====== Marie Ravenwood ====== {{:rpg:lake_harmony:roster:545e72614fb02124d9d45fa2aec09471.jpg?200|}} ===== Name: ===== Marie Ravenwood, aka "Ravenna" ===== Species: ===== Vampire ===== Gender identity: ===== Female ===== Orientation: ===== Demisexual ===== Important Relationships: ===== (indicate any NPCs associated with your character) Sired by Jacques Talvot from Kansas City to serve in his harem; has no desire to do so and has sought out Lake Harmony as a sanctuary city. ===== Description: ===== A very shy woman with brilliant blue eyes and somewhat disheveled black hair who dresses in haphazard thrift-store clothing. Always carries at least one sharp object whenever possible. ===== Abilities and skills: ===== Basic vampiric abilities; diablerism (can acquire other powers by consuming empowered blood); urban exploration and survival. ===== Important assets: ===== (house, car, business, etc) Has very few personal assets and no permanent residence. ===== Likes and Dislikes: ===== * Likes: reading, games, quiet conversation * Dislikes: eating people, violence, torture ===== Background: ===== (Need to flesh this out further) Marie was sired to serve the sexual needs of Jacques Talvot, but managed to escape his clutches. She has come to Lake Harmony to seek sanctuary, but has no real power or property as she has been declared legally dead in Kansas City due to her transformation.