====== Michael Czajak ====== Name: Michael Czajak Character Concept: Sunnydale survivor turned Canadian chemistry teacher Character Type: Master Champion Appearance and Characteristics: Mid 30s, black hair, blue eyes, pale skin, tends to dress in dark clothes and heavy boots. ===== Attributes ===== | Strength | 3 | Dexterity | 5 | Constitution | 3 | | Intelligence | 5 | Perception | 4 | Willpower | 5 | ==== Derived Attributes ==== | Life Points | 43 / 43 Max | Drama Points | 10 | | Initiative Base | 10 | Base Carrying Capacity | 150 lbs | ==== Qualities ==== Big Damn Hero [3]: Once per game session, your character can give someone else +10 on any one test. Best of all, he can do it after the player has made his test. This costs the good guy a Turn (only thing he can do that Turn), however, and he must explain what he’s doing to help his friend. This could be anything from a few words of encouragement, a helping hand up a cliff-edge, or distracting a bad guy so that his companion can get in a lucky shot. A hero with Big Damn Hero has another special effect as well. Once per session, he can restore half of another character's Life Points just as if that Cast Member had spent a Drama Point. No action need be spent for this effect - the champion can simply shoot his companion a wink or look of camaraderie. Such a sign of respect from an admired hero is enough to give new life to the downtrodden. Sorcery 3 [15] The Sight [3]: Your character can see magic and traces of supernatural power. She can also tell if someone is preparing to cast a spell and see at a glance if an item is magical. She can even see a faintly glowing residue that indicates magic has been used in an area during the last few hours. If your character spends a minute or so looking closely at someone and gains two Success Levels on a Perception and Notice roll, she can tell if that person is a normal human. Three or more Success Levels reveal a Witch or other supernatural being. The character cannot actually see ghosts, but if some invisible supernatural being shows up, she can notice a faint glow of power. She can see through illusions and tell if someone is possessed. In that case, she needs a number of Success Levels in a Perception and Notice roll greater than the Power Level of the illusion or possession spell, or the Willpower of the being using the power. Situational Awareness [2]: The observant almost always knows what is going on around them, and can react with uncanny quickness to the unexpected. These characters gain a +2 bonus to any Perception-based roll to sense trouble or danger in the immediate surroundings. It is very hard to be stealthy around them; the same bonus applies when they resist any Crime or Acrobatics rolls made to sneak up on them. Hard to Kill 3 [3]: +3 to Survival Test, +9 to Life Points. Nerves of Steel [3]: A character is almost impossible to scare. Whether too dumb or too tough is open to question, but she remains unruffled even in the face of unspeakable horrors. This is key in keeping dry cleaning bills down. She is immune to fear except when confronting the strangest supernatural manifestations, and gains a +4 bonus to rolls even then. Cross-Specialty (Potion Peddler) [1]: Michael's extensive alchemical experience allows him to use his Occultism skill in place of Science in matters of chemistry, and Mr. Fixit in matters of cooking. ==== Drawbacks ==== Recurring Nightmares [-1]: Michael has recurring nightmares from his time in Sunnydale. Outcast [-2]: Michael is not very good at socially interacting with his fellow teachers, and not particularly persuasive to most students or parents, either. He is considered the 'weird teacher' due to his American accent and his generally distant manner. This causes him a -2 on Influence rolls amongst those who pick up on these eccentricities. Dependent [-3]: Michael may not be much of an intimidating figure, but he //will// protect his students, and try to make sure they live to see graduation. He will also look after the Slayer, but she can look after herself in all probability... Honorable [-1]: Michael will not betray his friends or loved ones, and those he respects. Paranoia [-2]: Michael is paranoid and sees trouble and enemies everywhere. Sometimes he's right, but oftentimes he's just being paranoid. Covetous (Ambition: Mild) [-1]: Michael isn't out to enslave the world, but he is always looking for new books of lore. ==== Experience Banked ==== | Unspent Points | x | | Banked: x | x | | Banked: x | x | ==== Skill List ==== | ACROBATICS | 5 | | ART | 2 | | COMPUTERS | 0 | | CRIME | 1 | | DOCTOR | 1 | | DRIVING | 1 | | GETTING MEDIEVAL | 2 | | GUN FU | 1 | | INFLUENCE | 0 | | KNOWLEDGE | 3 | | KUNG FU | 3 | | LANGUAGES | 2 (Spanish, French) | | MR. FIX-IT | 0 | | NOTICE | 3 | | OCCULTISM | 5 | | RIDING | 0 | | SCIENCE | 2 | | SPORTS | 0 | | WILD CARD: x | x | ==== Combat Maneuvers ==== All maneuvers add base damage equal to Success Levels. ^ Maneuver Name ^ Bonus (Attribute + Skill + Modifiers) ^ Damage ^ Notes ^ | Dodge | 5+5 | None | Evade an attack | | Capoeira Kata | 5+3-4 | 6 Bash (Punch), 10 Bash (Kick) | Attack anyone within range with a Punch or Kick (-1 to hit), Dodge any attack with aforementioned score, -2 cumulative penalty per round after the first | | Jump Kick | 5+5 to get airborne, 5+3 to land kick | 15 Bash + Successes of jump | If either roll misses, jump kick misses | | Kick | 5+3-1 | 10 Bash | A standard boot to the groin. Damage includes steel-toed boots. | | Spin Kick | 5+3-2 | 12 Bash | A spinning kick to add momentum to the strike. | | Sweep Kick | 5+3-1 | 4 Bash + special | Target must resist vs Dex+Acro or Combat, or fall down | | Grapple | 5+3+2 | None | Sets up other actions | | Unarmed Feint | 5+3 | None | Resisted by Perception and Kung Fu or Brains, attacker adds Success levels to next attack on win | | Wall Flip | 5+5-3 | None | With one Success, add +3 to Defense and use it against all attacks; if not hit, he lands behind one adversary and gains Initiative against him | | Aiming | 5+2 Crossbow. 5+1 Gun | Bonus to hit | Delay action until end of turn, add Success Levels to attack | | Crossbow Shot | 5+2 | As weapon | Propels pointy things long distances. | ==== Equipment and Possessions ==== Cell phone Battered acoustic guitar Black leather choker with four silver blessed crucifixes affixed to it Heavy steel-toed black boots (+1 to Kick Strength) Black knee-length trench coat (AV 2) Cosmetics case (lipstick, eyeliner, mirror, comb, small scissors, nail clipper, file, cosmetics brushes, makeup) Long black scarf Floppy ear hat Silver athame (2 x Str Slash/Stab dmg) Dart pistol (kept for assorted emergencies) Box of tranquilizer darts, rated for 'small game' (Str 2), 'large game' (Str 4), and 'dangerous game' (Str 6) Varmint rifle (.22LR, mostly kept for non-supernatural emergencies) (12 Bullet dmg) Box of varmint rifle ammo Keys to a storage locker Pair of ballet slippers Pistol Crossbow (10 Slash/Stab) Set of crossbow bolts Whalen the Whale mascot costume Sunnydale Survival Kit: kept in an insulated cooler; includes four wooden stakes, a small bottle of holy water, a cross blessed and decorated with four pentagrams, a Stanley 10-in-1 hand axe/multitool, a fireplace lighter, a set of tealights, an LED battery-operated flashlight, a flare pistol with a box of 20 flares and 20 shotgun shells, a pair of scissors, a roll of twine, a roll of duct tape, two pens, a pack of 24 pencils with sharpener, a box of 300 sandwich bags, his Sunnydale yearbook, his Book of Shadows, some bags of magic components, a bottle of Tylenol PM, a first aid kit, a bottle of rubbing alcohol, a hand taser, a mechanical lockpick, a mirror, a tube of black lipstick, a packet of incense, a can of air freshener, a can of roach spray, and a bottle of Oxycodone. Bulletproof Vest: Acquired from a deceased Sunnydale police officer, somewhat worn but has a fresh carrier. AV 15 vs Bullets and Bash, AV vs Slash/Stab, only protects the torso. ==== Background ==== Michael Czajak was a student at Sunnydale High School when Buffy Summers was chosen as the Slayer, and survived the ongoing disasters of graduation, fellow witches descending into darkness, vampires, demons, apocalypses plural, and eventually the entire town becoming a glassy crater. After his friend Amy was transformed into a rat, he focused most of his efforts into trying to get the resources to transform her back. Unfortunately, after the destruction of Sunnydale High and the death of his parents, he was forced to seek his own methods of survival. Some were less pleasant than others, and most of them involved him working to protect himself and those he could once it became clear that his former covenmates neither needed nor wanted him around. When Sunnydale finally began to fall apart altogether, he packed what he could, and made his escape. The Hellmouth closed, and with it the town. But it wasn't the only Hellmouth that ever had been. There were others in the world of record -- Centralia, Tunguska, Derweze, Shibuya, Cleveland, Tokyo, Chernobyl. And there were still others, waiting to be unleashed. Eventually, his research brought him north, to the cold lands of Canada, and a place known as the Devil's Bath. It is here he has chosen to settle, and here he has seen stirrings of familiar forces establishing themselves... ==== Other Notes ==== Michael is the teacher who plays Whalen the Mascot at school events, and puts his acrobatic skills to good use in the fields. He is prone to bouts of depression and cynicism, but he is keeping a close eye on events in Port Alice.