====== Weston Grey ====== {{:rpg:lake_harmony:roster:16473591_1550787284946243_586928847071862831_n.jpg?300|}} ===== Name: ===== Weston Grey ===== Species: ===== Vampire ===== Gender identity: ===== Male ===== Orientation: ===== Straight ===== Important Relationships: ===== (indicate any NPCs associated with your character) Important Relationships: Unknown ===== Description: ===== Weston is a tall, lean man with fiery red hair, a matching beard of significant length and volume and piercing silver eyes hidden behind dark glasses. He tends to dress in a professional manner and favors dark colors and earth tones over pure black or bright clothing. He can sometimes come across as a beatnik due to his appearance and mannerisms that some consider to be unusual. ===== Abilities and skills: ===== Enhanced strength, reflexes and senses, enhanced vocals, photographic memory, expert guitarist and bassist, skilled in hand-to-hand combat and the use of firearms ===== Important assets: ===== (house, car, business, etc) Important assets: 2017 Thor Tuscany RV, savings, various small caliber arms ===== Likes and Dislikes: ===== Likes: Music of almost all kinds, dancing, hanging out with other artists, collecting and rescuing guitars, thrift shops, antique stores, coffee houses, nightclubs, listening to Sinatra and the Rat Pack, hosting his radio program. Dislikes: Politics, noise pretending to be music, mistreating of instruments, anti-vampire bigotism, hatemongering, too many radio commercials ===== Background: ===== The retired lead singer and backup guitarist of Grey River, Weston Grey has been a musician since the American Civil War when he was turned by a southern Belle with that all too familiar taste for human blood. Over the years he has always kept his last name but every few decades he would adopt another first name to avoid suspicion by officials when he traveled the country. He continued this trend in both World Wars when he was drafted as a radio man. After returning home he continued to live as a musician, ultimately starting the all-vampire band Grey River in 1973 with friends he’d accumulated during the wars they were in. When the vampires went public in 2014 the members of Grey River hid their savings, prepared legal documentation and broke their contract with music mogul and band manager Dom Sneese by exploiting the contract’s death clause. The party was over and the band broke up to go their separate ways in search of their place in the uncertain world. With the truth out about vampires Wes took to using his real name again, went off the grid and traveled the country up until September of 2016 when he bought a new high end RV and set it up to be a radio station on the go. Deciding it was time for a change of pace Wes packed up and headed west driving from Orlando to Lake Harmony, Iowa to see what all the hubbub was about. The man behind the late night satellite radio show Nocturne was coming to what was becoming ground zero for vampire advocacy. He’s always on the lookout for music with soul, regardless of who or what the performers may be. Weston has a substantial amount of money saved up from the span of his lifetime but he doesn’t flaunt it, his RV is his only major splurge in the last couple hundred years or so.