====== Carlito, the Mundane ====== {{:rpg:monster_of_the_week:avatar-45312748714630ff065084d4d7924b0c.jpg?400|}} **Xp:** 1 Adult, friendly face, work clothes (scrubs) Pronouns: they / them Carlito Esperanza is a nurse at the local clinic. They are cousin to the Chosen One Gil. Michelle comes to them for humanity advice They are suspicious of Obsidian. * Charm+2 * Cool+1 * Sharp+1 * Tough+1 * Weird 0 ==== Moves ==== === Medic === You have a full first aid kit, and the training to heal people. When you do first aid, roll +Cool. On a 10+ the patient is stabilized and healed of 2 harm. On a 7-9 choose one: heal 2 harm or stabilize the injury. On a miss, you cause an extra 1 harm. This move takes the place of regular first aid === Let’s Get Out Of Here! === If you can protect someone by telling them what to do, or by leading them out, roll +Charm instead of +Tough. === The Power of Heart: === When fighting a monster, if you help someone, don’t roll +Cool. You automatically help as though you’d rolled a 10. === What Could Go Wrong?: === Whenever you charge into immediate danger without hedging your bets, hold 2. You may spend your hold to: • Inflict +1 harm. • Reduce someone’s harm suffered by 1. • Take +2 forward on an act under pressure roll. ==== Mundane Weapons ==== Pocket knife or **multitool** (1-harm hand useful small) **Golf club**, baseball bat, cricket bat, or hockey stick (2-harm hand innocuous – messy) ==== Means of Transportation === Van A former bloodmobile, it has happy dancing blood drops painted on the sides. {{:rpg:monster_of_the_week:istockphoto-1289306451-612x612.jpg?400|}} ==== History ==== (Pick one of these for each other hunter) - **You are close relations. Tell them exactly how you’re related.** Jackson, ex bro in law - Initially rivals, you both now respect each others’ talents. - Romantically involved, or you just have a crush on them. Ask them which they prefer. - **They’re your hero, exactly the kind of monster hunter you aspire to be. Tell them why you worship them.** Gil - **Good friends. Tell them if it’s from way back, or recently.** Michelle - **You’re a bit suspicious of them (maybe due to their unnatural powers or something like that).** Obsidian - **They introduced you to the existence of monsters. Tell them how you feel about that.** Geo - **You saved their life from a monster due to an unlikely chain of events. Tell them what.** Erin