======Irga Skullcrusher====== **Hobgoblin Fighter level 4 (Battle Master)**\\ **Background:** Folk Hero **Defining Trait** I am willing to stand alone to protect others against monsters. **Personality** I have a strong sense of fair play and always try to find the most equitable solution to arguments. **Ideal** Respect. People deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. **Bond** I protect those who cannot protect themselves. **Flaw** I have watched others I was close to fall, and it is difficult for me to forge new bonds. (Death of Grubash and the Maw tribe.) **Proficiency bonus:** +2\\ **Alignment:** Lawful Neutral\\ **Player:** wizardofaus\\ ^ AC ^ Initiative ^ Speed ^ HP/MaxHP^ Hit Dice^Inspiration^Superiority^ | 18 | +2 | 30ft | 46/46 | 4d10 |//Irga is working on regaining her Inspiration//| 4 d8s - 4 left | ^ Weapon ^ Attack Bonus ^ Details ^ Properties ^ | Longsword | +6 | melee, d8+4 damage 1H, d10+3 damage 2H | (S) - Versatile | | Longbow | +6 | ranged, d8+4 damage | (P) - range 150/600ft | | Dagger | +6 | melee, d4+4 damage | (P) | | Unarmed Strike | +6 | melee, d4+4 damage | (B) | **__Ability Scores__**\\ Strength: 18 (+4)\\ Dexterity: 14 (+2)\\ Constitution: 18 (+4)\\ Intelligence: 14 (+2)\\ Wisdom: 14 (+2)\\ Charisma: 10 (+0)\\ **__Saving throws__**\\ Strength: +6\\ Dexterity: +2\\ Constitution: +6\\ Intelligence: +2\\ Wisdom: +2\\ Charisma: +0\\ ^ Skill Name ^ Proficiency ^ Bonus ^ | Acrobatics | | | | Animal Handling | Yes | | | Arcana | | | | Athletics | Yes | | | Deception | | | | History | | | | Insight | | | | Intimidation | Yes | | | Investigation | | | | Medicine | | | | Nature | | | | Perception | | | | Performance | | | | Persuasion | | | | Religion | | | | Sleight of hand | | | | Stealth | | | | Survival | Yes | | ^Racial Features^Class Features^Combat Superiority^ | Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. | Protection Style: When a creature you can see attacks a target other than you that is within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll. You must be wielding a shield. | Superiority: You have 4 d8s, which are superiority dice, and are expended when you use a maneuver. You regain them all when you finish a short or long rest. Saving DC for maneuvers is DC 13 (8 + Prof + Str). | | Martial Training. You are proficient with two martial weapons of your choice and with light armor. | Second Wind: On your turn, you can use a bonus action to regain hit points equal to 1d10 + your fighter level. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again. | Maneuver - Goading Attack: When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one superiority die to attempt to goad the target into attacking you. You add the superiority die to the attack's damage roll, and the target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the target has a disadvantage on all attack rolls against targets other than you until the end of your next turn. | | Saving Face. Hobgoblins are careful not to show weakness in front of their allies, for fear of losing status. If you miss with an attack roll or fail an ability check or a saving throw, you can gain a bonus to the roll equal to the number of allies you can see within 30 feet of you (maximum bonus of +5). Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest. | Action Surge: On your turn, you can take one additional action on top of your regular action and a possible bonus action. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again. | Maneuver - Disarming Attack: When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one superiority die to attempt to disarm the target, forcing it to drop one item of your choice that it's holding. You add the superiority die to the attack's damage roll, and the target must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, it drops the object you choose. The object lands at its feet. | | Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Goblin. | | Maneuver - Trip Attack: When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one superiority die to attempt to knock the target down. You add the superiority die to the attack's damage roll, and if the target is Large or smaller, it must make a Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. | **Rustic Hospitality:** (background) You can find a place to hide, rest, or recuperate among other goblinoids, unless you have shown yourself to be a danger to them. They will shield you from the law or anyone else searching for you, though they will not risk their lives for you. ==== Feats ==== === Tavern Brawler === Accustomed to rough-and-tumble fighting using whatever weapons happen to be at hand, you gain the following benefits: * Increase your Strength or Constitution score by 1, to a maximum of 20. * You are proficient with improvised weapons. * Your unarmed strikes use a d4 for damage. * When you hit a creature with an unarmed strike or an improvised weapon on your turn, you can use a bonus action to attempt to grapple the target. A grapple check is a Strength (Athletics) check contested by the target's Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. ^Languages Known^Tool Proficiencies^Gaming Proficiencies^Musical Instruments^Weapons^Armor^ | Common, Goblin | Cartographer's Tools, Cook's Utensils | | | All weapons including improvised weapons | All armor, shields | __**Equipment**__\\ **Combat Gear** Chainmail, shield, longsword, longbow, dagger, hunting knives \\ **General Gear** Backpack, bedroll, travelers clothes, greatcloak, dungeoneer's pack, memorial trinket (Grubash's Charm)\\ __**Coin and Treasure**__\\ **Platinum Pieces (PP):** 0 \\ **Gold Pieces (GP): ** 0 \\ **Silver Pieces (SP): ** 0 \\ **Copper Pieces (CP): ** 0 \\ **Gems/Jewelry worth: ** 0 \\ ===== Tactical Formations ===== ==== Snake Formation ==== {{:rpg:r4i-phandelver:characters:snake.png?nolink&400 |}} A travel formation that is also called for when entering very narrow tunnels, this consists of a front, middle, and back. The front line (head) is preferably made up of nimble people who can detect traps and otherwise handle forward detection of enemies; the middle line (body) generally consists of fighters that can become the front line if necessary; the rear (tail) consists of those who should not be in the front at all, preferably with a single combatant at the rear to cover in case of surprise attacks. ==== Square Formation ==== {{:rpg:r4i-phandelver:characters:square.png?nolink&400 |}} A basic formation for large group combat -- the vanguard is made of fighters who can hold the line; the flanks are mixed-ranged-and-melee combatants who can contribute to front line fighting with ranged attacks and can hold against attacks to the side when necessary; the rearguard likewise contributes with ranged combat and first-line defense against a rear strike, and the center focuses on magical attacks and healing. ==== Wheel Formation ==== {{:rpg:r4i-phandelver:characters:wheel.png?nolink&400 |}} This more advanced combat formation is used to grind away at a force - the front portion of the wheel is whoever is freshest and prepared for close-in fighting. As units are injured, they retreat and other units rotate up to take their position, while the center focuses on returning injured units to fighting strength and uses magical attacks if available. Units not at the front either focus on treating their injuries or prepare ranged attacks. ==== Dragon Formation ==== {{:rpg:r4i-phandelver:characters:dragon.png?nolink&400 |}} The Dragon Formation is used to lure enemies in under false pretenses. It consists of the Tail (the lure of the trap), which is used to draw in the enemy to a position between the Claws (a pincer attack on the enemy's flanks) and Head (the front-line heavies), while the Body (behind the head) provides support. ==== Bull Formation ==== {{:rpg:r4i-phandelver:characters:bull.png?nolink&400 |}} The Bull Formation relies on a Head that focuses primarily on defensive actions to hold the line, while the Horns curve around and flank the enemies to strike them from the sides or behind. Once the enemy is encircled, the Body - the full strength of the formation - moves forward to crush the enemy and secure victory. ==== Bird Formation ==== {{:rpg:r4i-phandelver:characters:bird.png?nolink&400 |}} The most complicated formation, the Bird is also the most flexible, and is used when engaging large groups in reasonably open terrain. Depending on the strengths of the enemy, the formation can quickly counter with various position changes, shifting strengths to one wing to counter the weaknesses in an enemy formation, folding in the wings to defend against possible flanking maneuvers, using both wings to buffet an enemy with a similar formation, or using environmental sources of protection to guard a weakened flank. ===== Quotes ===== Defend those who cannot defend themselves. Know which battles to fight and which battles to avoid. And be prepared to give your life to protect your allies, as they do the same. ===== Navigation ===== [[rpg:r4i-phandelver|Phandelver main]]|[[rpg:r4i-phandelver:characters|Character Sheets]]