===== Arcydea 4096 ===== In the year 4096 DR, Arcydea is a strange and different place. Centuries of chaos and anarchy have resulted in the restructuring of kingdoms, countries, and landmasses. The fall and rise of Destiny have radically reshaped the laws of magic and reality. Yet for all the changes, some things remain the same... Play begins in the small country of Davonsport, in the seaside town of Archway. Archway is next to the Sea of the Void, named thus because all manner of flotsam and survivors from other worlds seem to wash up on its banks. It is notable in that all manner of oddities function within its borders; you never know what you'll find just around the corner. Powers and Abilities: Anything goes within Archway - until you try your hand at an adventure. Then, you'll either have to make a character sheet or pick up a loaner sheet which may or may not have your powers. There are also a few 'cafeteria' sheets for those wanting to build a sheet fast - from the Jack of All Trades to the Immortal Wanderer. Points Allowed: Characters are given 100 points to work with, and can earn up to 5 extra points per page of background and other information (at the whim of the Recordkeeper) up to 100 extra points. Exceptions may be made on a provisional basis; in particular, underaged characters will start with less than 100 points. Sorry, kids, life isn't fair. Adventures: The GURPS system is generally only used during adventures or when people need to otherwise arbitrate disputes in cases where common sense provides no clear answers. (In other words, if you're a psychokinetic, you don't need to roll the dice every time you bring a pitcher over towards you with your thoughts.) Adventures may be run by anyone, but CP are only earned if the GURPS system is used (or in extreme circumstances at the judgment of the Recordkeeper.) Adventures must generally be handled within one week; if for some reason an adventure cannot be concluded in one week (GM or majority of players go missing), the adventure will be concluded and 1 CP awarded to participants. Exception: if GM and players agree, this one-week rule may be extended or overridden, most likely for adventures intended for multiple sessions. Characters may earn from 1 to 5 CP per adventure at the whim of the GM involved. However, no GM-PC may earn more CP than player PCs, and prematurely terminated adventures earn a maximum of 1 CP per character. It's All Fun And Games Until Someone Loses a Die: Most gaming is relatively freeform; for most mundane tasks (particularly when not on an adventure) characters are assumed to succeed or fail at the judgment of their players. Canonical Timeline: While the Arcydean timeline can accept and tolerate most character histories, concistency is generally necessary - at least for native Arcydeans. (You can generally make things up about other worlds all you like ... within reason.) Therefore, nobody (except the Recordkeeper or authorized GMs) can make a definitive claim regarding events predating 1024 DR that is not corroborated by the existing historical timeline. (In other words, whatever you say about this period might be wrong.) Anything within the period of 1024 DR to preesnt day may become canonical, especially if it sounds good. Canonical Geography: Arcydean geography follows a loose sense of canon; defined areas of the world cannot be erased, but can be expanded upon, and most reasonable suggestions for additions will be considered. (Likewise, reasonable assumptions about the previously undefined history of a region - including the rise and fall of nations, changing borders, changing landmasses, etc. - may become canonical.) Quick Defaults: These are some effective skill values to roll against in those times where you need to 'roll the dice', but don't have a character sheet and don't really feel like worrying too hard about it. Unskilled: 6. This means that you'd need a 6 or less (on 3d6) to succeed under normal circumstances. Mediocre: 8. Competent: 10. Skilled: 12. Expert: 15. Archway Businesses of Note: The Archway Trade Emporium. Buys and sells (almost) anything. The Fallen Arches. A tavern in the middle of Archway, where almost anything can come in for a drink. Arcydean Transit Service. A stationhouse providing various transit options for crossing the breadth of Arcydea. Money Talks: Without a character sheet, nobody can have anything worth more than 100,000 gold pieces (including artifacts of power, airships, etc) in personal possessions. Anyone who claims significant wealth must take Wealthy (or better) when filing a character sheet. Copyrights Aren't Canon: Anything blatantly copyright-based won't make it into the world's canon. (Parodies might, depending on the degree of subtlety and the Recordkeeper's discretion.) Transit Services: Monthly Shuttles - Shuttles make roughly monthly stops at major destinations, and cost between 500 and 5000 gold to transport people to various spots along the shuttle route (and take between 3 and 30 days travel time, depending on the distance.) Gateway - The ATS Gateway Transit System provides nearly instantaneous travel between major destinations. Generally costs 5000 gold per one-way trip, although major stations also offer 12-use crystals for 50,000 gold, and lifetime passes for 1,000,000 gold. All multi-use passes are nontransferable after being used once. Allied Homebreakers Insurance: This odd merchant company provides various insurance policies, including Resurrection Insurance, Healer's Insurance, Liability Insurance, Property Insurance, Legal Insurance, Airship Insurance, Paternity Insurance, Disaster Protection Insurance, Adventurer's Insurance, Citizen's Insurance, Disability Insurance, Apocalypse Insurance, Void Insurance, Explosion Insurance, Preventative Coverage, Decapitation Insurance, Assassin Insurance, Revolution Insurance, and so forth. Most policies charge a base cost per month, with increasing rates based on the number of claims made throughout the policy's lifetime (or through a rolling period of one year.) Arcydean Currency: The traditional form of currency is the gold piece - a small gold coin (about 100 per kilogram) is 1 GP. A similarly weighted silver coin is 1/10th value, copper is 1/100th value, and platinum is 10x value. Currency from other worlds is often handled via the barter system; old currency may be worth more due to rarity or less if conjure-quality or otherwise devalued. Certain countries have mandatory currency units that have a gold-piece-equivalent value; the country of DiRegalo might have a gold/silver alloy coin called the greal, with each greal worth 2 GP; a silver coin named the trell, with each trell worth 1/10 greal (or 0.2 gold pieces); and a copper/silver coin called the mill, worth 1/50 greal (or 0.04 gold pieces). Local currency-related costs are usually rounded up to the nearest primary currency unit, and always rounded up by the smallest currency amount. For instance, a toy that costs 1.75 gold might cost 1 greal, or 44 mills if being specific. Gallorean Continent: This continent is the largest, and covers most immediate play areas. They issue uniform standards and measures used throughout the continent, based on the metric system. Certain countries use other measurement systems, notable in their background information. In particular, the imperial system is used in Archway and other major trade cities as a secondary system even where other systems exist, and most commoners use the imperial system unless specified otherwise. Other Continents: Luminox, Devorok, Arcturan, Maloverandon, Leuvoris Major, Leuvoris Minor. The Islands of Myth: This is the collective term for a series of remote islands occupied by the various deities. The Arcydean mythos claims that these islands are actually in alternate subdimensions or planes of existence, but can be found by sailors and travelers who know where to look. These islands/planes are considered sacred to their gods, and often serve as a paradise or afterlife for their followers, and/or as a purgatory or hell for their enemies. As a rule, those in an afterlife state are effectively Unkillable (level 3) within that realm. ==== Subpages ==== * [[:arc:gurps:start|GURPS Ruleset]] * [[:arc:canon:start|Canonical Notes]] * [[:arc:map:start|Modern Geography]]