====== Janie ====== Female Half-Elf Druid 2 Neutral Good Representing Nikki Strength 12 (+1) Dexterity 15 (+2) Constitution 16 (+3) Intelligence 16 (+3) Wisdom 17 (+3) Charisma 11 (+0) Size: Medium Height: 5' 0” Weight: 90 lb Eyes: Dark Brown Hair: Dark Brown Curly Skin: Brown Total Hit Points: 21 Speed: 30 feet Armor Class: 15 = 10 + 2 [leather] + 1 [light wooden] + 2 [dexterity] Touch AC: 12 Flat-footed: 13 Initiative modifier: + 2 = + 2 [dexterity] Fortitude save: + 6 = 3 [base] + 3 [constitution] Reflex save: + 2 = 0 [base] + 2 [dexterity] Will save: + 6 = 3 [base] + 3 [wisdom] Attack (handheld): + 2 = 1 [base] + 1 [strength] Attack (missile): + 3 = 1 [base] + 2 [dexterity] Combat Maneuver Bonus: + 2 = 1 [base] + 1 [strength] Combat Maneuver Defense: + 14 = 10 + 1 [base] + 1 [strength] + 2 [dexterity] | Light load: | Medium load: | Heavy load: | Lift over head: | Lift off ground: | Push or drag: | | 43 lb. or less | 44-86 lb. | 87-130 lb. | 130 lb. | 260 lb. | 650 lb. | Languages: Common Draconic Druidic Elven Sylvan Dagger [1d4, crit 19-20/x2, range inc 10 ft., 1 lb., light, piercing] Quarterstaff [1d6/1d6, crit x2, 4 lb., two-handed, bludgeoning] Sling [1d4, crit x2, range inc. 50 ft., 0 lb, bludgeoning] Leather armor [light; + 2 AC; max dex + 6; check penalty 0 15 lb.] Light Wooden Shield [ + 1 AC; check penalty -1; hardness 5; hp 7; 5 lb.] Feats: Skill Focus (Perception) Spell Focus (Conjuration) | Skill Name | Key Ability | Final Skill Modifier | Ability Modifier | Ranks | Misc. Modifier | | Acrobatics | Dex* | 1 = | +2 | | -1 [shield] | | Appraise | Int | 3 = | +3 | | | Bluff Cha 0 = +0 Climb Str* 5 = +1 + 2 + 3 [class skill] -1 [shield] Craft_1 Int 8 = +3 + 2 + 3 [class skill] Craft_2 Int 3 = +3 Craft_3 Int 3 = +3 Diplomacy Cha 2 = +0 + 2 [half-elf] Disguise Cha 0 = +0 Escape Artist Dex* 1 = +2 -1 [shield] Fly Dex* 1 = +2 -1 [shield] Heal Wis 8 = +3 + 2 + 3 [class skill] Intimidate Cha 0 = +0 Knowledge (geography) Int 5 = +3 + 2 Knowledge (nature) Int 8 = +3 + 2 + 3 [class skill] Perception Wis 8 = +3 + 2 [half-elf] + 3 [skill focus] Perform_1 Cha 0 = +0 Perform_2 Cha 0 = +0 Perform_3 Cha 0 = +0 Perform_4 Cha 0 = +0 Perform_5 Cha 0 = +0 Ride Dex* 1 = +2 -1 [shield] Sense Motive Wis 3 = +3 Stealth Dex* 1 = +2 -1 [shield] Survival Wis 8 = +3 + 2 + 3 [class skill] Swim Str** 5 = +1 + 2 + 3 [class skill] -1 [shield] * = check penalty for armor/shield ** = some groups double armor/shield penalties for swimmers Zero-level Druid spells: 4 can be selected per day; unlimited casting Light, Stabilize, Mending, Detect magic First-level Druid spells: 3 (2 + 1) per day Goodberry, Summon nature’s ally Favored class points: Hit points +2; Skill points +0 Adjust weapon attack rolls and armor penalties as required for masterwork / magic equipment. Half-Elf This half-elf chose +2 to dexterity (already included) Immune to magical sleep Allowed two favored classes. Druid, wizard Take a skill focus as a bonus feat at level 1 + 2 racial bonus on saves vs. enchantments Low-light vision + 1 racial bonus on perception checks + 2 racial bonus on diplomacy and gather information checks Druid Orisons Spontaneous Casting (summon nature's ally) Animal Companion, or may instead choose a cleric domain and bonus spells (hand-edit) Nature sense: + 2 on Knowledge (nature) and Survival (already included) Wild Empathy Marshwight (level 2). At 2nd level, a swamp druid gains a bonus on Initiative checks and Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, Swim, and Survivalchecks equal to 1/2 her druid level in swamp terrain, and she cannot be tracked in such an environment. This ability replaces woodland stride. Swamp strider (level 3) Pond scum (level 4) Wild Shape (level 6) Venom Immunity (level 9) Slippery (level 13) Timeless Body (level 15) High wisdom gains bonus spells daily Concentration check: d20 + druid level + wisdom modifier vs. DC Class HP rolled Level 1: Druid 8 Level 2: Druid 5 Janie 's Equipment: 25 lb 5 lb 2 lb 5 lb