====== Silver Scales: Michael ====== Michael is a psion and a bard; not a Champion, he nevertheless is focused on making sure the story of the Silver Scales becomes one of the great epics of the next era. ==== Basic Information ==== Name: Michael Malone Race: Human Alignment: Chaotic Good Deity: None Class/Level: Bard/Psion level 9 Current XP: 44,750 Size: Medium Speed: 30 feet Age: 22 Gender: Male Height: 5'4" Weight: 130 lbs Eyes: Black Hair: Brown Skin: Pale ==== Titles and Honorifics ==== * Liberator of Elahann: As one of those who liberated Elahann from the hands of slavers and helped to rebuild it and its people, Michael receives a +2 friendship bonus on Bluff or Diplomacy checks against inhabitants of Elahann who are aware of his good works. ==== Character Statistics ==== Base HP: 67 Total AC: (22) = 10 + 0 Armor + 0 Shield + 3 Dex Mod + 6 ClassDef (Bard) + 1 Amulet + 1 Ring + 1 Bracers Str: 12 (+1) Dex: 16 (+3) Con: 17 (+3) Int: 14 (+2) Wis: 12 (+1) Cha: 18 (+4) Fortitude: = +3 Base +3 Con (Bard) +1 Cloak Reflex: = +6 Base +3 Dex (Bard) +1 Cloak Will: = +6 Base +1 Wis (Bard) +1 Cloak Base Attack Bonus: +6/+1 (Bard) Spell Resistance: None Grapple Mod: = +6 BAB +1 Str ==== Class-Dependent Powers ==== Can perform a number of songs per day equal to level. === Bardic Songs === Countersong: Can attempt to counter sonic-reliant spells/powers; bard's Perform check is used as the saving throw. Fascinate: Can fascinate up to three creatures (within 90 feet) for up to eight rounds (Perform check vs Will save) as long as no obvious threats exist. Inspire Courage: Allies who can hear the person sing (and for five rounds after) gain a +2 bonus vs charm and fear, and +2 bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls. Inspire Competence: Can inspire ally to succeed at a task; ally must be within 30 feet and be able to see and hear the bard. Gives a +2 to competence skill checks with a particular skill as long as bard is playing (up to two minutes). Suggestion: Can make a suggestion (as per spell) on creatures he has successfully fascinated. Using this ability does not count against the bard's daily song usage, and does not interrupt the fascination effect. A Will save vs (DC 10 + 1/2 level + Cha mod) negates this effect. This affects only one creature. Inspire Greatness: Can use music or poetics to inspire greatness in himself or a single willing ally within 30 feet, granting extra fighting capability. For every three levels a bard attains beyond 9th, he can target one additional ally with a single use of this abililty. To inspire greatness, a bard must sing and an ally must hear him sing. The effect lasts as long as the ally hears them sing and for five rounds thereafter. A creature inspired with greatness gains 2 bonus Hit Dice (d10s), the commensurate number of temporary hit points (apply the target's Constitution modifier, if any, to these bonus Hit Dice), a +2 competence bonus on attack rolls, and a +1 competence bonus on Fortitude saves. The bonus Hit Dice count as regular Hit Dice for determining the effect of spells such as sleep. Inspire greatness is a mind-affecting ability. ==== Special Abilities ==== === Psi Powers === Psion Psi Points: 85 (72 + 13 (Con)) **1st Level Powers: 1 PP each** Control Object: Telekinetically animate a small object. Mindlink: You forge a limited mental bond with another creature. Catfall: Instantly save yourself from a fall. Inertial Armor: Tangible field of force provides you with +4 armor bonus to AC. **2nd Level Powers: 3 PP each** Control Air: You have control over wind speed and direction. Body Equilibrium: You can walk on nonsolid surfaces. Levitate, Psionic: You move up and down, forward and back via mental support. Tongues, Psionic: You can communicate with intelligent creatures. **3rd Level Powers: 5 PP each** Energy Cone: Deal 5d6 energy damage in a 60-foot cone. Empathic Transfer, Hostile: Your touch transfers your hurt to another. Telekinetic Force: Move an object with the sustained force of your mind. Telekinetic Thrust: Hurl objects with the force of your mind. **4th Level Powers: 7 PP each** Inertial Barrier: Gain DR 5 versus everything. Modify Memory, Psionic: Change five minutes of subject's memories. Correspond: Hold mental conversation with another creature at any distance. Dimension Door, Psionic: Teleports you a short distance. Divination, Psionic: Provides useful advice for specific proposed action. Freedom of Movement, Psionic: You cannot be held or otherwise rendered immobile. **5th Level Powers: 9 PP each** Psionic Plane Shift: Travel to other planes. === Bard Spells === Bard Spell Points: 26 (22 + 9 Charisma) **0-Level Spells: 6 known; 3 free per day, then 1 SP each** Detect Magic Daze Prestidigitation Read Magic Resistance Light **1st Level Spells: 4 known; 1 SP each** Sleep Cure Light Person Charm Person Feather Fall **2nd Level Spells: 4 known; 3 SP each** Alter Self. Cure Moderate Wounds Hold Person Invisibility **3rd Level Spells: 3 known; 5 SP each** Deep Slumber. Cure Serious Wounds. Leomund's Tiny Hut. ==== Character Feats ==== Inertial Armor: Gain +4 AC if at least 1 PP remaining. Psychoanalyst: +2 bonus on Diplomacy/Bluff/Intimidate/Cha influence checks vs living humanoids with Int 4 or higher. Versatile Performer: Gain free Perform types equal to Int bonus. Subsonics: You can perform music or poetics so subtle that opponents do not notice it, yet your allies still gain all the benefits of your bardic music. Similarly, you can affect opponents with your music, but unless they can see you performing, they cannot determine the source of the effect. Lingering Song: Your inspirational songs last for one full minute after you stop playing (10 rounds) instead of five rounds. ==== Character Skills ==== Perform/Sing: 11 (Perform/String Instrument): 11 (Perform/Puppetry): 11 Balance: 6 Climb: 7 Concentration: 8 Decipher Script: 5 Escape Artist: 4 Hide: 8 Listen: 5 Move Silently: 5 Psicraft: 6 Sense Motive: 8 Sleight of Hand: 7 Spellcraft: 6 Tumble: 8 Use Magic Device: 6 ==== Equipment ==== === Weapons === Unarmed attack (1d3+Str, provokes attack of opportunity) Longsword (1d8+Str). === Equipped Gear === Ring of Protection +1. +1 to AC. Bracers of Armor +1. +1 to AC. Cloak of Resistance +1. +1 on all Fortitude, Reflex, and Will saves. Amulet of Natural Armor +1. +1 to AC. Heward's Handy Haversack. Two side pockets hold 2 cf or 20 lbs of gear; main pocket holds 8 cf or 80 lbs. Weighs 5 lbs even when full, and automatically sorts gear (retrieving anything from it is a move action.) === Personal Inventory === Masterwork mandolin (100 gp) Masterwork thieves' tools (100 gp) Leather speaking horn (5 gold) Bamsmacks, 4 (20 gp, makes loud noise) Miniblade (1 sp) Marked cards (3 gp) Puppet (7 gp) Silent Shoes (10 gp) Silk bodysuit (10 gp) Bag of marbles (8 sp) Lap slate (10 gp) Pewter mug (8 sp) Blank book with excellent lock (200 gp) Bottle of ink (8 gp) Five metal pens (12 gp) Mapmaking Kit (35 gp) Scrollcase (5 gp) Waterskin (1 gp) Lounging robe (5 gp) Socks (2 gp) Cotton chemise (3 gp) Doublet (1 gp) Leather belt (3 sp) Full hooded cloak (2 gp) Leather gloves lined with fur (2 gp) Linen surcoat (2 gp) High boots with dagger sheath (5 gp) Hand mirror (15 gp) Razor kit (5 gp) Scissors/manicure set (4 gp) Five 2" leather balls (5 sp) Dice and cup (4 sp) Five assorted tops (2 gp) Tarot deck (3 sp) Bedroll (20 gp) Mess kit (8 gp) Two person tent (8 gp) Roll of bandages (1 gp) Rattle (5 gp) Sack of candy (1 gp) Whistle (1 sp) Plush toy wolf (1 sp) Longsword (15 gp) Wand of Mount (CL 12; 24 hours, 38 charges left) 205 gold ==== Carrying Capacity ==== Light: 43 lb. or less Medium: 44 to 86 lb. Heavy: 87 to 130 lb.