====== The LabArc Cinematic Unisystem Compilation ====== Note that this wiki is cadged together from official, unofficial, and homebrew sources for personal use. Your mileage may vary. Originally done up to give a basic adventure structure to an otherwise freeform game experience, LACUC (try saying that in public) is based on a variety of sources, but most specifically the style of Cinematic Unisystem used in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer RPG game set. * [[:rpg:lacuc:chapter01|Chapter 01: Basic Conventions]] * [[:rpg:lacuc:chapter02|Chapter 02: Building Character]] * [[:rpg:lacuc:chapter03|Chapter 03: The Rules of the Game]] * [[:rpg:lacuc:chapter04|Chapter 04: Combat and Maneuvers]] * [[:rpg:lacuc:chapter05|Chapter 05: The Drama Point System]] * [[:rpg:lacuc:chapter06|Chapter 06: Cinematic Battle System]] * [[:rpg:lacuc:chapter07|Chapter 07: Experience and Improvement]] * [[:rpg:lacuc:chapter08|Chapter 08: Magic, Psionics, and Metapowers]] * [[:rpg:lacuc:chapter09|Chapter 09: Superscience and Enchantment]] * [[:rpg:lacuc:chapter10|Chapter 10: Cabals, Covens, and Agencies]] * [[:rpg:lacuc:chapter11|Chapter 11: Something Wicked]] * [[:rpg:lacuc:chapter12|Chapter 12: Weapons, Armor, Equipment, and Loot]] * [[:rpg:lacuc:chapter13|Chapter 13: Options and Extras]] * [[:rpg:lacuc:appendix01|Appendix I: Tables and Charts]] * [[:rpg:lacuc:appendix01|Appendix II: Mystical Symbolism]] * [[:rpg:lacuc:suggestions|Suggestions]]