====== LoGL Locations ====== This is a summary of in-game locations and their function. ===== Valexville ===== Valexville. The primary town featured in the game, at the heart of the Rosa Noir Forest, and dangerously close to the Lair of the True Green Leupak. ==== Village Square ==== The Village Square is the main social gathering point for adventurers. === The Black Rose Inn === A well-weathered inn with a lot of history. === Hall of Records === This unassuming hall tracks various records of the village, and also provides services for people wishing to start their own family. === Ye Olde Bank of Alshira === The Valexville branch of the Bank of Alshira. Bank of Alshira accounts can be accessed practically anywhere in Arcydea through special Credcard Readers. === Garrett Battle Academy === The Garrett Battle Academy is a center of learning within the Valexville area, and is also the future home of the Moonlight Arena. ==== Market Row ==== Home to most of the major stores in Valexville. === Kai's Weaponsmithy === Kai's Weaponsmithy is the place to acquire new weapons, a vital aspect to surviving the Rosa Noir Forests. === Eva's Armor and Accoutrements === If you need armor, you need to visit Eva's Armor and Accoutrements. ==== The Curious Rock ==== A curious rock located in the center of town. Rumor has it that striking your head against it can bring you great benefits. ==== Darken Path ==== A path running through the edges of town. === Poison Princess Pub === A tavern for those who don't like the service at the Black Rose Inn. === The Graveyard === Final resting place of fallen adventurers. === Enchantments for Less === This discount enchanter's provides services for upgrading and modifying your equipment. ===== Rosa Noir Forest ===== The Rosa Noir Forest, home to monsters and peculiar people. ==== Charla's House of Healing ==== This wanderkin-run business specializes in providing healing services to adventurers.