Emil ===== Character Statistics ===== Strength: 16\\ Dexterity: 17\\ Constitution: 17\\ Intelligence: 13\\ Wisdom: 13\\ Charisma: 12\\ Luck: 11\\ Character Class: Gestalt [Ranger / Rogue] HP: 25 / BAB: +3 / Fort: +3 [Rng] + 3 [Con] / Ref: +3 [Rng] + 3 [Dex] / Will: +1 [Rng] + 1 [Wis] / Melee: +3 BAB +3 Str / Ranged: +3 BAB +3 Dex ===== Special Abilities ===== Favored Enemy (Vermin): +2 to Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival when using these skills against creatures of this type, and +2 to weapon damage rolls against such creatures. Track: As the Feat, see below. Wild Empathy: Can use body language, vocalization, and demeanor to improve the attitude of an animal like a Diplomacy check; use 1d20 + Ranger level + Charisma bonus. Combat Style: Archery. (Receive the Rapid Shot feat for free.) Endurance: As the Feat, see below. Sneak Attack: +2d6 damage against unaware targets / flatfooted targets / flanked targets. Trapfinding: You can use the Search skill to locate difficult traps, and Disable Device to disarm traps - including magic traps. Evasion: No damage on successful saves instead of half damage. Trap Sense: +1 bonus to Reflex saves to avoid traps, and +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks made by traps. ==== Feats ==== Rapid Shot: You get one extra attack per round with a ranged weapon at your full normal bonus; all attacks are at -2, and you must take the full-attack action. Track: You can use the Survival skill to track creatures and characters across most terrains. Endurance: You get a +4 bonus to the following checks: Swim checks to resist nonlethal damage, Constitution checks made to continue running, Constitution checks to avoid nonlethal damage from a forced march; Constitution checks to hold your breath; Constitution checks to avoid nonlethal damage from starvation or thirst; Fortitude saves to avoid nonlethal damage from hot or cold environments; and Fortitude saves to resist damage from suffocation. You can also sleep in light or medium armor without becoming fatigued. Self-Sufficient: +2 bonus on Heal and Survival checks. Improved Initiative: +4 bonus to Initiative checks. Stealthy: +2 bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks. ===== Skills ===== Survival: +6 +2 Spot: +6 Listen: +6 Move Silently: +6 +2 Hide: +6 +2 Heal: +0 +2 Knowledge: Nature: +6 Ride: +6 Sense Motives: +6 Handle Animal: +6 Use Rope: +6 ===== Background ===== Home Climate: Warm Desert (mainland) - region of fire Home Town: Thorp (20 to 80 people) Family Economic Status: Wealthy Family Social Standing: Positive Family Defensive Readiness: High Family Private Ethics: Good Family Public Ethics: Normal Family Religious Commitment: Enmity (God of the Choking Sands) Family Reputation: Unknown Family Political Views: Apolitical Family Power Structure: Elders Family Ancestors of Note: Forgotten Early Childhood Instruction: Book Learning Formal Education: Multicultural Learning a Trade: Military Training Early Childhood Events: Undertook a Long Journey Youth Events: Healer Pivotal Events: Refugee Parents: Both Ill Siblings: None Grandparents: All 4 (and two great-grandparents) Extended Family: Six known relatives Friends: Lost Enemies: Arcane Rival Instructor: Vanished Neutral Good (C: 3, G: 8, N: 7, L: 4, X: 3.)