===== Crew on the Merlot ===== Cetacea. Your Gnome on the Merlot is handy to have are. Knows her ocean plants and critters. Can make Cure Light potions. And is currently the owner of the ship's Wand of Cure Light Wounds. 38 charges remaining. She's not much of a fighter, though. As a GLOOP (Gnome Laboratory of Oceanic Observation and Phenomena) Investigator, her main job is to record data, chart currents, observe oddities and things like that. Bright girl. Likes working with Digby to keep her crewmates healthy and sound. Because that will let them keep her healthy and sound in a fight. Diablo. Satyr. Ship's Quartermaster. Unchained Rogue. Archetype - Eldritch Scoundrel. Does well in town, can get by in the wilderness. Limited spellcaster. Can't seem to hit the broad side of a barn with a bow or crossbow. Totonka. Minotaur. First Mate. Shaman. Waves Spirit. Archetype - Deep Shaman. Spirit Animal - Marco the cat. Physically powerful and as a presence as well. Spear and spells. Willek. Ship's Captain. Unchained Monk 1/Oracle 2. Half Elf. Looks young. Gets talked to by random deities. Capable in most environments. Nearly unhittable. Fights with fists and feet generally. Darquin. Ranger 3. Human. Archetype - Homebrewed. Good with a bow. Decent with a sword. No trouble outdoors at all. Gets twitchy about possession and related evils to the mind. Mikmit. Hunter 3. Half Orc/Half Elf. Archetype Feral Hunter. As tough as they come. Has a big soft spot for Darquin. Favors falchion and bow switch hitting. Shoot the thing till it stops, then go hack it to bits. Extremely comfortable outdoors. Not as happy in big cities. Nobo. Warpriest of Ng. Human. Lost his family somehow. Was injured on the face as a child. Raised in a Green Faith retreat, found out about Ng there and was accepted as his warpriest. Club, magic, capable in any environment. Digby. Ship's Doctor. Cleric of Halcamora 3. Halfling. Archetype Ascetic. Likes the outdoors, especially when it's neat and orderly. Like farm fields and orchards. Has been traveling with Nobo to find new fruit and vegetable specimens to try back home. Voytek. Fighter 3. Archetype Eldritch Guardian. Ursine. Familiar - Owen the owl. Big, looks like a bear. Hits things really really hard. Travels with Leandre Leandre, aka Lenny. Fighter 3. Eldritch Guardian. Catfolk. Familiar - Burl the Squirrel. More dextrous than his partner and also smaller. Tends to use a polearm to match reach with Voytek. Felicia. Bard 3. Archetype - Arrowsong Minstrel. Piper. Rescued from slavers. Companion to Diablo. Likes to sing a lot. Quiet is not a strong suit. Good with a bow. Useful spells. Capable in most environments, but probably better off where sneaky doesn't come up. Akiba. Omdura 3. Archetype - Exemplar of War. Worshipper of Shizuru. Minotaur. Has something with Totonka. Also quite strong. Katana, often two handed. Will turn her enemies into stew meat. Rini. Oracle 3. Archetype - Spirit Guide. Aasimar. Speaks to spirits of the same type as Totonka. Focused mainly on Metal. Can and will fight anywhere. Especially to protect those she cares about. Umberto. Sorcerer 3. Bloodline - Verdant. Catfolk. Just a shade over 5ft tall. Lenny's cousin. Very much likes to have fun. Stealing sausages while they're being cooked is fun. Etc. Powerful spells, good with plants. That's about it. Jamillah. Ranger 3. Archetype - Divine Tracker. Dedicated to Dwarven god Trudd. Skinwalker. Werebear derivative. More accustomed to mountain forests than jungles but can get by in any outdoor. Good with a bow. Zodanga. Shifter 3. Archetype - Elementalist Shifter. Suli. Capable anywhere. Two weapon fighter. Can charge them with energy for short periods. Orion. Unchained Monk 3. Archetype - Zen Archer. Undine. Water breathing capability. Excellent bowman. Gets along anywhere other than deserts. Lacy. Druid 3. Archetype - Sky Druid. Sylph. A strong wind could knock this girl over. But she'd like it. Focused mainly on spellcasting. And much of that on lightning spells. Pasht. Barbarian 3. Archetype - Serene Barbarian. Human. Quiet, speed, and a deadly strike with her sword. Yup. That sums it up. Prefers open country and the outdoors to city life. Slagtand. Barbarian 3. Archetype - Jotunkin. Part Troll, part Orc, raised by Agogwe. Scared of cities. Likes outside places, especially with rocks because he blends in. Strong and extremely agile. Only matched in agility by Pasht. Only outmatched in strength by Totonka and Voytek. Gittan. Wizard 3. Archetype - Poleiheina Adherent. Half Orc. Likes to draw maps. Is assistant carpenter to Vann. Fine selection of spells. Her spell book counts as her familiar. Speaks Giant as well as Slagtand does. She's very smart, obviously. Doesn't seem to mind too much where she is or what she needs to do. Yu Phat Duc. Alchemist 3. Archetype - Paint Chemist ( homebrewed). Dwarf. Polite, approachable fellow. Call him Duc. Better off in cities than outdoors, but can get along both places. Not a great fighter. His favorite ploy is deception. Example. If attacked by carnivore, quickly draw a huge juicy steak hanging in mid air. Throw a bomb at the creature(s) as they attack it. Then run like hell. Inva. Swashbuckler 3. No Archetype. Fetchling. Is more accustomed to cities, but can get along anywhere. Prefers dimmer times of day, though is not hurt by the sun. [[:rpg:skull_and_bones:vann|Vann]]. Paladin 3. Worships: The Traveler. [[:rpg:skull_and_bones:vann|Hennah]]. Witch 3. Archetype: Sea Witch?