====== Alora ====== ===== Attributes ===== Str-11 Dex-11 Con-11 Int-10 Wis-12 Cha-10 Luck-10 Magic-15 Mentalism-10 ===== Skills ===== Concentration-4 Craft (writing)-2 Handle animal-3 Knowledge (arcane lore)-4 Knowledge (earth&life science)-3 Knowledge (tech)-1 Listen-1 Perform (sing)-4 Research-2 Search-3 Sense motive-3 Spot-2 Treat injury-4 Use magic device- 2 Tumble-2 ===== Feat ===== Practicing Witch: Allows Alora to cast spells quickly and use 'fast magic' as well as more powerful ritual magics. Daughter of the Goddess: These special witches are said to be so closely connected to the goddess that they take on one of her appearances (maiden, mother, or crone). Alora resembles the Maiden aspect of the Triple Goddess, as a maiden with white hair, pale skin, and silver eyes. This boosts her affinity to the elemental magics in particular (earth, wind, water, fire, and spirit), and thus her strength when relating to them in particular. This comes with the drawback that those with arcanist knowledge can recognize her capabilities more readily without needing to witness her spellcasting, which may be disadvantageous should their intentions be hostile. ===== Items and Equipment ===== Wealth Bonus: +0 (Impoverished) Alora has discovered the hard way that her appearance in 1989 Cleveland has not come without some drawbacks -- her money, minus a few old coins, and her technological gadgets are missing from her purse. Hopefully the natives are friendly. ==== Special Items ==== Everyone gets one. What's yours? Book of shadows-- a place for alora to keep track of all spells ,rituals,and any other secrets and any other useful information she has written in it.