====== Kyrael MovePedia ====== This contains the assorted moves a Pokemon may learn translated into GURPS-speak. Of greatest importance: Alternate Abilities: Pokemon are assumed to only use one ability at a time; ie, if they're using Growl they cannot simultaneously use Tail Whip. Rule of Four: Most Pokemon are bound to remember a maximum of four moves, limiting their overall power level by limiting the number of moves they have to keep track of. This may not necessarily be the case in Kyrael, but it's useful for sorting out point totals. Damage Types: For purposes of damage, all types inflict Crushing thrust damage. However, all Pokemon suffer additional or less damage from appropriate elements; for example, a Water attack inflicts half damage on a Grass type. This does not imply a separate Weakness or Dread, this is just part of the way Pokemon work. On a critical hit, all types inflict Crushing swing damage. Move Category: Move Category is either Physical, Special, or Other, which determines what attribute to use when determining final damage. Move Power: Final damage takes the original value and reduces it; 10 is the lowest power level, and inflicts 1d damage plus the damage of the move itself. For every 10 points, add 1d. For 5 points, add +2. Move Accuracy: 100 is no penalty to hit; each 5 off is a -1 to hit. Attacks that never miss are noted with a *. Move PP: This ranges from 5 to 40 typically. Divide 40 by PP and round to determine ER used per Move. Typically, a Pokemon has an ER equal to 40 per move. Makes contact: Some moves require physical contact, which may have negative effects where noted. Move Target: Some moves target multiple Pokemon, where this is the case it shall be noted. And now, on to the moves! ====Growl==== ^ Move ^ Effects ^ GURPS Notes ^ | Growl | The user growls in an endearing way, making opposing Pokémon less wary. This lowers their Attack stats. | Growl lowers the target's Attack by one stage. Stats can be lowered to a minimum of -6 stages each. | | Move Type | Normal | | | Move Category | Status | | | Move Power | -- | | | Move Accuracy | 100 | No penalty to hit. | | Move PP | 40 | Costs 1 ER to use. | | Makes contact | No | No special effects. | | Move target | All adjacent foes | | | Z-Move effects | Normalium Z: When a Pokémon is holding Normalium Z and uses its Z-Power, Growl turns into Z-Growl and raises Defense one stage, in addition to its usual effect as above. | | ====Tackle==== ^ Move ^ Effects ^ GURPS Notes ^ | Tackle | A physical attack in which the user charges and slams into the target with its whole body. | Tackle is one of the most common and basic moves a Pokémon learns. It deals damage with no additional effects. | | Move Type | Normal | | | Move Category | Physical | | | Move Power | 40 | 4d damage + P.ST | | Move Accuracy | 100 | No penalty to hit. | | Move PP | 35 | Costs 1 ER to use. | | Makes contact | No | No special effects. | | Move target | One adjacent foes | | | Z-Move effects | When a Pokémon is holding Normalium Z and uses its Z-Power, Tackle turns into Breakneck Blitz and has base power 100. | | ====Vine Whip==== ^ Move ^ Effects ^ GURPS Notes ^ | Vine Whip | The target is struck with slender, whiplike vines to inflict damage. | Vine Whip deals damage with no additional effect. | | Move Type | Grass | | | Move Category | Physical | | | Move Power | 45 | 4d+2 damage + P.ST | | Move Accuracy | 100 | No penalty to hit. | | Move PP | 25 | Costs 2 ER to use. | | Makes contact | Yes | | | Move target | One adjacent Pokemon | | | Z-Move effects | When a Pokémon is holding Grassium Z and uses its Z-Power, Vine Whip turns into Bloom Doom and has base power 100. | | ====Growth==== ^ Move ^ Effects ^ GURPS Notes ^ | Growth | The user’s body grows all at once, boosting the Attack and Sp. Atk stats. | Growth raises the user's Attack and Special Attack by one stage each. During harsh sunlight it raises each stat by two stages. Stats can be raised to a maximum of +6 stages each. | | Move Type | Normal | | | Move Category | Status | | | Move Power | -- | None. | | Move Accuracy | -- | Always works. | | Move PP | 20 | Costs 2 ER to use. | | Makes contact | No | | | Move target | The user | | | Z-Move effects | When a Pokémon is holding Normalium Z and uses its Z-Power, Growth turns into Z-Growth and raises Special Attack one stage, in addition to its usual effect as above. | | ====Scratch==== ^ Move ^ Effects ^ GURPS Notes ^ | Scratch | Hard, pointed, sharp claws rake the target to inflict damage. | Scratch is one of the most common and basic moves a Pokémon learns. It deals damage with no additional effects. | | Move Type | Normal | | | Move Category | Status | | | Move Power | 40 | 4d damage + P.ST | | Move Accuracy | 100 | No penalty to hit. | | Move PP | 40 | Costs 1 ER to use. | | Makes contact | Yes | | | Move target | One adjacent Pokemon | | | Z-Move effects | When a Pokémon is holding Normalium Z and uses its Z-Power, Scratch turns into Breakneck Blitz and has base power 100. | | ====Ember==== ^ Move ^ Effects ^ GURPS Notes ^ | Ember | The target is attacked with small flames. This may also leave the target with a burn. | Ember deals damage and has a 10% chance of burning the target. Fire type Pokémon, those with the ability Water Veil or those behind a Substitute cannot be burned. | | Move Type | Fire | | | Move Category | Special | | | Move Power | 40 | 4d damage + S.ST | | Move Accuracy | 100 | No penalty to hit. | | Move PP | 25 | Costs 2 ER to use. | | Makes contact | No | | | Move target | One adjacent Pokemon | | | Z-Move effects | When a Pokémon is holding Firium Z and uses its Z-Power, Ember turns into Inferno Overdrive and has base power 100. | | ====Smokescreen==== ^ Move ^ Effects ^ GURPS Notes ^ | Smokescreen | The user releases an obscuring cloud of smoke or ink. This lowers the target’s accuracy. | Smokescreen lowers the target's Accuracy by one stage. Stats can be lowered to a minimum of -6 stages each. Pokémon with the abilities Keen Eye, Clear Body or White Smoke cannot have their accuracy reduced. | | Move Type | Normal | | | Move Category | Status | | | Move Power | -- | None | | Move Accuracy | 100 | No penalty to hit. | | Move PP | 20 | Costs 2 ER to use. | | Makes contact | No | | | Move target | One adjacent Pokemon | | | Z-Move effects | When a Pokémon is holding Normalium Z and uses its Z-Power, Smokescreen turns into Z-Smokescreen and raises Evasiveness one stage, in addition to its usual effect as above. | | ====Tail Whip==== ^ Move ^ Effects ^ GURPS Notes ^ | Tail Whip | The user wags its tail cutely, making opposing Pokémon less wary. This lowers their Defense stats. | Tail Whip lowers the target's Defense by one stage. Stats can be lowered to a minimum of -6 stages each. | | Move Type | Normal | | | Move Category | Status | | | Move Power | -- | None | | Move Accuracy | -- | No penalty to hit. | | Move PP | 30 | Costs 1 ER to use. | | Makes contact | No | | | Move target | All adjacent foes | | | Z-Move effects | When a Pokémon is holding Normalium Z and uses its Z-Power, Tail Whip turns into Z-Tail Whip and raises Attack one stage, in addition to its usual effect as above. | | ====Water Gun==== ^ Move ^ Effects ^ GURPS Notes ^ | Water Gun | The target is blasted with a forceful shot of water. | Water Gun deals damage with no additional effect. | | Move Type | Water | | Move Category | Special | | Move Power | 40 | 4d damage + S.ST | | Move Accuracy | 100 | No penalty to hit. | | Move PP | 25 | Costs 2 ER to use. | | Makes contact | No | | Move target | One adjacent Pokemon | | Z-Move effects | When a Pokémon is holding Waterium Z and uses its Z-Power, Water Gun turns into Hydro Vortex and has base power 100. | ====Withdraw==== ^ Move ^ Effects ^ GURPS Notes ^ | Withdraw | The user withdraws its body into its hard shell, boosting its Defense stat. | Withdraw raises the user's Defense by one stage. Stats can be raised to a maximum of +6 stages each. | | Move Type | Water | | | Move Category | Status | | | Move Power | -- | None | | Move Accuracy | -- | Always works. | | Move PP | 40 | Costs 1 ER to use. | | Makes contact | No | | | Move target | The user | | | Z-Move effects | When a Pokémon is holding Waterium Z and uses its Z-Power, Withdraw turns into Z-Withdraw and raises Defense one stage, in addition to its usual effect as above. | | ====Absorb==== ^ Move ^ Effects ^ GURPS Notes ^ | Absorb | A nutrient-draining attack. The user’s HP is restored by up to half the damage taken by the target. | Absorb deals damage and the user will recover 50% of the HP drained. If the user is holding a Big Root, the move instead recovers 65% of the damage dealt (30% more than normal). If used on a Pokémon with the ability Liquid Ooze, the user instead loses the HP it would have otherwise gained. | | Move Type | Grass | | | Move Category | Special | | | Move Power | 20 | 2d damage + S.ST | | Move Accuracy | 100 | No penalty to hit. | | Move PP | 25 | Costs 2 ER to use. | | Makes contact | No | | | Move target | Single adjacent Pokemon | | | Z-Move effects | When a Pokémon is holding Grassium Z and uses its Z-Power, Absorb turns into Bloom Doom and has base power 100. | | ====Accelerock==== ^ Move ^ Effects ^ GURPS Notes ^ | Accelerock | The user smashes into the target at high speed. This move always goes first. | Accelerock deals damage and has high priority. Moves with a higher priority always go first, regardless of a Pokémon's speed. If two moves with the same priority are used, the faster Pokémon goes first as usual. | | Move Type | Rock | | | Move Category | Physical | | | Move Power | 40 | 4d damage + P.ST | | Move Accuracy | 100 | No penalty to hit. | | Move PP | 20 | Costs 2 ER to use. | | Move Priority | +1 | Adds +10? to effective Spd for purpose of move priority. | | Makes contact | Yes | | | Move target | Single adjacent Pokemon | | | Z-Move effects | When a Pokémon is holding Rockium Z and uses its Z-Power, Accelerock turns into Continental Crush and has base power 100. | | ====Acid==== ^ Move ^ Effects ^ GURPS Notes ^ | Acid | Opposing Pokémon are attacked with a spray of harsh acid. This may also lower their Sp. Def stats. | Acid deals damage and has a 10% chance of lowering the target's Special Defense by one stage. Stats can be lowered to a minimum of -6 stages each. | | Move Type | Poison | | | Move Category | Special | | | Move Power | 40 | 4d damage + P.ST | | Move Accuracy | 100 | No penalty to hit. | | Move PP | 30 | Costs 1 ER to use. | | Makes contact | No | | | Move target | All adjacent foes | | | Z-Move effects | When a Pokémon is holding Poisonium Z and uses its Z-Power, Acid turns into Acid Downpour and has base power 100. | |