity level represents a tenfold increase in overall capability over the previous level. A contemporary (mid-TL8) desktop system is Complexity 3-4. A computer’s Complexity determines what programs it can run, and may be a prerequisite for certain options, such as Sentient. Software also has a Complexity rating, and can only run on a computer of that Complexity level or higher; e.g., a Complexity 2 program requires a Complexity 2 computer or better. Complexity determines how many programs a computer can run simultaneously. It can run two programs of its own Complexity, 20 programs of one Complexity level less, 200 programs of two Complexity levels less, and so on. For instance, a Complexity 2 computer could run two Complexity 2 programs or 20 Complexity 1 programs – or one Complexity 2 program and 10 Complexity 1 programs. Computers are also rated for their data storage (hard drive space, etc.) in terabytes (TB). A terabyte is a thousand gigabytes or a trillion bytes. === Computer Models === These are standard sizes of “ordinary” computer that lack any sort of self-awareness. With various options (see below) they can represent numerous types and models. These systems include the processor, the power supply, the casing, and a storage system, plus an operating system. Computers may also have a cable jack and microcommunicator at no extra cost, although these may also be omitted in order to isolate the computer for security purposes. Displays and controls are not included. Even so, the computer can be used “as is” via a neural interface, or installed into a robot body or vehicle. Also, if the computer is equipped with AI software, users can interact with it just by talking to it. Otherwise, they should be equipped with a terminal or a communicator. == Tiny Computer == The smallest multi-purpose computer in regular use. It’s used as a wearable computer or implant, or built into gadgets or robots. It is Complexity 5 and stores 1 PB. $50, 0.05 lbs., 2A/20 hr. LC4. == Small Computer == This is used as a notebook or wearable computer, or the brain of a small robot. It has Complexity 6 and stores 10 PB. $100, 0.5 lbs., 2B/20 hr. LC4. == Personal Computer == A workhorse system. Almost every middle-class household may have a system like this, serving as the “house brain.” Small businesses and departments of large businesses also use them, as do many vehicles and robots. A personal computer is Complexity 7 and stores 100 QB data. $1,000, 5 lbs., 2C/20 hr or external power. LC4. == Microframe == A high-end cabinet-sized machine, common in labs, large vehicles, as a network server, or on an office floor (often with several terminals networked to it). Other applications include commercial spacecraft, mobile asteroidmining complexes, university learning centers, and so on. Merchant ships use a microframe as the ship’s main computer. Large warships frequently use microframes as the backup control systems of fighting, damage control, maneuvering and tactical-planning stations. A microframe is Complexity 8 and stores 1,000 PB. $10,000, 40 lbs., external power. LC3. == Mainframe == These powerful computers are often used for control and systems-monitoring functions for a starship, major business, manufacturing complex, or laboratory. A mainframe is Complexity 9 and stores 10,000 PB. $100,000, 400 lbs., external power. LC3. == Macroframe == This size of computer is often found administering the traffic, sewage, power, maintenance, and bureaucracy functions for an entire city. They are also found as the main computer aboard large ships and used to run cutting-edge science projects. Macroframes are usually the property of government agencies or major corporations. They are Complexity 10 and store 100,000 PB. $1,000,000, 4,000 lbs., external power. LC3. == Megacomputer == This is a computer the size of an entire building! Systems this large may be placed in charge of running entire countries, although they’re sometimes also installed in capital ships or giant cybertanks. They’re often upgraded for even more performance – with a genius option, a megacomputer can cost billions! A megacomputer is Complexity 11 and stores 1,000,000 PB. $10,000,000, 40,000 lbs., external power. LC2. === Customizing Hardware === Various options are available to customize computer hardware. Multiple options can be chosen, but each option can only be taken once. Modifiers to Complexity, cost, etc. apply to the hardware statistics. Cost and weight multipliers are multiplied together. For examples a computer that is Fast (which multiplies cost by 20) and Hardened (which doubles cost) is 40 times the normal cost. Complexity and LC modifiers are additive, but LC cannot go below LC0. Compact: A lighter but more expensive computer. Double the cost, halve the weight. Halve the number of power cells and the operating duration. Fast: A powerful computer, with capabilities equivalent to a system one size larger. This option may not be combined with Slow or Genius. +1 Complexity. Multiply the cost by 20. Genius: The computer is on the cutting edge of processor design. This option may not be combined with Fast or Slow. Add +2 to Complexity. Multiply the cost by 500, and reduce LC by 1. Hardened: The computer is designed to resist electromagnetic pulses, microwaves, and other attacks that target electrical gadgets. Add +3 to HT to resist these effects. Double the cost, double the weight. High-Capacity: The computer can run 50% more programs simultaneously (three programs of its own Complexity, and so forth). Cost is 1.5 times normal. Quad Core: Requires High-Capacity. The computer can run four programs of its own complexity, and so forth. Cost is 1.5 times normal. Printed: The computer is printed on a flexible surface, such as fabric (so it can be rolled up) or even skin (a digital tattoo). It requires four square feet per pound of weight; an average person has about 20 square feet of skin across his body. It must use solar cells or flexible cells for power. Breaking the surface destroys the computer. This option is not compatible with quantum computers. -1 Complexity, and divide data storage by 1,000. Quantum: A quantum computer drastically reduces the time required to perform certain processes; see Quantum Computers (below). Multiply the cost by 10, and double the weight. -1 LC. Partial Quantum: A computer with only its crucial chips upgraded with quantum-compatible chips still has a dramatic impact on processing time. Multiply cost by 4, and increase weight by 50%. Slow: The computer uses inexpensive processors and storage media, or it may be an older design. This option may not be combined with Fast or Genius. It is -1 Complexity and stores one-tenth the data. Divide cost by 20. Data Storage: Additional built-in data storage can be purchased for $1 and 0.001 lb. per additional PB. SSRAM Slots: These special computer extensions allow you to load programs into high speed memory rather than off of disk, allowing them to run at twice normal speed. Each slot costs 25% of the base cost of the machine, and can load a program of any Complexity; however, the system can still only run as many programs as its Complexity can handle. Tiny computers cannot handle SSRAM slots; other computers typically can have up to 2 x Complexity slots. V-RAM Enabled: Machines designed with V-processors cost 25% more, whereas users can use a normal machine with an appropriate jack without a V-processor if they have a computer implant or use an induction helmet or other equipment to connect to the machine. === Quantum Computers === Quantum computers perform calculations using atoms in up or down spin states to represent bits of information. Due to quantum uncertainty effects, each atom does not simply represent one bit, as in a traditional computer Instead, each “qubit” can be both up and down at once. This allows it to (in a sense) do all possible calculations at the same time until the act of measuring the qubits stops the calculating process. Quantum computers provide quick solutions to mathematical problems that would tie up a conventional computer for years or centuries. This makes them useful for a wide range of activities, including code decryption, traffic control, and massive database searches. In these situations, the GM may wish to drastically reduce the time of the task (e.g., to the square root of the normal time), or increase the quantum computer’s effective Complexity. See Encryption for an example. The GM may rule that some problems require quantum computers. ==== System Components ==== This is a brief explanation of some computer components and concepts that exist in the Granite City 2155 world. === Holographic Processor === This is a tiny processor that converts digital signals into holographic projections. It acts as the peripheral interface between a projector and a computer system; it generally requires a Complexity 6 program on the resident computer to make it function properly, although versions that combine projector and computer use hardware shortcuts to lower the complexity of the interface software. === V-Processor === A shorthand for the elaborate hardware and software protocols required to present a virtual environment in complex detail to the end-user. Usually installed in peripheral helmets with a small computer along with a neuroprocessor, although machines designed for direct jack-in often have internal versions instead. Degree of complexity depends on the extensiveness of the interactivity required - typically from C4 for low-grade environmental simulations that only have very basic or no tactile sensation anywhere but the hands, to C5 for full-body tactile sensations, to C6 for total neural input/output interfaces. Similar software can manage the experience of up to ten user interfaces (increment by 10 per Complexity level above requirements.) === Neuroprocessor === The hardware and software required to accept neural control inputs, including providing appropriate biofeedback to the connected user, and providing appropriate instructions to the interfaced device. These are included in the requirements for a neural implant or interface conduit. A neuroprocessor is included in most decks, but for $500, it can be fitted with a built-in Fuse system (shutting down the system when the first Damage program hits the deck instead of allowing the system to take damage.) === Q-Sys Processor Suite === This is a system setup that uses quantum processor units instead of standard processors. This makes a wide range of processes run significantly faster. This reduces processing time of certain long tasks (more than five seconds) by a factor of 1,000 (minimum five seconds). === Q-Sys Central Processor Unit === This system setup only replaces the main CPUs of the computer instead of all chips, in order to lower costs; this also limits how much quantum power can be devoted to problems. This reduces processing time of certain long tasks (more than ten seconds) by a factor of 250 (minimum ten seconds). === SSRAM Slots === An SSRAM slot allows a solid state RAM chip to be added, boosting the speed of the program loaded into the RAM (double normal speed). Typically at least two of these are used in computers to take full advantage of the computer's features, but machines that need to run many programs at once or in sequence tend to load everything into memory. Note that this still uses Complexity capacity normally -- SSRAM just lets a program run faster. === Multiple Processors === Adding multiple processors to a computer increases the relative complexity of the system. Bearing in mind that a 'standard' computer can run 10 Complexity (X-1) programs for every Complexity (X) program it can run, each processor must provide the system with Complexity X. Dual processors provide 2 x Complexity X, and so on. A Complexity X processor effectively works as efficiently as at least ten Complexity (X-1) processors chained together at optimum efficiency, and may in fact be ten Complexity (X-1) processors within a larger computer housing. === Terminals === A terminal is a device that lets a user communicate with a computer. Any terminal will have a way (typing, hand motions, speech) for the user to give input, and some way for the computer to respond to the user. Most computers use least one terminal, connected either directly or remotely. Often many terminals will be connected to a single computer. Some users may only own terminals, renting time as necessary on networked systems. Terminals may also have the compact, hardened, and printed computer hardware options. == Datapad == A tiny color video screen and touch-pad resembling a cell phone. It can be built into the computer or worn separately (e.g., as a wristwatch). It includes a microcommunicator, a cable jack, a speaker/microphone, and a mini-camera. Any tasks requiring use of the keyboard and screen for lengthy or complex periods are at -2 to skill. It has a datachip removable drive. $10, 0.05 lbs. 2A/20 hr. LC4. == Head-Up Display (HUD) == This is a 3D video display integrated into glasses or a helmet visor, or designed to be projected onto a windscreen. A HUD can also be printed onto a flat surface. See Using a HUD (below). Many vehicles, suits, sensor goggles, and the like incorporate a HUD at no extra cost, and direct neural interfaces make a HUD unnecessary. If bought separately: $50, neg., uses external power. LC4. The Head-Up Display, or HUD (above), is a nearly ubiquitous technology. It displays visual information (text, sensor views, suit or vehicle instrument readouts, a computer screen, targeting crosshairs, a web browser window, a video show, etc.) by projecting it directly onto the wearer’s visor. Any piece of electronic equipment that uses a visual display screen may be connected to a HUD by a cable or a communicator. A HUD also allows hands-free monitoring of devices. A HUD provides +1 to skill rolls when reacting quickly to information is important – maneuvering with a thruster pack, for example. Driving, Piloting, and Free-Fall skill rolls often benefit from a HUD. Many wearable sensor devices and suits have a HUD built-in at no extra cost. == Sleeve Display == A square of touch-sensitive digital cloth woven into the fabric of clothing, uniforms, and body armor. It is equivalent to a datapad, and the cloth incorporates a speaker. $50, neg. weight, A/10 hr. (uses flexible cells). LC4. == Portable Terminal == A small but functional color video display and multi-system interface (keyboard, mouse, speakers, mike, video camera), typical of laptop computers. A portable terminal is also used as a remote control for many types of devices, such as sensors, communicators, and drones. It’s adequate for most tasks, although the GM may rule that time-consuming or graphics-intensive tasks require a desktop workstation (see below) to avoid a -1 penalty. It has both datachip and removable drives. $50, 0.5 lbs., 2B/20 hr. LC4. == Workstation Terminal == A complete desktop, vehicular console, or office system with the same capabilities as a portable terminal, It has a larger keyboard, a full-size 3D monitor, a document scanner/printer, and whatever other peripherals might be standard at higher TLs (GM’s option). $500, 5 lbs., C/10 hr. or external power. LC4. == Computerized Crew Station == A high-end workstation with controls that can be reconfigured, multi-function programmable displays, and a padded, adjustable seat. This sort of system may be required to control complex systems such as vehicles or power stations. $2,000, 50 lbs., uses external power. LC4. == Holographic Crew Station == A computerized crew station (above) that uses holographic projection to immerse the user in 3D imagery. Vehicular versions may be designed to make the rest of the vehicle vanish, leaving the user “floating in air” except for his seat and controls. $10,000, 50 lbs., uses external power. LC4. == Multisensory Holographic Crew Station == As above, but the controls and displays can be configured for nonhuman senses – for example, ultrasonic, infrared, or even olfactory outputs. $50,000, 100 lbs.; uses external power. LC4. == Holoprojection == Users might use a holoprojector instead of a screen; even a wrist-size unit can produce a floating 3D image the size of a full-size computer monitor, with larger models typical of display systems built into homes and vehicles. ===== Programs on File ===== ==== Hacking Programs ==== ^ Name ^ Execution ^ Skill Defaults ^ Complexity ^ Effect ^ | Alter | Single-Execution | Computer Hacking-3 or Computer Programming-3 | 4 | Change target program or data object in such a way as to serve a different purpose, but still function and appear valid. Use Alter to insert technically consistent records into a database, build a back door into an ICE program (add margin of success on Alter to subsequent rolls to Breach the ICE; see p. 8), or change the way that a program works (e.g., a scheduled money transfer moves the funds into a numbered Swiss account instead of its usual destination). Successfully made, such changes will go unnoticed until their results become apparent (disinformation spread, funds missing, etc.), unless the program or datum is successfully Analyzed (see below) – the Analyze roll must succeed by a greater margin than the original Alter roll. | | Analyze | Continuous or Single Execution | Computer Programming-3 or Expert(Computer Security)-2. | 3 | Get information about the target user, computer, program, or data object. A successful roll returns useful information – file or user ID, running programs (and their Complexity), profile, network address, physical access location, or whatever the GM determines is available. If Alter, Spoof, or Stealth programs have been used to obscure or change the target, the Analyze program must win a Quick Contest against the deceptive program in order to detect the forgery and get accurate information. A victory on this roll also tells the program user about the presence of the obscuring programs, which can then be investigated further. Analyze can be invoked as a single-execution program to examine a specific target, or set to run continuously to monitor the status of a particular file, computer, or program. Analyze can be run on a target protected by an ICE program, but Analyze will only give information about the ICE and any programs that are running through it (Analyze, Listen, or Search). It can also be set to cyclically scan all programs and data on a single computer, looking for irregularities (Alter, unauthorized instances of Control, etc.), or Triggered (p. 9) to scan users or programs that meet certain criteria. In all cases, it can call a Trigger program when certain results are obtained, or pass information to a sysadmin (or AI) for a more thorough examination. | | Breach | Single-Execution | Computer Hacking-2 | 3 | Penetrate a target ICE program to gain unauthorized access to the network, computer, program, or data it protects. Breach must win a Quick Contest against the ICE; victory grants the hacker access to the target, allowing him to execute other programs on it. A target protected by multiple layers of ICE can only be accessed after all instances are defeated. | | Control | Single-Execution | Computer Hacking-2 or Computer Operation-3 | 4 | Take over function of the target computer. A successful roll allows the netrunner to cause a compromised computer to carry out any function known to him of which it’s normally capable – shut down, erase or transfer data, run or halt installed programs, etc. It can also allow remote control of a networked device (security cameras, machine-gun sentries, etc.), in which case the program defaults to the appropriate Electronics Operation specialty. This roll is only contested if another user is trying to Control the same computer to make it do something different. An individual program, device, or database that is protected by its own layer of ICE cannot be Controlled (or otherwise accessed) until the ICE protecting it is defeated. Each instance of internal ICE on a computer (protecting a particular program, database, or system) protects itself from tampering, and cannot be Controlled until it’s been individually Breached or Spoofed. | | Damage | Single-Execution | Computer Hacking-3 or Expert (Computer Security)-3 | 5 | Create a destructive feedback loop in the target computer, causing physical damage; hardened computers impose a -3 to the program’s skill level. Against most computers, a success will cause a crash and disable the system until 1d days and 1d x 10% of the computer’s original cost have been put into repairs. (Any permanent data loss is up to the GM; most important systems will have multiple redundant, off-site backups.) Against a cyberdeck, it forces the decker to make an immediate HT roll (+3 for a hardened cyberdeck); success incurs 1d burning damage to the decker’s brain, but allows him to act normally, though any programs are rolled at a penalty equal to the damage taken. (Most deckers opt to jack out at this point.) Failure causes 2d damage, and totally incapacitates the decker; critical success avoids all damage, while critical failure increases damage to 3d. Successive uses of the Damage program against an incapacitated decker are resisted at -5. This is the phenomenon known as “flatlining” – a flatlined character can do nothing on his turn but attempt to recover with a HT roll, at a penalty for the damage taken that round, but at +3 for a hardened cyberdeck. If he recovers, he can jack out immediately, but if he chooses to remain jacked in, he can’t invoke any new programs until the next round. | | ICE | Continuous | Computer Hacking-2 or Expert (Computer Security) | 3 | Intrusion Countermeasure Electronics deny unauthorized access to a network, computer, program, or data object. ICE runs continuously, generally alongside a Listen program to grant access to those with the proper credentials. As long as it’s in effect, no program can be executed on the protected object without satisfying the Listen program or successfully Breaching the ICE, or Spoofing the gatekeeper Listen program. An ICE program that has been successfully Breached is considered “off” until it’s restarted by a sysadmin or automated defense system (or a hacker covering his tracks); ICE that’s been Spoofed is still “on,” but has granted access to the netrunner for the current session (until he disconnects from that computer). Highly secure systems often run several instances of ICE – one to restrict access to the computer itself, and others to protect critical programs, classified databases, etc. ICE can allow some communication through. For example, a Listen program that’s functioning as gatekeeper for the ICE, or an Analyze or Search that’s reaching through the computer’s ICE to look around the network (or monitor the ICE), can still be Spoofed. ICE doesn’t prevent the protected object from being found in a Search, but it does prevent the object’s contents from being Altered, Controlled, Searched, or otherwise accessed. For example, a Search executed over a penetrated network can find an individual computer protected by its own ICE, but that ICE would have to be defeated before the computer could be Controlled, or a Search invoked to find a specific program or datum on it. | | Jam | Continuous | Computer Hacking-2 | 2 | Overwhelm an Analyze, Listen, or Search program, or a specific mode of communication, with static or meaningless input. If the Jam is successful (no contested roll needed), the target can’t receive any input from the jammed source – programs error out, and comm channels buzz with white noise – until the Jam is terminated, or its source is disconnected from the network. This is an easy, brute-force way to interrupt communication, but it does nothing to “fool” the target – so if, for example, an Analyze program is set to alert the sysadmin of any errors in an ICE program, jamming it will draw as much attention as allowing it to report a Breach. | | Listen | Continuous | Computer Hacking-2 or Expert (Computer Security) | 2 | Passive reception of communications. This program can either listen for specific kinds of messages (login attempts, etc.) or capture all traffic over a specific communication channel. When used for access control, Listen can be set to allow authorized users through a particular instance of an ICE program. In this case, it can be Spoofed (see below); the Spoof program must win a Quick Contest against Listen to allow a user through the ICE. When used to snoop, Listen only captures data – if it’s encrypted, the hacker will have to decrypt it (see Code-Cracking). Listen must overcome Stealth, winning a Quick Contest, in order to detect a cloaked communication; it has no chance to overcome Jam (see above), and will simply capture any misinformation presented by Spoof. Whatever mode it’s used in, Listen can call a Trigger program if received information meets certain criteria (unsuccessful access attempts, etc.). | | Search | Continuous or Single-Execution | Computer Operation-2 or Expert (Computer Security)-1 | 3 | Actively seek out a particular program or piece of data on a computer, or a particular computer on a network. A success finds the target, allowing further programs to be executed on it (once its ICE is defeated, of course!). Search must win a Quick Contest against Stealth, or Spoof used to mask a target’s identity, in order to find targets protected by those programs. Run continuously, Search can scan a computer or network for a certain class of target, such as “unauthorized programs.” Search can be set to activate a Trigger program when specified types of targets are found. | | Spoof | Continuous or Single-Execution | Computer Hacking-3 | 4 | Feed false information to an Analyze, Listen, or Search program. Use Spoof to actively fool a program that’s looking for specific information, or to continuously masquerade as a legitimate user. For example, if an Analyze program is set to monitor the status of an ICE program, Spoof can attempt to convince Analyze that the ICE is still up after it’s been Breached. Analyze and Search can see through a Spoof if they win a Quick Contest against it; Listen only needs to tie the Contest to deny access through ICE, but gets no roll when simply recording Spoofed information. | | Stealth | Continuous | Computer Hacking-3 or Expert (Computer Security)-3 | 4 | Mask a user, program, computer, or data object from Analyze, Listen, and Search. While running, Stealth resists any attempt to find or examine the cloaked object – such programs must win a Quick Contest with Stealth in order to get any information at all. Of course, to many sysadmins, inconclusive results on an Analyze attempt are cause for further investigation . . . | | Trigger | Continuous | Computer Operation or Expert (Computer Security) | 3 | Delayed, conditional execution of one or more other programs. Trigger can function as an automated link between information-gathering programs (Analyze, Listen, and Search), and other programs that are activated in response to certain information. It can also perform normal functions of the computer (shutdown, send alerts to the sysadmin, etc.), and can be set to activate on a schedule rather than in response to other programs. Trigger requires no roll; it’s called after Analyze, Listen, or Search have successfully defeated any Spoof or Stealth programs. The number of programs that a single instance of Trigger can initiate is equal to its Complexity; the programs can be called all at once (with the normal penalties for invoking multiple programs), or staggered to execute in stages. A single instance of Trigger can only be set to respond to one instance of a specific info-gathering program, but multiple Triggers can be keyed to multiple programs and instances. Many combinations are possible; some of the more common are Triggers set to run an Analyze on any user attempting to access a given computer, or to shut down a system when unauthorized access is detected. | ==== Other Programs ==== ^ Name ^ Skill ^ Complexity ^ Effect ^ | Swarm Controller Software | Electronics Operation (Robots) | 4 | Lets a user command and control microbot swarms using a radio, laser, or infrared communicator. The GM can make a secret Electronics Operation (Robots) roll to see if the swarm understands the orders (apply penalties for confusing instructions). Failure means the swarm does not do exactly what was intended. A separate program is needed for each swarm type. Complexity 4, normal cost. LC is that of the swarm. | | Holotech Editing Program | Electronics Operation (Media) | 6 | Software for creating or editing holotech and 3D camera images. It can be used to produce computerized holographic animation, special effects, etc. Use Electronics Operation (Media) skill. Complexity 6 software, normal cost. LC4. | | VR Environmental Database | Virtual character 0.001 TB; Virtual room 0.001 TB; Virtual house or park 0.01 TB; Virtual mansion or wilderness 0.1 TB; Virtual street or mall 1 TB; Virtual neighborhood 10 TB; Virtual town 100 TB; Virtual city 1,000 TB; Virtual small nation 10,000 TB; Virtual large nation 100,000 TB; Virtual planet 1,000,000 TB; Virtual interplanetary state 10,000,000 TB; Virtual interstellar state 100,000,000 TB; Virtual galactic empire 1,000,000,000 TB | - | Virtual wilds, streets, malls, cities, and worlds include simulations of animals or people as well as live users, but they are not really “alive” until someone else encounters them. Large areas may also use “generic scenery” to fill in backgrounds. A virtual city may only have a few thousand specific building interiors, assembling other rooms from “cut and paste” programs whenever individuals visit them. Divide the required database space by 10 for a “cartoon” level of imagery; multiply by 10 for “lifelike” imagery with fewer generic details. “Lifelike” imagery experienced with full or total VR is nearly indistinguishable from reality. \\ Packaged Characters and Settings: prices are about $1,000 per PB for off-the-shelf realities or standard character avatars. These costs drop by a factor of 1,000 per TL beyond TL9; however, customized settings and characters, may cost 10 times as much as generic material. Many system managers prefer to program their own characters and environments. | | Memory Augmentation AR | - | - | This “mug shot” database is a common AR program. It uses stored or net-accessible databases ranging from the commonplace (such as celebrities) to the job-specific (a cop’s database of wanted criminals). Most people accumulate personal databases of people they meet or expect to meet, co-workers, and so on. If the user’s wearable camera (or eyes, if he uses a brain implant) spots someone whose face is in the database, the program will automatically display that person’s name and a brief identifier. The program can be told to ignore relatives and other constant companions. Similar remembrance-agent programs and databases can be acquired for other tasks, such as recognizing artwork, wildlife, and vehicles. For instance, a bounty hunter’s computer might be linked to a database of “Earth’s Most Wanted.” If he saw someone on that list, the computer would make a match and instantly send him the file, which would appear before his eyes. Then he might zero in on the weapon his target was carrying and upload its specs. Memory augmentation can be used with data-mining programs that continually search private or public networks for content relevant to the user’s current situation, then present that information as appropriate. For example, if the user encounters a person who isn’t in his standard database, that person’s picture and identity are very likely to be available online. | | Visual Enhancement AR | Vision | 4 | This gives +1 to Vision rolls. | | Cosmetic Filter AR | Attractiveness | 4 | A common augmented reality program, this controls the audio-video display on a communication system. When activated, the video uplink picks up the user’s image as usual, but filters it through a preprogrammed “ideal” of beauty before transmitting it to the receiver. The user still looks like himself, but the program tightens sagging jowls, erases crow’s feet and wrinkles, and removes or minimizes blemishes. The user’s video Appearance rises by one level, but cannot exceed Very Handsome. Any enhancement above Attractive has the Off-the-Shelf Looks modifier applied. Cosmetic filters designed for one species often produce very strange results for another species! A cosmetic filter is Complexity 4, $400. LC4. | | Video Masking | Disguise | 5 | This works like a cosmetic filter, except that it can change the user’s features and voice. The user may resemble another person, or adopt a persona created by the program. Complexity 5, $800. LC4. | | Smart Diagnostics | - | - | Many TL9+ objects incorporate built-in sensors to monitor their own status. This could be a milk carton checking to see if the milk is spoiled, or a precision machine measuring microstresses in its components. The data from these sensors can be continuously uploaded to local (or planetary) networks, and accessed by looking at the object. | Virtual Tutors (TL9) These systems simplify tasks such as repairing a car engine or building a prefabricated house. A mechanism may have dozens (or thousands) of different parts tagged with microcommunicators (p. 43) and positional sensors. Integral databases know where each part goes, and virtual tutoring software can track both the parts and the user’s own hand movements, aiding in assembly, disassembly, preparation, or maintenance. For example, when a repair technician (human or machine) walks up to a broken device, the device’s components transmit diagnostics and positional information to the tech’s computer. The computer then presents step-bystep guides for the technician to follow. Since all the parts and tools are tagged, often with additional sensors that monitor things such as stress, current flow, etc., an objectspecific “virtual repair manual” can warn the technician if he is taking apart or putting the object back together the wrong way, or if there are internal faults. The same technology can apply to other tasks requiring rote manual actions. Each widget, brick, pipe, or module has a chip and sensor in it that knows where it goes and whether it’s been installed correctly. Augmented reality has enabled a resurgence in unskilled labor, since these technologies permit untrained individuals to perform complex tasks. Virtual Tutor (TL9) This augmented reality program coaches the user in a specific task, such as assembling electronics or fixing a car engine. The user has an effective skill of 12. Complexity 3 if the task normally uses an Easy skill, Complexity 4 if it uses a harder skill or if it uses several skills in concert (such as building a house). Any necessary parts must be purchased as instructor kits (p. 81). Normal cost. LC4. Invisible Friends Computers may be inhabited by digital minds. If so, it may be popular to have a computer manifest through augmented reality as a virtual companion standing or sitting a few feet away from its owner. The “invisible friend” might truly only be visible to the user, or the image could be transmitted to anyone else sharing the same network who would be in a position to see the person.