====== Just One Little Thing ====== Phandalin - Townspeople of Note: * Mayor Haldir Wristblade: 5th level rogue, wearer (and user) of the eponymous wristblades. Seemingly gentle in demeanor, but deadly when you threaten his town. * Andrew Qwilleran: 3rd level rogue, a scout for the town who works as a farmer with his family on the fields near the Druid's Grove. * Lucille Bartlett: 3rd level fighter, more combatant side of Bartlett's Supplies. Mercenary in nature. * Rowan Ash: 3rd level ranger, also the local orchard-grower for the town. Makes the popular Faerie's Fire cider. * Ashiki the Druid: 5th level druid, caretaker of a shrine to Darun. Owes the party her life. * Sultana the Dryad: Lives with a tree at the Dryad's Den, hopes to heal it and rebond with it. Gravesford - Townspeople of Note: * Pinna: Wizard and self-styled alchemist who makes all sorts of potions and concoctions, and gives shows to the townspeople for fun. Very friendly, supplied group with a harvesting kit. Current Allies: * Glikz and Strar, hobgoblin level 5 warriors. AC 18 (chain mail and shield), HP 39, Str 15, Save STR +5, +7 to hit, Attacker: +2 to rolls, Imp. Critical (19-20), Second Wind (1d10+5 HP), Perception +2, Survival +2, both have light crossbows. * Cricket, lvl 5 spellcaster: prodigy Sprite * AC 16, HP 12 * Spd 10 ft Fly 40 ft * Str 3 (-4) Dex 20 (+5) Con 10 (+0) Int 14 (+2) Wis 13 (+1) Cha 11 (+0) * Skills: Perception +4, Stealth +11 (exp) * Prof Bonus: +3 * Languages: Common, Elvish, Sylvan * Actions: Longsword +3 to hit, reach 5 ft, 1d1 slashing damage * Shortbow +8 to hit, reach 40/160 ft, one target, 1d1 piercing damage, plus save vs DC 10 Constitution or become poisoned for one minute; if save is 5 or lower, fall unconscious for same duration or until shaken awake/taking damage. * Heart Sight. The sprite touches a creature and magically knows the creature's current emotional state. If the target fails a DC 10 Charisma saving throw, the sprite also knows the creature's alignment. Celestials, fiends, and undead automatically fail the saving throw. * Invisibility. The sprite magically turns invisible until it attacks or casts a spell, or until its concentration ends (as if concentrating on a spell). Any equipment the sprite wears or carries is invisible with it. * 3 cantrips: Fire Bolt, Light, Message * 3 1st lvl spells: Healing Word, Dissonant Whispers, Faerie Fire, * 1 2nd lvl spell: Invisibility * 4 1st lvl spell slots, 2 2nd lvl spell slots * Sam and Rebecca, werefoxes. Rebecca has +1 sword (can cast light), Sam has regular sword, both have light crossbows. Both are looking to buy a farm with their share of the treasure. * Biter, Scrag, Tricks, Pretty, and Owl, goblins. Owl can cast firebolt. Biter can speak Common. * Rick the Owlbear, Sprig's Steed. * Armor Class 13 (natural armor) * Hit Points 59 (7d10 + 21) * Speed 40 ft. * STR 20 (+5) DEX 12 (+1) CON 17 (+3) INT 3 (-4) WIS 12 (+1) CHA 7 (-2) * Skills Perception +3 * Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 13 * Proficiency Bonus +2 * Keen Sight and Smell. The owlbear has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight or smell. * Actions: Multiattack. The owlbear makes two attacks: one with its beak and one with its claws. * Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 10 (1d10 + 5) piercing damage. * Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) slashing damage. Current Holdings: * The Dryad's Den, level 1 Establishment. * An establishment generates gold every season (three months), equal to 1,000 gp times your establishment level. You can also spend gold to make a special Gather Intel check, to 'learn' rumors about quests you may be going on, organizations that are ostensibly neutral to you, etc., once per establishment level per season. * The Huntsmen's Manor, level 1 Keep. * Research Lair. The bookcase contains a number of arcane books, some historical texts, and some treatises on nature and the fey in particular. They look like excellent research materials. (If you use this library for Arcana, History, or Nature checks, you can roll an extra d4 and add it to your skill check, and some checks may be easier. This only works when you have this library available and have time to commit to research.) * Attracts followers and troops! Though it has no troops now, it can have them if someone is willing to organize such. * The Wave Echo Cave. 12% of profits! Magic Items: * Lute of Beguiling: Requires attunement by someone who can play the lute. You can play it to compel someone to take actions, by using the lute to charm them (DC 15 Charisma save to resist; DC 20 vs creatures with the fey descriptor). The charm works for as long as the lute is played. If successfully resisted it instead inflicts 1d4 damage per round the would be charmed attempts to disobey any order given by you by burning their feet. The lute can also be played normally, and adds a +2 to the skill roll of a trained performer while playing it. Currently owned by Loke. * Instructions: Mending cantrip. Can be used to learn or replace an existing cantrip. In the possession of Loke. * Lockpicks +1: A set of thieves' tools that give a +1 to lockpicking attempts. Currently owned by Katie. * Two alchemical treatises with recipes: Contains some common recipes for potions, including healing potions; detailed instruction provides a +1d4 to crafting checks. * 50 flasks of alchemist's fire Current Forces: * Greg the Nothic: A well-mannered nothic that believes he's still people, sort of. {{:rpg:just_one_little_thing:greg_the_nothic.jpeg?100|}} * Iocene: 12 seasoned royal guardsmen (+5), 14 green rebels (+2), 10 green loyalists (+0), two ex-priests (-2), 10 goblins, 12 hobgoblins, 4 bugbears * Current Hirelings: * William Qwilleran: Manor doorman. 2 silver/day. * Claudia Miller: Maidservant. 2 silver/day. * Master Chef Adamas: 5th level fighter. Works at the Dryad's Den as its Chef. 3 gold/day. * Seven unnamed individuals: 1st level fighters. Work as Adamas's assistants. 5 silver/day. Armory Contents: * 2 sets of chainmail * 6 sets of brigandine (AC 14+2 Dex max) * 6 shortswords * 2 longswords * 4 battleaxes * 6 crossbar spears (special: on a hit can stop movement towards wielder) * 4 longbows * 2 shortbows * 100 arrows * 2 light crossbows * 40 bolts Current Party Loot: 3 pp, 3 gp, 3 ep, 1 sp, 5 copper, a vial of ingested poison (DC 16, 1d10 dmg per minute for 10 minutes), a bottle of healing potion (1 dose), Two pearls for identify spells, Potion of vitality. Three diamonds worth 100 gp each. Harvesting kit and manual. Spectacles worth 100 gp (see small print). Jar of smoky oil (4 flasks). Fire beetle lights (9). Mining picks (5). An amethyst (100 gp), a jade (100 gp), a blue spinel (500 gp) and a blue sapphire (1000 gp). A half-full waterskin, one day's rations, two torches. Scale mail, broadsword, water bottle, 40 gp, 135 sp. Wooden holy symbol of Gorm (lightning bolt). 4 500gp peridots. Gems worth 3000 gp. Potion of invisibility. Jeweled necklace worth 1500 gp. Two jeweled bracelets each worth 600 gp. Jeweled necklace worth 700 gp (gold and silver, rubies and garnets). 7110gp. 60 cp. 2000 ep, 3040 sp, 26 gems worth a total of 3100 gp, and six pieces of jewelry worth 6000 gp total. scroll of Saga of Aeth (account of the fall of Iocene by Zargon), ring of fire resistance, scroll of levitate, scroll of comprehend languages. Scroll of the Barbarians of Iocene (description of the culture of the barbarian Helgath tribes that mostly destroyed Iocene), map of Iocene dated 27 IR, scroll of purify food and drink, scroll of remove curse. Aeth (skull). Alchemical Ingredients: * Carrion Crawler Poison Gland * Carrion Crawler Brain * Carrion Crawler Chitin * Brown and yellow giant constrictor snakeskin (36 sq. ft.) * Two giant constrictor snake skulls Kitchen Coin Jar: * 2 electrum, 29 silver and 549 copper. Neutral: * Sir Yorick of Eastbridge is in charge of the Forgotten Castle, known such because it is a rundown ruin of its former self. It has a token guard force of at least 50, and has troops that can be rallied in times of war. Sir Yorick is mostly neutral to the party at the moment, and is a minor potential ally. * Iocene has three major factions, based around the three Iocenean gods: Gorm, Usamigaras, and Madurua. The party has made contact with the Gorm faction and is allied with them, after initial misunderstandings. * The party now has a base in the underground city of Iocene, with training facilities, barracks, etc. Adversaries: * The Huntsmen: * Were formerly Phandalin's major supplier of meat (hunted locally); however, it's been since discovered that they also supplemented their own diets by plundering passing merchants (including shipments from or to the town's general store), and even selling them into slavery. * Have broader influence than Phandalin, according to those in the know, and believe in their own form of 'law and order' that mostly benefits them and their sharply limited view of human males as the dominant species and gender. They seem to be a major power of Lord Saxton. * The Viper was actually Sir Alfred of Eastbridge, Sir Yorick's son. Sir Yorick is now aware of the Viper's true identity. * The Viper had a spy working for him known as Vyerith. Vyerith was willing to stand down on seizing the copy of the Wave Echo Map and give information on the Viper's activities for money. * Apparently, the local King is named Eston the Third, the Baron is named Edward of Beldegar, Lord Saxton is a lord who manages Gravesford, and Sir Pelliton is a rising star of the Knights of Three Stars, which is apparently Lord Saxton's personal shock troops. Most people don't particularly care who's in charge, though it's noted that the Knights of Three Stars are intimidating even to the people they ostensibly serve. * Iocene: The Zargonites * Worship Zargon, an evil god who dwells on the bottom level of the pyramid. His cult of followers currently outnumbers the forces of Gorm, Madurua and Usamigaras, the Iocenean gods. Locations: * Wave Echo Cave * Gunther has offered 12% of the mine's revenue to the party for helping clear it out and getting it cleaned up for use again. He has to share the income with the lord, the baron, and the king, of course. He currently has two bugbears (Fergg and Xavier) and a former Huntsman (Tim) working for him, and is hiring more staff from Gravesford to assist in rehabilitating the old mine, including a carpenter named Lydia, several miners, an enchanter, and a mason. They may be able to provide professional enchantment work upon the party's return. * Stonestop * Orcs have been massing at this location lately, possibly preparing for war. They may yet need to be dealt with. * Timberville/Ashford/Haven * This place was blasted with volcanic ash recently. Little is known about what has survived. * The party has discovered that Ashford is currently known as Haven and is used as a base of operations for a local group of slavers that apparently are connected to the slave sales in Phandalin. * This base has been commandeered by a group of rogues that are using it to fleece slavers and merchants and ransom them for money. Unclear whether this is a good idea in the long term, as they and the party came to blows over it. * Wizard's Tower * An old wizard's tower that may yet have some loot. * Highport * A major town to the northwest that is near a coastal sea. As opposed to those landlocked seas, one supposes. Mentioned by the false slavers of Haven as a place that was sending traffic their way. * Iocene * A lost city underneath a pyramid trapped in a snowcovered mountain.