====== Computer Access: A Primer ====== ===== Access Levels ===== Anonymous - An unregistered user, such as an Internet browser, or 'guest account'. Typically only allowed to browse public User - Anyone with legitimate credentials has this access level. Elevated - An elevated level, usually for supervisors. Manager - As the title suggests, this is a person who can create new user accounts within the department he manages, as well as delete existing accounts within this department, and has executive control over functions related to their department. If their department happens to be 'Security' or 'IT', this position is very powerful indeed. Security - Anyone with security credentials has this access level, which lets them access practically any physical location in the office, and has moderate network access (typically to disable accounts or reset passwords, or query or disconnect suspicious connections). Executive - Corporate executives typically have special access that entitles them to privileged storage and system usage as well as general free reign of the system; while not quite administrative access, it's usually pretty close. Administrator - An administrative level of credentials, for admins who need to reprogram the system, create new accounts or security groups, reboot systems, or do anything that needs doing. Does not necessarily convey physical access privileges. Root - The holy grail of access; while most operating systems deny this to users and administrators, many enterprising hackers have figured out ways to grant themselves this level of access whether the kernel likes it or not. ===== Random Notes ===== Kill - Terminating a program or process and removing it entirely from memory. Be advised that killed programs no longer use system resources, and can be reloaded. Crash - Causing a program or process to cease responding to system commands. Crashed programs continue to use resources, but are unresponsive until they recover or are forcibly killed by the system. Freeze - Causing a program to temporarily cease responding to system commands. Frozen programs continue to use resources, and are unresponsive until they recover or are forcibly killed by the system. Operating System: The system that maintains the user environment, security protocols, and interface with internal systems. Kernel: The core of an operating system, a prime target for engineered back doors and other insecurity measures, as well as a direct way of taking a system offline in a pinch. IC: Intrusion Countermeasures. Usually classified as White Ice or Black Ice (Black Ice can cause permanent damage, while white Ice is more polite.) Pull the Plug: If you feel like things are getting a bit too intense, you can always pull the plug, right? A manual disconnect takes five seconds (but always works), whereas a software disconnect usually works much faster -- but only if your system isn't Locked. IP Addresses: You collect these like some people collect souvenir pennies - most of them are unimportant to all but a select few, but some have great significance and power. For one thing, you can dissuade pursuit by successfully taking over a system's routers to allow your connection to be passed on unimpeded, letting you create a long chain of routes that is harder to track. For another, important data can be hidden in the strangest of locations. Who knows what secrets the laundromat next door has to offer? Voiceprint File: Allows you to spoof systems that require voice-print recognition to grant access. Retinal File: Allows you to spoof systems that require retinal recognition to grant access. Fingerprint File: Allows you to spoof systems that require fingerprint recognition to grant access. Token File: Allows you to spoof systems that require a hardware token to grant access. Protocol File: Allows you to spoof systems that require a software protocol to grant access. Environment File: Allows you to access a non-standard user environment. Programs: Stealth - Allows you to use a system without being detected. Usually active. Chance of success compared against ICE skill. Zap - Attempts to damage a program. Smoke - Generates electronic noise that temporarily makes actions harder to detect. Valuable Files: These files are valuable to corporations, and you will often be tasked with acquiring them as part of a job; files not directly relating to the mission can still be sold for a profit. * Research Data * Chemical Formula * Personnel Files * Financial Data * Grade Reports * Security Files * Security Camera Footage * Blueprints * Employee Evaluation Records * Product Information * Medical Records * Records of Illegal Activity * Test Results * Inventory Records Interesting Files: These files are not directly valuable, but can be useful under the right conditions. * Payroll budget * Marketing strategy * Employee mail * Office supply list * Pictures from office party * Rejected ideas * Hardware manual * Software manual * Pirated software * A love letter * Hate mail * Letter to a relative * Company phone directory * Personal phonebook * Ramblings of a lunatic * Company recipes * Program sourcecode * Chip sourcecode Useless Files: These files are almost entirely useless, although someone might still buy them. * Employee timesheets * Sales brochures * Employee mail * Someone's poetry attempts * A Christmas list * Office party supply list * Public service sign-up list * Garbage * To-do list * Outdated files * Wedding guest list * Bridal registry * Grocery list * Pictures of the family * Recordings from promotional event * Yesterday's news * Someone's personal budget * Garbled file * Personal music collection * Country music recordings * Rock & Roll music recordings * Easy listening music recordings * Jazz music recordings * Television recording * Sports event / PPV recording * Editorials * Company history * Educational media * Motivational video * A romance novel * A sci-fi novel * A mystery novel * A thriller novel * A romance movie * A sci-fi movie * A thriller movie * An action movie * A horror movie * Joke of the day * Top 10 list * Letter to a relative * Travel brochures * Junk mail * Incomprehensible data * Recipe book * A family tree Attacks: Contracts: * Steal - Download a target file * Steal and Erase - Download a file and destroy the original * Erase - Erase a target file * Edit - Modify an existing file * Deactivate IO - Deactivate an IO * Activate IO - Activate an IO * Sabotage IO - Sabotage an IO * Crash System - Bring the system offline * Backdoor - Set up a backdoor * Run Program - Run a client program on the server Data Targets: * Research Data * Chemical Formula * Personnel Files * Financial Data * Grade Reports * Security Files * Security Camera Footage * Blueprints * Employee Evaluation Records * Product Information * Medical Records * Records of Illegal Activity * Test Results * Inventory Records Deactivate IO Targets: * Door Locks * Security Cameras * Alarm Systems Activate IO Targets: * Fire Alarms * Security Alarms * Radiation Alarms * Biohazard Alarms * Chemical Alarms Sabotage IO Targets: * Manufacturing Controls * Chemical Production * Vault Controls Crash System/Backdoor Target: * CPU Run Program Targets: * CPU, DataStore, or IO Contract Flags: * No Alarms - Cannot set off an alarm * Timed - Limited time to complete Company Types: * Megacorporation - Anything possible * Electronics - Electronics design/production * Bank - Banking industry * Lab - Laboratories * Consumer - Consumer goods * Medical - medical * Oil - Petroleum industry * Mfg - Manufacturing * School - College/university * Environ - Environmental Random Dialing: Type in an IP address and see where it takes you. It might go nowhere, or it might take you somewhere very interesting. Fence-00324 is querying user... Virus Lab - The Virus Lab is where you generate new viruses to inflict on the world. ===== Software ===== Send - Basic upload script. Slow, but free. Get - Basic download script. Slow, but free. Delete - Basic delete script. Slow, but free. ===== Access Types ===== root: You have complete control over the system, can remove or add users, and can access all systems. admin: You have full control over the system and can access any system. manager: You can connect to the system as a user with certain privileges. user: You can connect to the system as a legitimate user. guest: You can connect to the system as a guest. ====== Splitbit ====== Welcome to Splitbit. As a new operative, your task will be to carry out tasks anonymously for our clientele - succeed and you will be rewarded. As a beginning operative, you will be required to pass a few training exercises to prove yourself before being allowed to take on professional assignments. Use the opportunity to learn what you can, examine your Rig, and practice your skills before you cut loose on the Worldnet. ===== Rigs ===== Through our Blackhat Market, you can acquire Rigs in Datacenters on various places on the planet to make your hacks easier and more fruitful. Each Rig is loaded with a basic copy of SplitOS to which you have root-level access, giving you complete and utter control over its workings. ===== SplitOS ===== ==== Pre-Installed Programs ==== === FTP Client === This allows your Rig to connect using the File Transfer Protocol standard to most servers in order to upload and download files. === Browser === This allows your Rig to browse public and private pages hosted on a target machine. === SCopy === A basic file transfer utility. Requires read rights on target machine. === SEdit === A basic file editor. Requires write rights on target machine. === SDelete === A basic file deletion utility. Requires that you have delete rights on target machine. ==== Pre-Installed Drivers ==== === Remote Access Terminal Driver === This driver allows your web terminal to successfully connect to a Rig and manage it remotely. ==== Useful Programs ==== === Proxifier === These programs allow you to install a concealed proxy on a system, allowing you to route through it as if it were a public proxy system. ====== Network Hazards ====== ===== Systems ===== ==== Honeypot System ==== The Honeypot is a trap laid for the wandering hacker, and silently collects information about their activities, then archives it, while allowing the hacker to remove their visible traces to preserve the impression that it has done no such thing. In truth, it is always tracing its visitor's activities, and is always out to get you... ==== Corporate Networks ==== ==== Business Networks ==== ==== Home Networks ==== Home networks tend to consist of the personal computer(s) and other electronic devices within a family home, connected together by a router and possibly protected by a hardware firewall if the family is particularly security-conscious. ==== Zombie System ==== Once you've managed to gain remote control of a system, one interesting thing you can do with it is to launch attacks from it. This gives you the opportunity to coordinate distributed denial of service attacks, virus outbreaks, and other nastiness by using a ZombieMaster routine to coordinate the actions of multiple individual systems. As an added perk, the attacks will be traced back to the 'zombie' machine instead of you in most cases! ====== Virii, Trojans, and Worms ====== ===== Virii ===== Virii are basically bits of unfriendly code designed to burrow into a machine and cause all manner of hell on earth. The more a virus can do, the more likely it is to be found by antivirus routines; the more clever the designer, the more likely it is to remain hidden until the damage is already apparent. ==== Virus Effects ==== Divide-by-Zero: Randomly deletes the contents of one sector of data when activated, corrupting any damaged program. Master-Bootwipe: Attempts to destroy the drive's master boot record. If successful, drive is unreadable until repaired. Replicate: Create a copy of itself on local or another system. Co-Opt: Replaces local script with Replicate script. Null Driver: Replaces local script with Divide-by-Zero local script. Kernel Popper: Crashes OS and disconnects all users. Log Writer: Sends a copy of all activities to a specified outlet. ===== Routing ===== Most Internet connections automatically get routed through a series of connection points. For example... home pc -> household network -> isp regional point -> network backbone point -> ... ... ... network backbone point -> target's isp point -> target network ...