==== Sunrise Island ==== {{:rpg:the_end_times:20170826_174314.jpg?400|}} - **Lighthouse** - Built shortly after the town was founded, this lighthouse has continued to guard the rocks since colonial times. It is automated now and remains a popular place to visit. - **Cliffs** - Sea Caves - Deep in the heart of the island is the wolves' Caern. Superstition and dangerous waves keep humans away. - **Wooded Half** - **Abandoned Manor** - The manor house and estate are now condemned as they wait in limbo for their fate to be decided. Meanwhile, this is a popular place for teenagers and transients. - **Spring** - **Beach** - **Stream** - **Caves** - **Road** - **Bridge to the Mainland** - **Spyglass Cove** - **Grassy Half** ==== Spyglass Cove ==== {{:rpg:the_end_times:20170828_111309.jpg?400|}} - **General Store** - Pharmacy, personal care items, snacks, some food. For full grocery, people have to head inland. - **Port Authority** - Spyglass Cove isn't a very busy place, but someone has to keep track of the comings and goings of sailboats and the like. - **Visitor's Center and Giftshop** - **The Lovestruck Sailor** - Downstairs is an old world pub with traditional foods and a full drink service. Upstairs is a rustic inn that serves as the town's only official guest lodging. - **Seafarer's Supply** - What used to be a supplier for boating is now a combination hardware and sporting goods store. - **Beach** - **Rocky Shore/Cliffs** - **Statue** - Depicting town founder, Rudyard 'Glass Eye' Bradley, his spyglass trained on the horizon. Legend has it that his glass eye is fitted into the spyglass so that he may continue to watch for his beloved, even in death. == Other Locations of Note == * **Town Hall** * **Police/Fire/Emt** - Attached to the town hall, there isn't much by way of emergency services and a lot of it is volunteer. If something big happens, then the County gets involved. * **Public Library** * **Fount of Diana Women's Wellness Center** - Beside a freshwater spring, this center is focused on the relaxation and rejuvenation of the mind and body. Men are allowed, but this space is dedicated to the female experience. A Black Fury runs the center, and her time is also given to cubs who need guidance. * **Jeweler** * **Medical Clinic** - Two doctors and their small nursing staff. There is no emergency department. * **Cyber Café** - More modern and trendy, a hipster haven. * **Quiet Café** - A more traditional coffee shop with squishy chairs and bookshelves. * **Shelly's Diner** - A greasy spoon that seems like it should belong on Route 66, not in a quaint port village, but it's crowded almost every night. * **Dive Bar** - For those seeking a bar experience other than a period tavern, there's an option. Big TVs, karaoke nights, pool tables, etc. * **Fancy Restaurant** - Someone sure thought this was a good idea, but this establishment has really been struggling lately. Rich tourists are really the only regular business. * **Barbershop** * **Art Gallery** * **Hugh's Auto** - A mom-and-pop mechanic, run by very knowledgeable and passionate staff. * **Maritime Museum** * **Used Bookstore and Comic Book Shop** - Not many nerds on the island, but the few there are are pretty passionate about their games. * **School** - K-12 in one building. * **Bounty Hunter** - Frank Newman is a licensed bounty hunter who ensures that people who are out on bail actually make their scheduled hearings. In Spyglass Cove, this is usually limited to drunks and disorderly conduct types.