====== The Wilderness and Why People Avoid It ====== The wilderness between many of the major cities of Eio is seldom travelled except by those heading to another city, hunters looking for beasts to capture or terminate, or scavengers desperate to make a quick buck by picking up the pieces of wrecked vehicles, towns, and people. ===== What's Good? ===== The wilderness between cities has large areas of lush vegetation, including a number of herbs that otherwise grow in exclusivity in corporate or government controlled greenhouses within the cities. There are also ample scavenging opportunities, due to the number of times civilization and citizens have been obliterated by the monsters ravaging the landscape. ===== What's Bad? ===== Monsters of every stripe (plant, animal, leupak, and various aberrations being most common) inhabit the wilderness of Eio, and there are large sections of the wilderness where radiation, alchemical toxins, magical disasters, and psychic deadzones make life just a little bit more difficult for those attempting to pass through. ===== What's Ugly? ===== Among the creatures that inhabit the wilderness, there are various forms of prototype leupaks created by prior Eioan administrators and scientists, who love nothing more than devouring or implanting their eggs into hapless passersby. Many of them are physically and psionically dangerous, and not a few have some degree of magical capability as well.