====Talcom==== **Level:** 0 Goblin\\ **Class:** Goblin Youngen\\ ^Age^Height^Weight^Eyes^Hair^Skin^General Alignment^Hero Points^HitDice^ | 9 | 3'0 | 37# | Gold | Long, shoulder length | Green | Neutral | 0 |0| ^Stats^^^^^^^ | ^Str^Dex^Con^Int^Wis^Cha^ ^Score|13|12|12|8|10|14| ^Modifers|+1|+1|+1|-1|0|+2| ^Hit Points^Initiative^Speed^Size^Encumbered^ | 7/7 | +3 | 30ft |Small | None | ^Defenses^^^^^ ^Saving Throw^Total^Ability^Bonus^Class Bonus^ ^Fortitude|+0| CON | +0 | +0 | ^Reflex|+3|DEX | +3 | +0 | ^Will|+0| WIS | +0 | +0 | ^AC(total)^Armor^Shield^Dex^Size^ |12| | |+1|+1| ^Touch^^Flatfooted^^ | 12 || 11 || ^Skill^Unskilled?^Ac Penelty^Tools^STAT^Mod^Racial Bonus^Class Skill^Ranks^Misc.^ Total Skill^ |Acrobatics | - | -0 | | DEX | +1 | - | | | | 1 | |Appraise | - | - | | INT | -1 | - | | | | -1 | |Bluff | - | - | | Oppose| - | - | | | | 0 | |Climb | - | -0 | | STR | +1 | - | | | | 1 | |Craft | NO | -0 | penalty for none | INT | -1 | - | | | | -1 | |Craft | NO | -0 | penalty for none | INT | -1 | - | | | | -1 | |Diplomacy | - | - | | None | - | - | | | | 0 | |Disable Device | NO | -0 | penalty for none | DEX | +1 | - | | | | 1 | |Disguise | - | - | | None | - | - | | | | 0 | |Escape Artist | - | -0 | | DEX | +1 | - | | | | 1 | |Fly | - | -0 | | DEX | +1 | - | | | +2 | 3 | |Handle Animal | NO | - | can help | None | - | - | | | | 0 | |Heal | - | - | can help | None | - | - | | | | 0 | |Intimidate | - | - | | None | - | - | | | | 0 | |Knowledge | NO | - | | INT | -1 | - | | | | -1 | |Knowledge | NO | - | | INT | -1 | - | | | | -1 | |Linguistics | NO | - | | INT | -1 | - | | | | -1 | |Perception | - | - | | None | - | - | | | | 0 | |Perform | - | - | | None | - | - | | | | 0 | |Profession | NO | - | | None | - | - | | | | 0 | |Ride | - | -0 | | DEX | +1 | +4| | | | 5 | |Sense Motive | - | - | | None | - | - | | | | 0 | |Slight of Hand | NO | -0 | | DEX | +1 | - | | | | 1 | |Spellcraft | NO | - | | INT | -1 | - | | | | -1 | |Stealth | - | -0 | | DEX | +1 |+4 | | | +4 | 9 | |Survival | - | - | can help | None | - | - | | | | 0 | |Swim | - | -0 | | STR | +1 | - | | | | 1 | |Use Magic Device | NO | - | can help | None | - | - | | | | 0 | ^Racial Traits:^Expected or Planned Traits:^ |**Size:** Goblins are Small creatures and thus gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to their CMB and CMD, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks and +2 to Fly.|**Goblin Foolhardiness:** You have a tendency toward gross overconfidence in combat.When facing an enemy that’s larger than you are, if you have no allies in any adjacent squares, your posturing, bravado, and cussing grant you a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls with non-reach melee weapons.| |**Base Speed:** Goblins are fast for their size, and have a base speed of 20 + Fast Movement = 30 feet. (still considered base speed)|**Furry:** You are covered in thick fur granting you +5 cold resistance| |**Skilled:** Goblins gain a +4 racial bonus on Ride and Stealth checks.| |**Darkvision:** Goblins see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.| ** Plans ** Escape with my friend\\ Meet my friend\\ ...can you meet an invisible friend?\\ ** Pooge Song ** we be the goblins three.\\ On our way to being free.\\ We eat\\ And we beat (operatic tenor voice from someone else) //each other//\\ We steal \\ And we keel.\\ Nail your stuff down\\ Or we off like a clown.\\ But if you do\\ We steal the nails as weeeee~llllll\\