Rikal of Grummach ===== Character Statistics ===== Strength: 17 +4 [orc] = 21\\ Dexterity: 17\\ Constitution: 18\\ Intelligence: 14 -2 [orc] = 12\\ Wisdom: 13 -2 [orc] = 11\\ Charisma: 17 -2 [orc]\\ Luck: 13\\ Character Class: Gestalt [Barbarian / Fighter] level 2 HP: 26 / BAB: +2 / Fort: +3 [Bar] + 4 [Con] / Ref: +0 [Bar] + 3 [Dex] / Will: +0 [Bar] + 0 [Wis] / Melee: +2 BAB +5 Str / Ranged: +2 BAB +3 Dex ===== Special Abilities ===== Fast Movement: Movement increased by +10 feet per turn when wearing light or no armor. Rage: 1/day, once per encounter; +4 bonus to Str and Con, +2 morale bonus on Will saves; -2 penalty to AC. (HP increased by 2 points per level during rage.) Cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except for Balance, Escape Artist, Intimidate, or Ride), Concentration, or any abilities that require patience, concentration, or focus. Rage lasts three rounds + the character's (newly improved) Constitution modifier. A barbarian may prematurely end rage. At the end of the rage, the barbarian loses rage modifiers and instead becomes fatigued (-2 penalty to Str/Dex, can't charge or run) for the duration of the current encounter. Uncanny Dodge: Retain Dex bonus to AC even if caught flatfooted. ==== Feats ==== Power Attack: Trade attack bonus for damage (up to base attack bonus.) Cleave: Extra melee attack after dropping target. Goad: As a move action, you can goad an opponent that threatens you, has line of sight to you, can hear you, and has an Intelligence of 3 or higher. When the goaded opponent starts its next turn, if it threatens you and has line of sight to you, it must make a Will saving throw (DC 10 +1/2 char level + Cha mod.) If the opponent fails its save, you are the only creature it can make melee attacks against during this turn. A goaded creature can still cast spells, make ranged attacks, move, or perform other actions normally. The use of this feat restricts only melee attacks. ===== Skills ===== Climb: +5 Intimidate: +5 Jump: +5 Survival: +5 Swim: +5 ===== Background ===== Home Climate: Warm Desert (mainland) - region of fire