====== PokeBalls ====== PokeBalls are an innovative technology that allows anyone from the very young to the elderly to control and command the phenomenal creatures known as Pokemon without prior efforts at breeding and domestication. PokeBalls are bonded to Pokemon either by being used to capture them, or through a ceremonial show of trust between owner and Pokemon. However, there is an avid market in Pokemon... and as such, Pokemon are often traded on the marketplace for vast sums of money if they are of agricultural or military significance. Typically, PokeBalls are sold only to licensed Trainers (and, generally, registered Breeders). However, Pokemon (particularly baby Pokemon, wild Pokemon, and domesticated Pokemon) are not always connected to a PokeBall, and as such some individuals may be seen in the company of humans without Pokeballs. ==== PokeBall Terminology ==== PokeBalls are traditionally referred to in terms of Catch Rate, which is the relative chances of a PokeBall successfully capturing a Pokemon under ideal circumstances. However, in practice, Kyrael uses different rules, and as such, Catch Rate is replaced by Catch Bonus; the bonus to the roll needed to successfully catch the Pokemon in question. A Catch Bonus of zero means that no bonus is added to the roll to make the capture. ===Catching a Pokemon, Kyrael Style=== Step 1: Throw a Pokeball at a Pokemon (requires Throwing, Throwing Art, or DX.) Step 2: The Pokemon must fail to Dodge (because it is distracted by an enemy Pokemon, not paying attention, or just not great at Dodging. Slower Pokemon are more likely to fail at Dodging.) Step 3: The Pokeball attempts to entrap the Pokemon in a capture field of highly energized particles. This is resisted by the HT of the Pokemon, minus a penalty based on the severity of the Pokemon's injuries and status and the Catch Bonus of the ball. (More notes on this later.) On a critical success of the Trainer's Throwing skill, a Critical Capture ensues; only check HT once and skip to step 8 on any failure by the Pokemon. Step 4: If the first roll fails, the Pokemon disappears from the combat, temporarily encased by the device. The light on the button pulses once. If it critically fails at any time, the Pokemon disappears and skip immediately to step 8. This step takes one full second; if there is other combat proceeding, it continues in the background. Step 5: Make a second HT roll, at +1, with the previous penalties. If this succeeds, the device releases the Pokemon, in the same state it was when it went in. If it fails, the light on the button pulses a second time, and the Pokemon remains trapped for another second. Step 6: Make a third HT roll, at +2, with the previous penalties. If this succeeds, the device releases the Pokemon, in the same state it was when it went in. If it fails, the light on the button pulses a third time, and the Pokemon remains trapped for another second. Step 7: Make a final HT roll, at +4, with the previous penalties. If this succeeds, the device releases the Pokemon, in the same state it was when it went in. If it fails, proceed to step 8. Step 8: The light on the button pulses green, and the Pokemon is successfully caught. Congratulations! [This process may be simplified in later drafts, so that the degree of success / failure of the initial HT roll controls how many pulses it takes for the creature to break out, if at all. However, it does take actual time between pulses.] ===Pokeball Stats=== Catch Bonus: A general indicator of how much more likely a ball is to catch someone. Based on catch rate, 1x = +0, 1.5x = +1, etc. Adjust later to match catch technique. HT: Pokeballs can be broken (usually by a Pokemon attempting to escape capture); this makes the ball strength significant. A broken Pokeball is not capable of catching anything. $: How much a Pokeball costs in zenny. $1 GURPS is about $10 Zenny, maybe? Figure this out later, just note proportions for now. ====PokeBall Types==== === PokeBall === {{:rpg:kyrael:poke_ball.png|}} A standard PokeBall, such as one might give to a young would-be trainer. Inexpensive, and often sold in 10-packs. Fairly cheap and fragile, they often need replacing. Catch Bonus +0. HT 10. $200. === Great Ball === {{:rpg:kyrael:great_ball.png|}} A good, high-performance PokeBall sold to accomplished trainers, more resilient than a standard PokeBall. Catch Bonus +1. HT 11. $600. === Ultra Ball === {{:rpg:kyrael:ultra_ball.png|}} An ultra-performance PokeBall sold to trainers who have proven great skill, more effective than a Great Ball.. Catch Bonus +2. HT 12. $1,200. === Master Ball === {{:rpg:kyrael:master_ball.png|}} A Pokeball that is not available on the legitimate market, as its ability to tame any Pokemon is considered highly dangerous in the wrong hands. Ignores standard catch mechanics; automatically catches unregistered Pokemon if it hits and does not break on misses. HT 20. Priceless? === Safari Ball === {{:rpg:kyrael:safari_ball.png|}} A special ball used by Pokemon conservationists and adventurers. Catch Bonus +1. HT 12. [Sold in packs of 30 for $500 on Pokemon Safaris, with any remaining after the Safari returned.] === Fast Ball === {{:rpg:kyrael:fast_ball.png|}} An Apricorn-based ball designed for capturing exceptionally fast Pokemon that might otherwise flee a battle with ease. Catch Bonus +6 against Pokemon with Base Speed of 10.0 or more, otherwise Catch Bonus +0. HT 10. $???. [Crafted using a White Apricorn.] === Level Ball === {{:rpg:kyrael:level_ball.png|}} An Apricorn-based ball designed to capture Pokemon intimidated by your field Pokemon's power level. Catch Bonus +0 against Pokemon with greater point value than yours; +2 against Pokemon if your Pokemon has a greater point value but less than double that of the target Pokemon; +6 against Pokemon if your Pokemon has at least twice as many points as the target Pokemon (but less than 4x); +10 against Pokemon if your Pokemon has 4x or more points than the target Pokemon. HT 10. $???. [Crafted using a Red Apricorn.] === Lure Ball === {{:rpg:kyrael:lure_ball.png|}} An Apricorn-based ball designed to capture Pokemon during fishing encounters. Catch Bonus +6 against Pokemon encountered on a fishing rod; Catch Bonus +0 otherwise. HT 10. $???. [Crafted using a Blue Apricorn.] === Heavy Ball === {{:rpg:kyrael:heavy_ball.png|}} An Apricorn-based ball designed to capture particularly large Pokemon, based on weight. [Base on Size Modifier instead? Depends on how Size Modifier works out.] Catch Bonus -2 if weight is under 220 lbs, +0 if 220 to 440 lbs, +2 if 440 to 660 lbs, +4 for 660 to 880 lbs, and +6 for larger Pokemon. HT 10. $???. [Crafted using a Black Apricorn.] === Love Ball === {{:rpg:kyrael:love_ball.png|}} An Apricorn-based ball designed to capture Pokemon that might be attracted to your Pokemon. Gives a massive +6 to Catch Bonus if your Pokemon is of the appropriate gender and species; i.e. capable of breeding an Egg together. HT 10. $???. [Crafted using a Pink Apricorn.] === Friend Ball === {{:rpg:kyrael:friend_ball.png|}} An Apricorn-based ball designed to make a Pokemon captured by it more friendly towards the user. Catch Bonus is +0, but any Pokemon caught by a Friend Ball (not transferred) has a [https://gurps.fandom.com/wiki/Loyalty|Loyalty] set to 15 instead of 10. HT 10. $???. [Crafted using a Green Apricorn.] === Moon Ball === {{:rpg:kyrael:moon_ball.png|}} An Apricorn-based ball designed to succeed against Pokemon with evolutions tied to the moon. Catch Bonus is +0, unless the target Pokemon can evolve using a Moon Stone, in which case Catch Bonus is +6. HT 10. $???. [Crafted using a Yellow Apricorn.] === Sport Ball === {{:rpg:kyrael:sport_ball.png|}} A special regional Pokeball used in Bug-Catching Tournaments. Usually only used as part of the competition, with Pokemon being transferred to regular PokeBalls after the tournament. Catch Bonus is +1. HT 12. $???. [Tournament use only, designed to be reused.] === Net Ball === {{:rpg:kyrael:net_ball.png|}} A regional Pokeball that is very useful against Bug and Water Pokemon. Catch Bonus +5 if Pokemon is Bug- or Water- type, +0 otherwise. HT 11. $1,000. === Nest Ball === {{:rpg:kyrael:nest_ball.png|}} A Pokeball that is more effective at capturing weaker Pokemon. Catch Bonus +6 if Pokemon is 0 points or lower, +5 if 1 to 50 points, +4 if 51 to 100 points, +3 if 101 to 150 points, +2 if 151 to 200 points, +1 if 201 to 250 points, and +0 if 251 points or higher. Baby Pokemon are traditionally transferred to Nest Balls when available, as are Pokemon adopted in the wild through less formal methods than Pokemon Battling, as they are considered more comfortable for juvenile Pokemon. HT 12. $1,000. === Repeat Ball === {{:rpg:kyrael:repeat_ball.png|}} This PokeBall uses data from the National PokeDex to enhance its capture strategies. Catch Bonus is +0 unless a Pokemon of the same species has been captured before by this Trainer, in which case Catch Bonus is +5. HT 10. $1,000. === Timer Ball === {{:rpg:kyrael:timer_ball.png|}} Timer Balls are designed to provide enhanced benefits depending on when they are used in a Wild Pokemon Battle as they lock on to a particular target. Catch Bonus is +6 if 30 seconds or more have passed, +5 at 25 seconds, +4 at 20 seconds, +3 at 15 seconds, +2 at 10 seconds, +1 at 5 seconds, and no bonus at less than five seconds after a battle has begun. HT 10. $1,000. === Luxury Ball === {{:rpg:kyrael:luxury_ball.png|}} This deluxe PokeBall is designed to be comfortable and pleasant for its occupant. While it has a Catch Bonus of +0, Pokemon residing in it gain Loyalty more quickly and travel in deluxe comfort. Pokemon are often transferred to a Luxury Ball to enhance their comfort and well-being. HT 12. $3,000. === Premier Ball === {{:rpg:kyrael:premier_ball.png|}} This Pokeball is issued for commemorative occasions, although the 'rare' cachet is somewhat reduced by the fact that PokeMarts traditionally provide one free Premier Ball to anyone who purchases 10 Pokeballs of any type from them, and when they are buyable on the market they are no more expensive than an ordinary PokeBall. Catch Bonus +0, HT 10, $200. === Dive Ball === {{:rpg:kyrael:dive_ball.png|}} This Pokeball is developed to capture Pokemon in, on, or under the water; against any such Pokemon, Catch Bonus is +5. However, Pokemon that are not in the water but flying above it do not receive this Catch Bonus unless somehow forced into the water; anything not in the water receives a Catch Bonus of +0. HT 12. $1,000. === Dusk Ball === {{:rpg:kyrael:dusk_ball.png|}} This Pokeball is designed to make it easier to capture Pokemon in areas of darkness - typically, at night-time or when exploring caves. As such, it receives a Catch Bonus of +4 under these circumstances, and a +0 otherwise. HT 12, $1,000. === Heal Ball === {{:rpg:kyrael:heal_ball.png|}} This remedial PokeBall is recommended for the seasoned adventurer, as it restores the health and status of any Pokemon caught using it. (Unfortunately, this does not extend to Pokemon transferred from a normal PokeBall to a Heal Ball.) Catch Bonus +0, restores all HP, FP, and ER and clears status conditions of a captured 'mon, allowing you to make use of its talents immediately. HT 10, $300. === Quick Ball === {{:rpg:kyrael:quick_ball.png|}} A Pokeball used for quick-draw artists, the Quick Ball is designed specifically to take advantage of Pokemon in a docile state, and attempts to capture them before their adrenaline can kick in. As such, it is most effective when used immediately upon spotting a Pokemon. This Pokeball provides a Catch Bonus of +5 if thrown as the first action of a Wild Pokemon Battle. HT 10, $1,000. === Cherish Ball === {{:rpg:kyrael:cherish_ball.png|}} A quite rare PokéBall that has been specially crafted to commemorate an occasion of some sort. Catch Bonus +0, HT 15, $???. [Normally unbuyable, used to carry important Pokemon of significance.] === Park Ball === {{:rpg:kyrael:park_ball.png|}} A special PokeBall designed for use in the Practice Park; this temporarily captures Pokemon without fail but does not separate them from their original Pokeball (instead transferring ball and ownership to the new owner after a Practice Session as if they traded for the Pokemon normally.) Automatically catches a Pokemon on a successful hit, HT 8, $???. [Not meant for public distribution.] === Dream Ball === {{:rpg:kyrael:dream_ball.png|}} A special PokeBall that is designed to capture sleeping Pokemon more easily, found somewhere within a dream world, or so the legends go. Seems to appear to those who make a connection to Pokemon through dreams so that they can be caught. Nobody understands why, but these Pokeballs allow Pokemon from the Dream World to join the world of the dreamer. Catch Bonus +6 against sleeping Pokemon in the normal world, Catch Bonus +0 otherwise. HT 12, $???. [Not usually found outside of the Dream World; automatically captures Pokemon in the Dream World.] === Beast Ball === {{:rpg:kyrael:beast_ball.png|}} A Pokeball specially designed to capture extradimensional entities. Against such beings, it has a Catch Bonus of +8. However, against normal Pokemon, it has a Catch Bonus of -8. The most commonly known extradimensional Pokemon are referred to as Ultra Beasts and are part of the National PokeDex. === Strange Ball === {{:rpg:kyrael:strange_ball.png|}} A placeholder graphic for Pokeballs unrecognized by the Pokeball ID System. === Secure Ball === This PokeBall is made to be particularly hard to break into, and Pokemon connected to it resist capture attempts more readily than usual, even against Snag Balls and similar equipment. Catch Bonus +0, HT 15, $5000. === Squirt Ball === This Pokeball allows you to blast the Pokemon connected to the Pokeball with a high-pressure spray of water when the trigger button is pressed. This counts as the Trainer's move in a battle, inflicts direct Water-type damage equal to 1/12th their Max Hit Points (to a maximum of 10), and removes the effect of conditions like Mud Slap or Sand Attack. If the attack inflicts damage, it lets you add a +2 bonus to Intimidate checks made this round to make the Pokemon obey orders. It also will gradually lower your Pokemon's Loyalty, as it is very annoying to those who don't absorb Water damage. Catch Bonus -2, HT 12, $2,000. === Mindblast Ball === This Pokeball allows you to psychically blast the Pokemon connected to the Pokeball when the trigger button is pressed. This counts as the Trainer's move in a battle, inflicts direct Psychic-type damage equal to 1/12th their Max Hit Points (to a maximum of 10), cures Confusion, and costs them their next action as if a healing item had been used on them. If the attack inflicts damage, it lets you add a +2 bonus to Intimidate checks made this round to make the Pokemon obey orders. It also will quickly lower your Pokemon's Loyalty, as it is very painful. Catch Bonus -2, HT 12, $2,000. === Shock Ball === This Pokeball allows you to electrically shock the Pokemon connected to the Pokeball when the trigger button is pressed. This counts as the Trainer's move in a battle, inflicts direct Electric-type damage equal to 1/12th their Max Hit Points (to a maximum of 10), cures Sleep, and costs them their next action as if a healing item had been used on them. If the attack inflicts damage, it lets you add a +2 bonus to Intimidate checks made this round to make the Pokemon obey orders. It also will quickly lower your Pokemon's Loyalty, as it is very painful. Catch Bonus -2, HT 12, $2,000. === Prison Ball === A Pokeball used to incarcerate rogue Pokemon. It cannot be opened without a key combination. Pokemon trapped in this way have no loyalty to the captor and still respond normally to their original Pokeball if released. Catch Bonus +2, can capture non-wild Pokemon. HT 15, $10,000. === Solitary Ball === A Pokeball used to incarcerate extremely dangerous Pokemon. It cannot be opened directly, and can only transfer its contents to electronic storage. Meant for bringing extremely dangerous Pokemon or individuals into custody. Pokemon trapped in this way have no loyalty to the captor and still respond normally to their original Pokeball if released. Catch Bonus +4, can capture non-wild Pokemon. HT 20, $50,000. === Delete Ball === This Pokeball attempts to ensnare a Pokemon in electronic storage and then delete them from existence. As such, it is considered a use of lethal force for all intents and purposes, and thus only brought out when facing truly destructive entities who are an active threat to society at large. Pokemon contest this attempt on their existence with a contest of their HT vs the ball's HT. Catch Bonus +0, can capture non-wild Pokemon. HT 20, $100,000. === Snag Ball === This Pokeball is specifically designed to capture pre-owned Pokemon, as opposed to Pokeballs modified by a Snag Machine. Catch Bonus +0, can capture non-wild Pokemon. HT 10, $2,500. === Pester Ball === This releases a noxious pheromone burst on impact that can drive off or even knock out Pokemon. It is generally single-use. Cannot Catch a Pokemon, but has a chance of driving it off (if it fails a Will roll) or knocking it out (if it critically fails). HT 8; tends to break after one use. $100. === Kidnap Ball === This black-market ball can kidnap people or Pokemon, hence the name. Pokemon trapped in this way have no loyalty to the captor and still respond normally to their original Pokeball if released. People trapped in this way are effectively in suspended animation until released. Catch Bonus +0, can Catch humans! HT 12, $20,000. === Storage Ball === This stores up to 100 pounds of mass into a Pokeball-sized package, allowing for ease of transport, instead of a Pokemon. Cannot Catch a Pokemon. HT 10, $100. === Bulk Storage Ball === This is a sturdier ball that can hold larger objects, up to 500 pounds of mass, instead of a Pokemon. Cannot Catch a Pokemon. HT 12, $100. === Mass Storage Ball === This is a very sturdy ball that can transport up to 2000 pounds of mass, instead of a Pokemon. Cannot Catch a Pokemon. HT 14, $5,000.