====== Ambrex ====== ==== Company Info ==== Ambrex is headquartered in Boulder, Colorado, but has significant control over the Canadian biopharm market; the Brazilian light tech industry; and the Colorado green power initiative. They are manufacturers of biotech and cyberware, but also have interests in chemical engineering, plastics manufacture, mining, real estate, farming, and petroleum refining. They are best known for their extensive investments in cutting-edge genetic engineering, including bioroid design and production. The current president is Conrad Lang, former head of the company's birthlab division. Since Lang took over, Ambrex has been increasingly involved in aggressive maneuvers to expand its international influence. ==== Streetnopsis ==== Ambrex makes some of the meat-and-metal tools, drugs, and people that make street life possible - and necessary. They have a thriving bioroid market with custom designs to meet environmental needs that have yet to be established. ==== Corporate Analysis ==== Ambrex is a major competitor that has support of the public for the most part, although its bioroid manufacturing facilities have come under heavy fire by the ALF within the past six months. A failed rescue operation that resulted in the deaths of two ALF terrorists and nine security guards due to nerve gas was also attributed to the ALF in recent months; the ALF has, through private channels, noted that they were not responsible for any casualties as Ambrex was responsible for releasing the nerve gas. ==== Product Line ==== === Ambrex Bioconstructs === Ambrex Bioconstructs is the division of Ambrex responsible for bioroid development and manufacture, and has a significant share of the current contracted-bioroid market. Things seem bright for their sales of bioroids this quarter. === Ambrex Pharmaceuticals === Ambrex Pharmaceuticals is the division of Ambrex that focuses on chemical, genetic, and biological research, often in collusion with the Bioconstructs division for test subjects. Their presence as the sole supplier of several potent bioroid vaccines and a major supplier of other medical drugs has allowed them to maintain a hold on the market. === Ambrex Petrochemical === As the name implies, Ambrex Petrochemical focuses on petroleum refining and plastics manufacture, using natural and recycled sources as well as artificially developed supply methodologies. They are mostly a source of internal cost-cutting methods, although they operate a number of functional oil and gas rigs in Europe. === Ambrex Geological === The heart of Ambrex's mining operations, as well as real estate acquisition and development, Ambrex Geological is one of the lesser known sections of Ambrex. === Ambrex Agricultural === Through genetically altered farm crops in particular, Ambrex Agricultural is a major foodstuffs manufacturer and provider, particularly for space travelers and bioroids with specialized diets. Many Ambrex bioroids are developed with a requirement for Ambrex Agri-products as one of many control mechanisms. === Ambrex Architectural === A recent addition to the Ambrex line, Ambrex Architectural focuses on rejuvenating older buildings and constructing new, disaster-proof buildings.