====== Beam Weapons ====== * Lasers * Electrolasers * Microwave Weapons * Neural Weapons * Particle Accelerators * Sonic Weapons * Plasma Weapons * Gravity Weapons * Nucleonic Beams * Reality Disruption Beams * Psionic Beams * Options At TL8, laser technology yields the first beam weapons. All fielded designs are for use against optics – including the human eye. Technical difficulties keep lethal laser weapons experimental at best. A laser dazzler is a low-powered laser that temporarily blinds people and optical sensors. It’s intended for personal defense and riot control. It emits a Vision-based affliction in a cone; see Area and Spreading Attacks (p. B413). Only those looking in the laser’s direction are affected. Victims must make a HT-5 roll to resist; those beyond 1/2D get +3 on their roll. DR has no effect, but Protected Vision (p. B78) gives +5 and Nictitating Membrane (p. B71) confers +1/level – and anti-laser goggles (p. 71) grant both. Failure means blindness (p. B124) for minutes equal to the margin of failure. A blinding laser is a medium-powered laser that fries optics and permanently blinds people. It delivers a Visionbased affliction in a fairly narrow beam aimed at a single target – but this is still broad enough that the gunner need not specifically target the eyes (no penalty for hit location). The victim must be looking toward the laser to be affected. He gets a HT-10 roll to resist, modified as above: +3 beyond 1/2D, +5 for Protected Vision, and +1/level for Nictitating Membrane. Failure inflicts crippling blindness; see Duration of Crippling Injuries (p. B422), and remember that failure by 10+ is a critical failure (p. B348). == NORINCO ZM87 (China, 1995-2000) == The ZM87 was a tripod-mounted blinding laser. It was offered for export in the mid-1990s but banned by the United Nations Protocol on Blinding Laser Weapons. Only 22 are thought to have been made. == NORINCO QXJ04 (China, 2004-) == The 04 Shi Jiguang Xuanmu Qiang (“laser dazzler gun type 04”) looks like a bulky bullpup rifle. It has a 1-lb. 3¥ scope (+1 Acc) for aiming and a removable battery pack instead of a magazine. It uses a green laser beam. The Chinese police adopted it in 2004. === Laser Weapons Table === See pp. B268-271 for an explanation of the statistics. == BEAM WEAPONS (PROJECTOR) (DX-4 or other Beam Weapons-4) == TL Weapon Damage Acc Range Weight RoF Shots ST Bulk Rcl Cost LC Notes 8 NORINCO QXJ04 HT-5 aff 6+1 1,500/4,500 12/M 1 100(3) 8† -4 1 $15,000 3 3-yard cone == GUNNER (BEAMS) (DX-4 or other Gunner-4) == TL Weapon Damage Acc Range Empty Weight RoF Shots ST Bulk Rcl Cost LC Notes 8 NORINCO ZM87 HT-10 aff 18 3,600/11,000 77/VL 5 1,000(5) 17M -8 1 $50,000 1